GPU Prices Have Increased in Australia after US Tariffs Back in Effect

Following on from a similar post here: where people speculated that prices wouldn't be affected…

I've noticed already that retailers are increasing the prices for GPUs further, even accounting for the "Australia Tax".

For example, at Umart, the Asus Dual RTX 3060 Ti was selling for $799 but now has been increased to $829.

The Inno3d cards posted here @$869 and @$899 have now been increased to $949 and $969, respectively.

I was happy to wait for prices to come down and approach the more realistic MSRP. However, I'm experiencing a bit of waiter's remorse as I have observed prices increasing.

Not only are we already paying a premium due to "Australia Tax", is it unreasonable that our prices are increasing due issues US Tariffs?

Poll Options

  • 13
    Retailers should be able to price how they want.
  • 6
    The price increases are not justified.
  • 53
    Vote with your wallet, just don't buy one.
  • 93
    There's no stock anyways, what's the point?


  • +11

    Have prices increased due to the US tarriff or have they increased due to the simple law of supply and demand?

    • +3

      Why not both?

      I'd say "vote with your wallet" but that's a moo point

      • The tariff is 7.5% to 25% USD.

        Considering OP's one example greater than 7.5% was considered such a bargain at MSRP the 'deal' received 57 up votes, I think it is safe to assume market forces.

      • +7

        Cow of a thing to say.

        • +2

          Yeah, it doesn't matter…

          • +1

            @Kangal: I think you missed what you said….

            moo point


      • +1


        • moot yourself

  • -2

    Good point, I hadn't considered that yet but it just seems a little too coincidental.

  • +10

    If people are so upset by the prices, and don't buy, retailers will have no choice but to lower prices. However, people don't seem to care, and pay any price they have to to have the latest and greatest, so prices stay high.

    • +15

      I care. I haven't bought a GPU in over 8 years and they still haven't dropped the prices for me :(

    • +7

      you've just summed up the housing market in Australia.

      • +1

        Sort of. That also has others issues, like rich overseas investors driving up prices.

        • I wonder about this in relation to the housing market . It would be interesting to know the percentage of foreign ownership, numerically and as market share. I'd have thought numerically, it would be locals taking advantage of negative gearing and other tax breaks.

          • +3

            @Lastchancetosee: Foreign ownership is a very small percentage, but many people see faces that aren't Anglo and lump those Aussies in with foreigners.
            Unfortunately, foreign ownership can also be obscured by buying via a company or local front person.

            I think international ownership makes a difference at the margin, pushing up prices in certain locations, and that makes a difference to average prices, even if the absolute number is small. I think this has been very visible in the highrise inner city unit market in Sydney and Melbourne in the past 12 months.

        • +1

          and in the case of GPUs, the parallel to foreign investors is bitcoin miners, so it still works

    • Yep. Most of the overall market charges what the market will pay, there is no competition.

      It doesn't take a genius to work out that if businesses have a race to the bottom on price then no one makes much money so most sectors do not compete on price.

    • Hasn't worked for me for the last 6 years. :(

  • +3

    This -> Retailers should be able to price how they want.

    and this -> There's no stock anyways, what's the point

    and this -> US tarriff or have they increased due to the simple law of supply and demand

  • +1

    Nvidia and Amd have increased their rrp very recently.

  • +1

    bitcoin 50k = gpu OOS

  • +3

    Not this horsesh*t again.

    "Oh no guys, just on the cusp of launching the latest generation of GPUs there's going to be an extremely conveniently-timed price hike because of a flood/tariff/crypto-mining boom/die shrink fabrication issues/smartphone-monopoly-on-supply-issue/logistical catastrophe and I'm afraid prices will remain inflated likely until the next generation of GPUs are released, at which point, some other major industry-wide disruption will occur that will again inflate prices just as they've started to normalise."

    These Silicon Valley dipsh*ts have this predictable cycle down pat by now.

  • +1

    Why is it unreasonable for a business to increase its prices? Not sure why you think there's some obligation for them to lower their prices for you - they don't need a good or bad reason to, it's just their right. Up to you whether you want to pay the extra price (and note - people still will so there's incentive for the company to raise prices even higher potentially).

    • +4

      It's not unreasonable it's just that people keep dribbling on with this theory about the market providing the cheapest prices when this doesn't happen in most sectors.

