My neighbours in the apartments close by constantly slam their front doors whenever they enter/leave. It is so loud it sounds like a gunshot. I find this inconsiderate and obnoxious, especially as apartment dwellers are so close to each other.
Whenever I close my front door, I make an effort to shut it quietly. These are heavy fire doors so you have to hold it while it closes. I thought I would slam it a few times and maybe they would get the message and realise how loud it is. But it's made no difference.
And yes, I considered talking to them, but both apartments are renters, so I figure they'll leave soon enough. Also, talk to neighbours? Bah! Never.
But just wondering if other people experience this and if it's considered normal behaviour, or do I just have particularly rude neighbours.
The ones right next to me are a young Asian couple, and slightly down the hallway is an Indian family with toddlers. Both are very loud door slammers. Perhaps it's a recent migrant mentality. By the way I'm not being racist as I'm Asian myself.
Might be caught by the wind. Or maybe they're kids.