From Trump lovers or just want to know more about Trump.
$6.76 is cheaper than the paper cost itself.
From Trump lovers or just want to know more about Trump.
$6.76 is cheaper than the paper cost itself.
What does being fat have to do with being dumb?
Whoosh the joke went over your head
Looks like I’m not the only one based on the negs. You’ll have to explain because it looks like a nonsensical insult rather than a joke
I'm not buying ANYTHING that gives Trump even 1c in royalties.
I hope that you're not being deliberately offensive, so might like to try the fourth test down:…
Can’t I just take the elephant identification test that the orangutan-in-chief took?
Fake Book 👐🏻
Hands to scale, nice.
The title aptly describes his bowel movements.
You can't really be born in 89.
You have not seen (nor experienced) "fire and fury" until you have consumed a handful of the Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears. (Hint: Read the Reviews)
Best president in the history of presidents.
I think you meant precedent😉
Now that Trump is gone I have a feeling there will be lots of "deals" on books about him. The real question is how long will this gravy train keep chugging?
The real question is how long will this gravy train keep chugging?
That'll depend if he is still solvent after he meets with some of his bankers, like Deutsche Bank and his US$340 mil loan.
Isn’t he a bit tainted from the insurgency, any company or publisher would stay away from him.
any company or publisher would stay away from him
He still has a "drawing power". If he tells supporters to buy the book, they will.
Important to note that this book, was not published, or endorsed by Trump. In fact he had some pretty choice words about it when it was published.
exactly, I don’t recall any book that is endorsed by trump. Aside from the ones he “wrote” that is
I'm pretty happy for any external 3rd party to write a book about Trump or his administration. After-all, books about previous presidents have been published long after they were gone.
As long as the idiot-in-chief or his believers, or staff are not profiting from them, have at it, I reckon.
This is a good book. I read it about 14 months ago, gives good insight to his presidency and the problematic nature. Just a reminder also - this is a forum for items on sale. We dont need to hear your virtue signalling politcal beliefs OR your bullying of another human being that you dont even know personally.
I would usually agree with you regarding no bullying or personal attack. However this is DT we are talking about, who uses his position and office to bully.
but should we let that make us sink to his level of behavior?
Correct. This is the attitude that is literally ruining the world at the moment. Go on TikTok/Insta or anything and look at someone who supports something that isnt "politically correct" - Be it Trump, or keeping Australia Day on the 26th Jan. You get an entire army of people saying "I hope you die" and bullying them. I know the current fun trend is to say things to make you seem like a good person and actually doing zero about it but lets not bullying each other. Kindness is the key.
does everything related to T. have to be a big BS ?? …Retail cost of 500p of A4 is about $5 - you could priint say 5-10 of these books on it, so the 'paper cost' is more likely in cents rather than dollars :) huh
The book is tabloid trash and wouldn't be worth it if it was free. You won't learn anything from it assuming you already know Trump is a cretin who has no processes and no loyalty to anyone or anything.
LOL @ the downvotes. The low-IQ crowd in here never cease to deliver.
there are so many of these exposes of the 45th white orange house already, and i bet there are many more coming. now he is no longer an immediate problem, i don't think i care enough to read any of them.
This book was released in early 2018, examining the chaos of the first 90 days of the Trump administration. Like sixthirty, I found it an interesting read. The Mary Trump, "Too Much and Never Enough", was also an interesting read.
It's also very interesting as people have short memories and as much as they hated him (the left) prior to COVID there was very little reason to do so other than "orange man bad" media stories. Economy was on fire, no wars and he had brokered some insane peace deals…
“We dont need to hear your virtue signalling politcal beliefs”
Now who was it who made this statement?
@Boogerman: Sorry your ego was hurt from someone downvoting you but I didnt say "Trump is the best" I stated facts. That is not virtue signalling, or "beliefs"
@sixthirty: Do you know what a demagogue is?
If not, I’m pretty sure if you look it up in the dictionary you’ll find a picture of Donald J Trump. Also, if you’re wondering, the J in his name stands for genius
Bought it when it was cheaper, interesting read.
Only president to stand up to the threat posed by West Taiwan.
You mean China?
Not a bargain! TP is readily avaliable again!