Slamming The Front Door in Apartments

My neighbours in the apartments close by constantly slam their front doors whenever they enter/leave. It is so loud it sounds like a gunshot. I find this inconsiderate and obnoxious, especially as apartment dwellers are so close to each other.

Whenever I close my front door, I make an effort to shut it quietly. These are heavy fire doors so you have to hold it while it closes. I thought I would slam it a few times and maybe they would get the message and realise how loud it is. But it's made no difference.

And yes, I considered talking to them, but both apartments are renters, so I figure they'll leave soon enough. Also, talk to neighbours? Bah! Never.

But just wondering if other people experience this and if it's considered normal behaviour, or do I just have particularly rude neighbours.

The ones right next to me are a young Asian couple, and slightly down the hallway is an Indian family with toddlers. Both are very loud door slammers. Perhaps it's a recent migrant mentality. By the way I'm not being racist as I'm Asian myself.

Poll Options

  • 42
    I let my front door slam
  • 334
    I close my front door softly


  • +10

    Might be caught by the wind. Or maybe they're kids.

  • +84

    Some people are just really inconsiderate.

    • +13

      Sure but I wonder if it's just sheer ignorance.

      Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

      • +6

        It’s probably this.

        Also, as they are renters they doubly don’t care if the door or frame breaks - there’s no incentive to be gentle.

      • +2

        It is ignorance. I've lived (in past and present) in a similar situation. They just let the door slam shut and its loud af. Last place I was at the next door neighbour would go in and out multiple times in the evening. Like WTF are you even doing?

        Current place is same. Surround neighbours all let the door just slam shut behind them. Its loud af and I'm glad it no longer wakes up the 1 year old.

  • +67

    Maybe message the building manager asking if they can send an email out to everyone asking residents to be wary of letting their doors slam closed due to the disturbance to neighbours.

    • +3

      My first thought was to rig up a car alarm to go off everytime a door slams, but this would cause a lot less collateral noise.

    • +1

      I agree. no matter people living there are renting or the owners. just send an email or call your strata and let them do the talking. and that's a part of why you pay for the strata fee.

      once I got a starta agent call regarding the same complaint for my rental property that the tenants slams the door all time. then I passed the message to the tenant and no more complaints. so I guess they were more careful after the message.

  • +86

    Just talk to them.

    Culturally, they'll be a lot more responsive than your white Australian neighbors. By the way, I am not being racist, I'm white myself.

    • +6

      Absolutely talk to them. They must be totally unaware. You might actually find them to be apologetic for having caused you the grief. You being Asian, it would be easier for you to communicate without any racial perception.

      • +11

        I've talked to my neighbour about noise and smoking issues. He acknowledged it, apologetic about it and promised to keep the noise low and smoke far away from the house. He keeps doing it until now despite having talked about it about 5 times now. Some people are really selfish and inconsiderate.

        • +1

          Install smoke alarms.

          A sprinkler system too, if finances allow.

        • +1

          i had a neighbor like that. say he'd change but revert after a few days. you need to keep talking to him until he stops.

          • @HKS: So, you’ll behave like a family member? :)

      • +12

        The perception that Asian people interpret criticism as racist is itself "racist".

        So is the perception that Asian people are uniquely able to critise each other without such an interpretation.

        Western society has become so sensitive to "racism" that it stymies free thought and communication.

    • +3

      Talk to them, and offer to adjust the door damper

  • -1

    Put some superglue into the door lock as a subtle hint

    • +3

      Are you being TOO subtle? :-P

  • +29

    Further to indium's suggestion, if that doesn't work, ask owner's corp to install a soft door closer so you can't slam it.

    It would irritate me too.

    I doubt they are slamming it on purpose, just letting the door swing close itself.

    • +10

      ^ this would be your best option. I lived in apartment for about 13 years and had enough of the problems with the neighbour. Loud music, woofer, stomping, slamming door and so on. One of them stomped floor so hard everytime he/she walked, I thought Centaur lived above me… Its almost impossible to reason with them. If you speak to them, they may watch themselves for a few days, but it will start again. Complain to the onsite manager, they will either have a chat with your neighbour or put up a notice. And if you complain enough, they will consider installing soft closer.