      • +2

        because its NOT a free market.

        way too many go on about supply and demand but that idea is irrelevant when the market is NOT open, and trade Barriers are also put up.

        those 2 things form protectionism and that is what drives prices up here.

        this protectionism is made worse by australian cartels in the computer market which everyone knows but also ignores.

        its a triple whammy and greatly multiplies the effect of supply and demand

        • Even in an anarcho-capitalist's wet dream of a society, designing and/or manufacturing video cards (anything silicon, really) is way too expensive to get into to really allow a lot of competition to thrive that would drive prices down. There are a whole lot of bottlenecks in the supply chain.

          • @Diji: supply chain? unable to accept facts and reality more like.

    • I think the complaint is that the prices are increasing in the US because of tariffs, and this is causing a price increase in Australia even though we don't buy our cards from the US, but from China directly (which would mean there is no tariff so the price shouldn't increase).

  • My extremely limited understanding of Tariffs are that it applies to imports (to make local products more competitive), not exports (why would a government want to make their products less attractive to overseas buyers?).

    I think it's supply and demand.

    • -2

      you're wrong

  • GPU Prices Have Increased in Australia after US Tariffs Back in Effect

    How can US tariffs apply to Australian consumers? If you lived in the US you would be affected. Something else is the matter.

    • -3

      we live in a yank vassal state - vassals pay more because they are dumb enough to give away their freedom.

      • -1

        Lol, you suddenly care about freedom? Mr. "I uncritically follow everything the mainstream media say and think that mask mandates, lock-downs and COVID-related infringements on basic human rights are the best things since sliced bread".

        What a bundle of hypocrisy and self-contradiction you are.

        • -1

          I have no idea of what you are going off about…

          • @petry: Seems you have no idea about anything…

            • @smartazz104: why do think that precisely because that comment was a specific response to someone?

              please elucidate? I assume you didn't like the comment below….

      • Whichever way you slice or dice it, we will be allied to a superpower and dominated by it. This is a given.

        There are only 2 superpowers in the world - the US and China

        Which one of those should we ally with and be dominated by? You have to choose one as there is no other choice.


        • -1

          If you are free to make a choice it should be an informed one, but with the security laws used ever more widely that is not the case.

          There is no free press as such anymore in oz, it is dominated by secrecy and fake news and propaganda, and legal repression.

          And your assertion it has to be one or the other is also deliberately misleading - neutrality is an option long practiced by many very well off countries.

          Australia over a decade ago was far more independent and assured, but with the rise of little Johny's yank fire sale that has disappeared.

          We supply arms to countries that butcher murder and rape even children for a few bucks, we deny climate warming even though it is destroying the country, and our troops routinely have committed war crimes for over a decade.

          We have insulted our biggest trading partner and ruined our economy for American interests - there has been no chance to make any informed decision because that was given away by seditionists.

          • @petry: So who do you choose?

            • @R4: So you totally reject the idea of Australian independence then?

              what a good vassal you are…

              • @petry: There's no choice in the matter - one will dominate.

                I choose the US.

                Who do you choose?

                • @R4: Your personal decision to be a vassal to the biggest polluter and warring nation on earth is duly noted.

                  The alternative of course is you just go and live there, and leave Australia to be an independent democratic country like it used to be, before racist and morally degenerate people gave it away.

                  • @petry: So you choose China then.


                    • @R4: Nope my choice is an independent Australia, making decisions that reflect Australian values not yank greed because as has become very clear in recent years yanks have no moral values.

                      So why don't you just go live in the states since you love it so much, instead of making up fake crap to sell your un-australian agenda ala the 77th, and selling out Australia.

                      Its not one or the other, its independence or vassal state.

                      • @petry: You don't choose America, so by default, you choose China as there is no other choice.

                        Australia can only survive is an alliance.

                        • @R4: Jeez you really are a hardworking rightwing opinion former - your agenda insults nearly every soldier who died for Australia in the last century.

                          They were Australians not yank mercenaries, and you reject your own country by your fascist self serving and abusive assertions.

                          You completely reject the idea of Australia being independent and you only want it to be a yank state. China has no interest at all in taking over Australia save for the ravings of trumpettes like yourself.

                          Why don't you run a poll asking how many people want Australia to be another american state?

                          Then you could tell everyone that if they don't they want to be Chinese…..

