This was posted 4 years 2 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Lord of The Rings Trilogy 4K UHD (Extended & Theatrical Editions) $69.30 (C&C) @ JB Hi-Fi


The return of the sale!
One deal to rule them all!
Here and back again in stock!

Looks like the 30% off sale has started. Thanks to rith for the original post.

As mentioned by Sleuth, there is an Ultimate Collector's Edition with the missing blu-ray bonus content due in the middle of 2021 if you can wait.

Amazon has joined the adventure to Mount Sale if you prefer free shipping. Thanks to FourFingers for alerting us.

JB you've done it again‽

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Keep in mind this is the version without all the special features, another edition will be coming soon. Nothing new to be included that wasn't already on the regular Blu-rays.

    • +4

      Thanks, I'll add it to the post.

    • +2

      I'm pretty sure for the 20th anniversary they'll have unique packaging, fancy artwork/some sort of written material, possibly some more unseen footage and the fact that's it the 20th anniversary collection.

      None of this has been confirmed, but I'm sure there will be some extra stuff in there (perhaps a replica ring I've read somewhere).

      • +1

        (profanity) it, just give us ALL the reel tapes at this point.

    • +2

      I wonder how much the super duper ultimate edition will be

      • Is there any pics on how new "unique packaging" gonna look like?

  • Can anyone who has watched these 4K UHD versions comment on the following article:…

    • +3

      Check out this review of the 4K trilogy to find out more on the details. Its also a 2K intermediate upscale and all the grain has been removed.

      Peter Jackson explains the changes he made for Lord of the Rings’ 4K edition

      • +1

        4k DNR Scrubbed out gandalf's staff crystal……oh shiot. They really screwed it up.

        But will get it anyways to experience the dolby atmos track, dolby vision and the ……4k super smooth cgi.

        • Doesn’t have DV unfortunately

      • "Its also a 2K intermediate upscale"

        pretty much everything went through a 2k intermediate when digital colour grading and CG VFX arrived in earnest, and they will all get the same upscaling treatment when they have their "brand new, digitally remastered 4k ultraHD buy me again please" releases.

        1080p Blu-rays are a bit like CD's, they're basically all you'll ever need on anything but the most highly specialised setups. There's a reason 2k footage can be upscaled to 4k without any appreciable (that is to say without standing 10cm away from your TV) image degradation.

    • +3

      I did, and I thought they looked fantastic - very sharp and clear, great colour and lighting. I must admit however, I'm by no means an expert on the previous releases, so there's every chance that my experience was aided by a bit of "ignorance is bliss" if there were certain scenes that were done better previously.
      And I have noticed in the reviews I've seen for this set is people either love it or hate it. There's a good video I watched that compared the various releases to this set on a few stills if it helps.

      • +1

        at least they've undone the horrific colour grading from the extended editions.

        • Yeah for sure… glad they fixed up Saruman the Green from the 2011 Blu Ray extended cut

    • +4

      Did he really complain about adding HDR?

    • +2

      Struggling to find an actual complaint/criticism in that article. It's not like anything in the narrative was changed, nor anything removed or added. Sure the CG is outdated now and is a bit more obvious, but that didn't take away anything from the experience for me. I loved watching them all again in 4K.

    • Thanks for the replies everyone. Sounds like it's a non-issue.

      If only he didn't stuff The Hobbit. Hopefully there will be some fan edits of the 4K UHD version.

      • +4

        He didn't stuff the Hobbit, he actually rescued it. The problem is that he was sent in at the last minute because it was heading towards being a train wreck. Jackson however, works best when he has lots of lead time and preparation.

        People working on the film before he took over have indicated that Jackson actually salvaged the film.

        • Ok….. if only 'they' didn't stuff The Hobbit (whoever that may be).

          The fan edits are so much better.

          • @waggat: Legal issues between studios delayed production do Del Toro left halfway through pre production.

            His version would have been interesting.

    • +1

      I don’t actually think they watched it. I’ve found the remaster is pretty true to the original grading and look. HDR is used effectively and doesn’t draw attention to itself.

    • Sometimes I wonder whether these YouTube neckbeards have ever actually watched and enjoyed a movie before…

  • Meh, i'll wait for the version with the special features

    • +10

      Thanks for the comment

      • -1

        You are welcome Sir :)

  • -1

    Thanks grabbed two sets

    • Two? May I know why?