    • +4

      ..install a soft door closer so you can't slam it.

      I've got a soft-closer on mine and it still slams quite violently if I accidently let it go. It would not be a pretty sight if anyone has their fingers there.There seems to be a lot of build up of pressure from the balcony door (when that's open). When it's closed, it's fine - it closes gently.

      • +7

        Maybe the soft closer (hydraulic) is too strong for the door.

        The soft closer shouldn't close violently, if it does, it's a safely issue.

        • +1

          It actually "holds" the door and closes it gently until about the last 10-degrees or so and then the soft-closer "pushes" the door shut. I'm pretty sure it's designed like that so that the fire-door self-closes all the way and latches if it's let go.

          It's the wind pressure, plus that last 10-degrees of closing that is the problem.

        • Being fire doors I think many may be designed this way on purpose. Some one in the building game might have a better idea.

      • I've noticed similar. My door doesn't even slam shut when my windows are closed (most of the time). So everyone around me must have their windows with no fly screens open.

    • +2

      This is the way. Having considerations to close the door quietly is beyond the capability of some people and you probably won't get near 100% compliance.
      It does suck that you're forced to put up with the issue until however long it takes to be resolved - wearing earplugs when sleeping etc

      • +1

        I recommend sleeping with earplugs too. I'm mildly concerned about fire safety and other emergencies but sleep quality trumps those.

        Some people are concerned with justice and even retribution, but not worrying about adverse factors one can't control and instead acting to mitigate them can lead to a happier life.

  • -3

    These are heavy fire doors so you have to hold it while it closes.

    A special effort, solely to make someone else's life better? Yeah good luck with that.

    I usually just let my door close itself (unless late at night), it makes a bit of a noise but I don't come and go very frequently and our apartments have pretty good soundproofing.

    You might be able to get strata to install some bumpers to reduce the noise. You're complaining about renters and the way other people act, so you're obviously an active member of the committee, right?

  • +11

    If you aren't prepared to engage with your neighbours, why would they be considerate of you?
    Make and effort and take the time to get to know them. That is how society works.

    Or you can just lock yourself in your own little world and get ever-increasingly angry at the behaviours of others in your apartment building, whilst they probably wonder why their neighbours never talk to them and are unfriendly.

    • +14

      If you aren't prepared to engage with your neighbours, why would they be considerate of you?

      Being considerate (and awareness of what is likely to disturb others) should already have been taught by parents without needing additional prompters from your neighbours.

      • +5

        Yes, it should have.
        And so should the social skills of being able to effectively engage with other people to create a harmonious environment.

        • +4

          Humans are far from perfect, so one needs at least a bit of tolerance to get along.

      • +3

        …without needing additional prompters from your neighbours.

        Some people just don't realise what they do could be a problem for others so a little gentle prompting might go a long way. Not everyone gets offended that easily. They might even be thankful for bringing it to their attention! I know if it was me, I would be.

    • +1

      'lock yourself in your own little world and get ever-increasingly angry at the behaviours of others in your apartment building, whilst they probably wonder why their neighbours never talk to them and are unfriendly'

      I read after the storming of the US Capitol - that people with such extremist beliefs tend to have Low Trust in others, and Low Social Engagement

      in other words - loser dudes with no friends, who stay in their bedroom imagining themselves to be keyboard warriors, angry that they didn't get the supermodel of their dreams …

      for a wow wake-up, I like the old SBS TV series FrontUp - replayed from the 1990s - where random strangers are approached by the Hungarian guy with the microphone and camera and asked simply to talk about their lives - what looked like random nobodies can tell amazing stories you'd never guess if you never spoke to them …


      • Unrelated to the main topic but you're not wrong. I just wrote a paper and a myriad of (peer-reviewed) research suggests that right-wing extremists from the West vs Islamic extremists are actually very similar in those behaviours and how they are 'driven' to extremism. They're birds of a feather but with diametrically opposed ideals.

        ie. They generally have a; lack of sense/worth; uneducated either in tertiary education or religious theology, needing a sense of belonging; disbelief in media [actually with good reason as I'm sure those with a journalistic background will attest that some corporate-owned media (eg. Fox) serves sensationalism & propaganda - which in turn feeds the fear & anger by the extremist right (leading to violence) and exclusion & discrimination to Muslims (leading to violence)]. The lack of knowledge leads to searching for identity & believing fringe theories/communities which reinforce their beliefs. Based on that they have a lack of trust for media and others who believe in the standard narrative and lack 'normal' social engagement with others.

