Want to learn some self defence in case our parliament gets stormed? Bernardo Faria is once again offering one of his tutorials (normally $77USD) for free.
If you're not sure which one would suit, check out this reddit thread.
Want to learn some self defence in case our parliament gets stormed? Bernardo Faria is once again offering one of his tutorials (normally $77USD) for free.
If you're not sure which one would suit, check out this reddit thread.
I read it as:
Free Brazilian
You need one by the looks of you jv ;-)
I read Free BJ
Big Black Jobs?
Make sure you include two j’s if manually typing the URL 👀
Thanks OP.
Noticed from one of your old posts, this link is still free too.
Settled on side control after considering mount. Still have foundations from the last time he offered a free video.
I was thinking of a different kind of Brazilian BJ :P
Mid 30s and still a virgin…
No need to put yourself down.
Come crawling out of your Melbourne hole?
BBBJ fanatics
I'll stick with practicing my ninjutsu.
It is actually a real martial art
Yeah I know. Unfortunately it’s one of many martial arts which has so many useless moves. Like any Kung Fu based martial arts or TKD. There are a few elements you can take from them and better to know them than nothing, but when you can pick and choose… I personally wouldn’t go this route.
I know jiujitsu, karate and other…. various oriental words
tell me more please
Lemon chicken
Ok this is a huge honour for me, to reply on this OzB post
I also am a BJ Fanatic.
Cheaper than $77? a/s/l please.
Kobra Kai for lyfe
Strike first, strike hard
KobraKai Karate aka KKK…
No Mercy!
The opening line of the post tho…
Nice thanks op.
Which one would be good to download
Depends on your level and game, if beginner then the fundamentals. Otherwise either pick the game you you play or go something new
Thanks op. Another video to the collection
Wax on, wax off.
And body hair gone.
Keep your hair on!
Thanks, I got Escapes from Everywhere.
Thank you! Grabbed Battle Tested Pressure Passing.
Got this one too
Thanks , got one . And Can I Have a Jijitsu sticker at back of my Car after watching this video !
I suspect that trying to learn jiu jitsu by watching a video is like learning how to have sex by watching porn.
I'm just here for the wisecracks. As George W Bush said, how many is a Brazillion anyway?
Thanks mate, got myself "Battle tested Half Guard". Love the half guard and always looking for new attacks.
I saw Mark Taylor's video on Fujitsu - It was "cool" ;-)
At first I read it BBJ Fanatics.