  • +1

    I am tempted to buy, but then I need to buy a Blu-ray player capable of HDR and Atmos…
    Any recommendation ?

  • +10

    (I amar prestar aen.)

    The world is changed.

    (Han matho ne nen.)

    I feel it in the water.

    (Han mathon ned cae.)

    I feel it in the earth.

    (A han noston ned gwilith.)

    I smell it in the air.

    Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.

    • +2

      We will need to bring what was lost to the younglings, who missed this in theatres.

  • +1

    Got one, thanks OP.

  • I heard the 4k for some makes it look more fake

    • That's not 4k, that's motion smoothing (soap opera effect), which everyone should google how to switch off. It's a feature intended for live sport that makes dramas and movies look fake, like cheap soapies. Many modern TVs have it switched on by default.

      • I find sometimes having it on low setting reduces the grainy look, especially on certain 4k transfers. I realise that some films are intended to look grainy

      • +2

        That's not 4k, that's motion smoothing

        No, it's DNR, Digital Noise Reduction, and this 4K release is one of several that has had that abused. There are many articles, reviews, videos about how aggressive the DNR on this release is, and as such you end up with a waxy fake look.

  • +1

    One does not simply walk into mordor and order these do they?

    • +1

      One does not simply walk into JB and order these do they?

      • You march in and demand it of course.

        • +1

          Or else take your hobbits business to Isengard? (aka Amazon)

  • DAMN literally just bought this on the 19th thinking, awesome back in stock haha. Luck has run out

    • +1

      a real ozbargainer would return it, get a refund and rebuy it

      • Yep definitely going to try

  • -7

    I know I'm not adding anything positive by asking this but how can any true ozbargainer warrant spending 70 bucks on these (admittedly fantastic) old movies. I'm pretty surprised at the buyin-cost on 4k bluray compared to streaming alternatives

    • I thought this as well but I do truly love this and getting an extra 5% off through Suncorp made it 65 bucks which pushed me over the edge haha

      I think of it as a treat and not as a bargain

      Picking mine up tomorrow 😄 thanks OP!!!

    • I mean everybody in the world is different, you probably buy things for certain amounts of money that I could not warrant

      That being said I'm gonna wait for the buy 1 get 1 free sale

  • Come on Amazon!

  • +1

    Finally got it, thanks!

  • I watched the final movie again recently a thought the CGI doesn't quite stack up to todays standards. Not surprising since it is almost 20 years old. I am not sure I would want to see it in 4K as this would bring this out even more. The 4K would make the scenery better, but the CGI even more jarring than it is. Most of the remastering for this edition appears to be colour?

    • So less of everything is a shade of green in the light and more contrast in the darkness?

    • They cleaned up CGI but intentionally didnt upgrade it beyond that i believe, its not been Lucased. I watched all 3 on these blurays and still found it pretty engrossing overall. They did a really good job with the HDR and cleaning up the colour - which was super weird with the green tint on the 1080 blurays.

      Jackson explains it here at 3:10

  • Come on Amazon, my local JB has none in stock and I don’t want to drive 15km to the next closest where it’s in stock.

  • Here is noob question; will standard ps4 give me all the benefits of the ultra hd 4k or without a proper blue ray player no real quality difference? Thanks

    • +1

      You'll need a PS5 to play these 4K Ultra HD discs.

      • Thank you sir. Looks like ps4 wont even play it. So real question should I invest a 4h uhd blue ray player or not haha. Not that Im video-nerd but I love LOTR.

    • Also just FYI my Xbox One S plays them as well for anyone on the Microsoft side

  • +2

    Sweet, just nabbed this and The Hobbit. Cheers friend

  • +2

    Thanks. Snapped a copy, as last time all stock was out. Glad I waited.

  • I have the regular blu ray set that I have yet to watch. I'm more keen for the 4K version for the Atmos track than the increase in resolution.

    Can anyone confirm whether there is a big enough difference in the Atmos track with this release over the previous track? If not, I may stick with the regular blu ray set for now.

  • I remember my biggest gripe with these movies even on release was the way they did the underwater scenes. Blowing a fan in someone's face and filming in slow-mo doth not an underwater scene make.

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