                          no wonder the yanks are left roaming free spreading covid in the north…

                          • @petry: sieg heil

                            • @R4: ahhh the QAnon traditional greeting…

    • It's less the tariffs directly affecting prices and more retailers potentially trying to taking advantage of the fact that prices are increasing in the US as an opportunity to charge more locally.

      • Why is prices increasing in the US? People panic buying to mine Bitcoin again?

        • The US is imposing a 25% tariff on all goods imported from China.

          • @do minator: Wow people aren't very smart are they. I am still using a second hand 750ti.

      • +1

        Possibly. It's also possible that somewhere else along the supply chain (e.g. board partners) are increasing their price globally to soften the blow in the US (their main market).

        So instead of raising prices to the full extent of the tariff only for US, they increase it in all regions they operate in.

        You'd probably need to be a market analyst to figure that out, though.

  • eh, my gtx1080 still does everything I want.

    I'm more upset about the new Burton step-on bindings and boots having had their prices jacked up $80 each.

    • +1

      Eh, I don't have the luxury of going snowboarding anyway.

      I'm more upset about not being able to replace my GTX 970 for a reasonable price.

  • The Australian dollar is ever increasing as the US monetary system collapses. Its time our vassal govt stood up for itself.

    • You wouldn't want to be USD. Reserve currency means it is particularly strong. Good for consumers buying stuff cheap but not very good for manufacturers. Being reserve currency is a curse but the US can't get off that drug because you can't pay a low minimum wage and see the cost of imports rise 10% - 20%.

      • Having a reserve currency is a huge boost for the USA. They can print almost as much USD as they want, and use that to buy commodities from around the world.

        • Hmmmmm… I think you have it wrong.

          If Reserve Bank of Australia prints a lot of money why would they buy commodities? As you can see created money is usually given to banks so they can lend to credit worthy borrowers to spend on what they wish.

          • @netjock: How do you reckon the USA government is coming up with large sums of money for stimulus packages, when they're nose deep in debt?

            • @Butt Scratcher: Here is another one.

              Stimulus checks and unemployment benefits go to those who need it to feed themselves. Look at increase in JobSeeker and JobKeeper. Yes there are minority of people who go it that doesn't need it. Do you suddenly see prices of everything at the supermarket go up 20% due to JobSeeker and JobKeeper? No.

              GPU prices could be going up due to tariffs or it can just be people sitting on their back side with nothing better to do than to game with their unemployment benefits or people who are buying them out to mine Bitcoin. That was happening before COVID19, card prices were going up and down and lack of stock due to miners buying them up.

              It is like Avocado season in Mexico coincides with flu season in Europe. You could say Mexican Avocados causes the flu. It doesn't but if you just pick two things and you can make it stick.

              • @netjock: That was a rhetorical question. So let me spell it out

                Central banks print out money, government borrows the money to spend in the economy. Where else are they supposed to get money from when they're that deep into debt. Central banks don't just lend money to big banks.

                When you are the reserve currency, people tend to swap out their own currency for the reserve currency because they think it is safer. So US Central banks are in a better position to print out money.

                Don't even know why you brought RBA into it, we certainly aren't considered a reserve currency.

                So, he isn't wrong mate

                • @Butt Scratcher:

                  Central banks print out money, government borrows the money to spend in the economy

                  You missed a trick. The government auctions bonds to investors which is the primary market. The RBA buys them in the secondary market to manage yield curves and liquidity. It is here

                  Central banks don't just lend money to big banks.

                  Oh yes they do! This is why fixed rates are lower than variable rates

                  Don't even know why you brought RBA into it

                  Most central banks work the same. If you don't even understand your own central bank don't bother understanding The Fed or the BoE.

                  None of the central banks buys bonds straight off the government (primary market).

            • @Butt Scratcher: Because America is bankrupt… but the banks do not apply ability to repay to America.

              Banks are corrupt, its only the extent of the corruption and hypocrisy that's of interest.

          • @netjock: What I meant about the USA being able to buy commodities is they're able to purchase oil from foreign producers with money they can create in almost unlimited quantity. Buying something of value for an item that costs almost nothing to produce. It's a huge boost for the USA.

            It also allows the USA to fund the lifestyle of its citizens by borrowing money from others, and always having the ability to pay for it with even more printed money.

            Having a reserve currency means if Russia wants to buy oil from Saudi Arabia, they have to use US dollars. That's carries many benefits for the USA.

            • @Cluster: Think you got the idea of reserve currency wrong.