        Sad to say but media propaganda plays a huge part in reinforcement of certain stereotypes which leads to the behaviour & attitudes above which plays into the extremist's hands.

        PS. thanks Hanngryuman - wish we had more concepts like the SBS show but commercial media needs revenue & sadly sensationalism drives it.

        • suggests that right-wing extremists from the West vs Islamic extremists are actually very similar

          That's because Islamic extremists are right wing extremists as well, of course they're similar. There's a reason for the term "American Taliban".

          • +1

            @deadpoet: You're correct but I made that differentiation as not everyone is aware of that and you'd be surprised how many right-wing supporters actually think Islamic extremists are left-wing orientated (ie. affiliated with their opponents).

            • @khomeini: Us vs Them - the basic survival instinct triggered by the amygdala's adrenaline response - fight or flight - is this person with raised hand coming towards me to shake my hand as a friend, or to attack me as an enemy to try to kill me - the gut feeling response is instant - the brain rationalises a reason why only afterwards …

              so alienated bedroom keyboard warriors looking to feel part of a group - can feel supported by the first positive responses they get - be it from gamers, or rabid extremists (usually actually smart criminal businessmen) promising 72 virgins in heaven

              • -1

                @Hangryuman: True but it really is just brainwashed marxist activists which has been exposed for the past 7 years going on in colleges.
                These people are not about survival, it is about dominance and enforcing their marxist colored cult beliefs onto the rest of society and hiding it behind "women, POC, LGBTQ+, equality, equity, etc" so it is protected from scrutiny. The thing is when people of those groups dont agree with these marxists, they get called the usual buzzwords.
                It is like what is happening now, Virginia parents pushed back against the racist dogma being forced onto their kids in schools, the leftwing media claims it doesnt exist, then defends it anyway and then says it is a more watered down version, they keep changing their story when people expose with evidence that it is being taught in schools. And the school boards cry victim and label the parents as "domestic terrorists".
                The Virginians voted republican, and a black woman and hispanic winning on that ticket, and the extremist marxist Left called them mouth pieces "white supremacists" and called the white women voting black racist.
                This garbage mentality of leftwing extremism of bullying people on any political stance is insane and people have had enough. Also, the left ideologues should quit labeling people who disagree with them all these buzzwords that are uncalled for and inaccurate, and perhaps do some self reflection instead of projecting their own hatred, racism and bigotry on their opponents. Unlike the democrats and radical marxist left that just seek power and control of society to tear down and rebuild their fantasy utopia, they should be looking at solutions to problems instead of making them and making them worse just so they can promise "free stuff". People are over it.

          • -1

            @deadpoet: So because the islam are traditionalist they get branded as right wing extremist because the right value tradition? That is how i have seen this labeling been explained.

            Ok. Funny that people over look the similarities of the nazis and fascists with the communists. Both started as socialists and that is a leftwing ideology.
            It relies heavily on collectivism and centralization.
            Now people who are wrong because they get their info from bias and disingenuous leftwing activists from academia class the nazis/fascist as rightwing, but that doesnt make sense when the rightwing are for smaller government, decentralization and are individualists, not collectivists and wanting to expand the government to be bigger and bigger and wanting centralization. Not just that, but again the nazis were socialists and used a lot of the tactics that marxists use when you compare them. Also the Left tend to have a remarkable habit of eating eachother, the nazis vs commies is just another example giving that Adolph and Joseph started out as allies. But funny how people only hyper focus on the nazis/fascism in media and entertainment and history but not on the communists and socialists atrocities committed when they invaded other countries. The bias and double standards get the brain thinking, but it makes sense when you see how much of academia is not politically and ideologically diverse, it is dominated by leftwing marxists. A nice dive into researching the origins of post modernism, critical theory (marxism) is a true eye opener.

