Free iPhone / iPod USB Sync cable. Completely free, and free shipping. One per customer apparently.
Have fun :D
Free iPhone / iPod USB Sync cable. Completely free, and free shipping. One per customer apparently.
Have fun :D
its ended for me. try again next week
lol i get 2 confirmation emails (with different order numbers) for every one i ordered.
Yeah, I got two order confirmations too… odd…
Same here.
for every one i ordered.
How many are you ordering? O.o
lol i tried it again to see if the 2 confirmations was a once off glitch
I have 2 orders on my Order Status page, even though I only ordered one. The order numbers match the 2 emails i received.
i have two orders on the accounts page as well - one says awaiting shipment, the other says awaiting payment. this smells fishy.
All done, thanks OP!
If it's free I'll be in it!
Anyone tested it to see how many they can order?
i guess the catch is registering, and then the annoying daily emails?
Yep and being as i don't need this i'm a gonna save myself the drama :)
Or just make an @gmail perminent disposable account and use it only when you want to sign up for spam ;)
Google made it easier. Just put a "." anywhere in your email address at signup.
Eg. if you are "" just use "".
Then filter anything that comes from "" to trash/spam.
don't you mean +
Both should work I assume. I didn't know bout the +. Nice!
. shouldn't work considering I can register as user@gmail and
(2 different accounts)
the google version seems great at first then you realise that a simple regex on @gmail addresses and they can filter right back to your direct email address.
use a disposible email address
First Name: DONG RONG
Last Name: WU
City: ShenZhen
Country: China" lololol
I saw the name as well. DONG RONG
Awesome possum :D
it seems as though as long as you enter a new email address you can just keep doing new orders
Doesn't even need paypal or credit card details
these guys legit?
They're giving me a free cable, they can call me anything but late for breakfast! :p
Great timing. My original Apple one was fraying. :P
10 minute mail is the answer
But i already have 100 from that other deal a few weeks ago…
So you actually received them?
yep, i was rather surprised
It seems like you MIGHT need to enter your paypal details. Cause with the two orders, one of them says PAY NOW, and leads you to a PayPal login.
Can anyone confirm this?
no need to enter paypal
Thanks OP and thank-you 10 minute mail :)
1.99 now ?
yer =\
ahhm am I missing something? free? are you sure?
u are late just changed to $1.99
no worries :)
"great deal" .. blink and its gone :)
what? it says $0.00 for me still
Expired me thinks.
nope I just followed the link and it's working for me. Banner is still on the site and all.
140mm long, good for the car :)
I'd be saying 140mm short, good for the laptop. ;)
thanks..looks like i got mine ordered just in time.
Ohh I tried again and its back working1
They must had restocked! BTW I noticed that there's this 5% off code: Payless@SIA, but guess 5% off $0 is still $0.
Great freebie. Nice and simple to register
I got two email order confirmation, either it's a glitch or what.. btw any reviews on that site?
in case who are worried if its real or fake, these guys got an ebay store:
maybe it's how they scam you to pay for the second order or else it gets canceled.
I guess you can only order one
unless you own multiple houses or arrange with friends to have them shipped there.
so is it '1 free cable per month'.. if i wait till Jan2012, i wonder if i will be able to order another free one??
Site is a little laggy, but keep prevailing - he's got 999 in stock supposedly lol
Not anymore! Definitely not real-time stock management software :P
We are sorry that too many buyers come to rush to request this free cable within 2 hours, it eat up our stock ( more than 5000pcs). We need to restock it. so the free item promotion have to stop for some hours. We will restart the promotion campaign on 10:00AM PST Dec 20th 2011.
If you need it, please come again after 10:00AM PST Dec 20th. thank you.
Ordered one. Thanks
We are sorry that too many buyers come to rush to request this free cable within 2 hours, it eat up our stock ( more than 5000pcs). We need to restock it. so the free item promotion have to stop for some hours. We will restart the promotion campaign on 10:00AM PST Dec 20th 2011.
That's what it says on the website now =(
they've probably got half as many orders as they think they do with all the double order business :)
only cause I posted on ozb… LOL
the cable is only 14cm long..
lol! all these people thinking they're getting a 1.4m / 140cm long cable.. hahaha.
Looks like they temporarily stopped the promotion. 5000 of them sold in 2 hours.
i like their photos.
easily brew up an imaginative picture of 5000 of these packages needed to be sorted.
or they can take their time and send out in 6 months.
lol poor blokes. one is stuffing the envelopes, the other is putting the label on. 5000 of them. arrrgghh!
also additional conditions for next promotion:
2. In third round (start from 5:00AM PST Dec 20th), Only buyer who places order in our store and the total order amount is more than US$2.00 can request this free cable. ( we will ship all second round promotion campaign orders about 4,700 buyers win that. All buyers who win this free cable before 3:40AM PST Dec 20th can receive your free cables with free shiping)
This isnt expired! I just ordered one :D
bugger, i missed out on the $0.01 lingerie (sold out). i would have looked nice in that!…
Dear Buyers,
The Free cable give away is Ended. As the third round promotion quantity 5,000pcs has beed sold out!
So we set best selling price USD0.69/pcs Freeshipping worldwide now.
We will start the free cables or other nice items promotion campaigns again next week. If you still like to get free one, you can visit us frequently to watch our promotion campaign notice. You can bookmark this page or our store to fast access to our promotion campaign page when you need it.
Thank you! Please Enjoy your shopping and introduce more friends come to get free cable today! Please bookmark our website and share with your friends in facebook, twitter,Linkin about this. thank you! Please tell your friends the promotion time if they also like this free cable.
69cents still pretty cheap?
Nah, not when people have received theirs, free.
anyone recieved theirs?
nope. Hope it'll come soon!
Er, nope… waste of money lol
Still waiting.
One arrived today lol. The cable is less than 4cm in length.
It came! Like k said, it's not long at all.
Yes, it come today along with $5 voucher
mine came today. it's short! $5 voucher as well
mine came today! it's very short…
the $5 voucher might come in handy someday
This came in today. I don't even remember ordering it. xD
Mine came today too. Entire cable is 14cm long, not sure how 4cm is possible as the usb head is 2.5cm itself, lol typo?
Also got $5 coupon too. "Use copon code to redeem repeatedly"- does that mean we can use code 1000 times?
is it a unique code?
nah it's not a unique code, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Has anyone successfully used the $5 discount code? My coupon came with the free cable as well but I tried ordering something today and the coupon code didn't work…
Got mine yesterday but the thing won't even plug in to my ipod touch - no wonder they were giving them away
Got it, works fine to me…
Ordered one just then, it was indeed $0 including shipping to Australia. Seems legit, thanks!