              Just because oil is in USD it just means for us to buy oil from Saudis we need to sell AUD, buy USD to give to the Saudi's who will sell the USD and buy Saudi Riyals.

              You think there is some magic cut the Americans get?

              • @netjock:

                You missed a trick. The government auctions bonds to investors which is the primary market. The RBA buys them in the secondary market to manage yield curves and liquidity. It is here(

                Mate, you don't need to explain to me how the government borrows money. Unless you are trying to differentiate selling bonds from borrowing, when they are basically the same thing. Central bank (who buys basically all of it, because who else has trillions of dollars sitting around in the middle of a recession) buys bonds, government gets a lump sum of money and pays interest on it

                I don't get why you are trying to differentiate them, and if you are, what's your point? That I don't know anything because I didn't go into details how they do it?

                Most central banks work the same. If you don't even understand your own central bank don't bother understanding The Fed or the BoE.


  • Could just be price gouging due to low stock.

  • low stock and no stock is the most likely reason, give it 6-12 months and perhaps it will go down

    • in the long run everyone is dead ……remove barriers prices would fall… basic economics not liberal yank drool

  • GPU prices are also rising as Ethereum mining is back after recent price rises. Any decent card is out of stock, as it's not unusual for home miners to buy a dozen of them at once.

  • Here's a fact of life - prices sometimes go up.

    Who'd a thunk it?

  • If there was a US tarrif wouldn't that mean it would be better to sell it in Australia where there is no tarrif?

    • mate do you understand there are no open markets here?

      • Nope, explain.

        • ok try this for simplicity

          'At their core, the invisible hand and free market economy are romantic notions, born from a romantic time. The conditions necessary for the free market economy to function simply do not exist in today’s world, if they ever did. A pure free market does not provide for the greatest social good, only the greatest good to those with the means to exploit weaknesses in a free market system. '

          and that is what is occurring…

  • The one that downvote above rrp deal to oblivion, enjoy your loss

  • Official ASUS statement

    We have an announcement in regards to MSRP price changes that are effective in early 2021 for our award-winning series of graphic cards and motherboards. Our new MSRP reflects increases in cost for components. operating costs, and logistical activities plus a continuation of import tariffs. We worked closely with our supply and logistic partners to minimize price increases. ASUS greatly appreciates your continued business and support as we navigate through this time of unprecedented market change.

    Initial price hikes will affect only Motherboards and GPU's with potential for other areas to be affected further into the first quarter.

  • I bought a Gigabyte 3080 from UMart yesterday for $1469.

    10 minutes later they upped the price to $1599.

    There was a steady run of Gigabyte 3080s coming in stock in the lead up to Christmas. In the new year, stocks have really dried up.

  • +1

    Why would the heck US tarrifs increase prices in Australia? That is some dumb logic

    We're not buying GPU's from them. If anything it should have a mitigating action on price increases because supply to the US will fall and shift to other countries including Australia

    Price rises are happening because there's still low supply- high demand.

    • supply and demand alone do not set price - that's kindy thinking… but since Australia is run by those peddling fake news quite deliberately then delusional thinking is not uncommon….really impressed by freeing yanks to run around before their covid tests are even completed as sound decision making….…

      gotta get that new super yank military base built before the truth comes out….

  • PLE put all their GPU stock up by $50 yesterday.

    • you mean it was even cheaper to import from the other side of the world solely because of supply and demand lol….if you were allowed to….just be a good vassal….

      • I haven't even mentioned supply and demand you twit? Seems like you've read a couple econ web articles and are eager to demonstrate how smart you are now.

  • Interesting move by Nvidia — they are bringing back the RTX 2060 and 2060 SUPER to alleviate the stock shortages. Presumably they can do this because they're sitting on a gigantic stockpile of unsold Turing GPU dies.…

    Among the GPU shortages of these days, NVIDIA has plans to reintroduce more RTX 2060 and 2060 Super cards into the market, even though the 3060 is planned to be released next month.

    The prices are expected to hover around 300 EUR for an RTX 2060 and around 400 EUR for an RTX 2060 Super (in France).…

    I doubt any sane gamer or even bitcoin miner will be excited about the re-release of old technology but I guess Nvidia shareholders will be super glad that Nvidia now has an opportunity to sell aged stock at close to the RRP of upcoming RTX 3060's…

    • I am so so surprised …

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