        • -1

          "commercial media needs revenue & sadly sensationalism drives it" but you dont apply your criticism fairly to that of CNN and MSNBC in the United States? Are you willfully only looking at one side of the argument over there? Or is your own political bias on display here?

          I know the leftwing media ignored and played down the massive long riots that the leftwing media labeled "peaceful protests" and didnt report on the wounded, loss of small business and loss of life included black people and children during the riots, they even emboldened them doing it.

          So when you single out only Fox news but not the more bias and race baiting networks and ignore the other side's dangerous rhetoric and damages to their own cities I can't take anything that you say as sincere nor unbias because clearly your ignorance shows and is onesided. Again I cant be sure if it is intentional on your part, I dont know if you bothered to have an open mind looking at the other side of the issue or you align with the side that you agree with and condemn the other because they are your political/ideological opponent.

          Maybe if you had a more diverse approach to the news and the ability to critically think instead of just swallowing what the mainstream (primarily dominated by the Leftwing, mind you, while moderate and centrists voices get attacked for not being "progressive" and towing the approved narrative), you would find out there is a lot more to the news topics and events than what you are told in the outlets you follow. Because it is amazing to see which side spreads more lies, jumps to conclusion and doesnt correct their record months later down the line when the facts finally come out. Ever heard of David Dorn? A black men killed in the riots last year by leftwing extremists because he tried to defend a small business. I only saw the local news report on it, but not a peep out of the Leftwing major news networks because their narrative was "only white cops kill black folk".
          Things wont change for the better with tribalist mentality and the lying mainstream media that only wants click rage and race baiting to drive their ratings. This is why it is best to seek out info from all sides to get a clearer picture instead of the framing they feed you.

      • -1

        "I read after the storming of the US Capitol - that people with such extremist beliefs tend to have Low Trust in others, and Low Social Engagement

        in other words - loser dudes with no friends, who stay in their bedroom imagining themselves to be keyboard warriors, angry that they didn't get the supermodel of their dreams"

        That can be applied to both sides. Also you said "I read", clearly you only read what your echo chamber tells you and dont venture out to get all sides of the issues. That is dangerous and is what creates extremists.

        "keyboard warriors, angry that they didn't get the supermodel of their dreams"

        Also quite a laughable and inaccurate generalization. That can be applied to the folks on twitter, tumblr and reddit, all leftwing dominated platforms where their activists and corporate shills gather. Again, if you are gonna criticize one side and apply buzzwords and generalizations but not to the other side that can be quite deserving if not more so deserving of the labels and generalizations due to either willful ignorance of partisan tribalism then you dont come across as very informed and bright on these topics. Which is common in this day and age. I wish our own Australian media would be more factual in their reporting on American events instead of just parroting CNN.

  • +10

    For a second i thought i had just been shamed, but the setting is different so I am safe.

    I recently moved in to the new apartment. My previous ones' doors have certain mechanism to slow the door down before it hit the frame. The new one doesn't so the first few days i have let it hit a bit too hard, and I do recognise that to try to alter my habit.

    So just talk to your neighbours I guess.

  • +4

    Wonder if you're my neighbour, I have one that seems to have taken their soft closer off the door so it just slams all the damn time…

    Im moving out soon so…

  • +5

    I have found that if I have the balcony door closed and I let go of the main door, the door closes gently. As soon as the balcony door is open slightly, pressure's built up inside the apartment because of the wind and the front door will slam quite violently if I just let it go. And this is with a soft-closer on the door already.

    I always try not to let the door slam so I hold the door when I know the balcony door is open. But admittedly, I sometimes don't even realise or I just forget that I've left got the balcony door open and when I let go of the main door expecting it to close gently, it slams pretty violently. I stand there for a second thinking "oh sh.t, too late!". It's definitely not intentional, but I can't exactly go back and "un-slam" the door! haha.

    Then there are friends that come over that don't know about the above when they leave and just walk straight out the door…. 😑

    I've been in other apartments too and they've all been the same. The balcony door acts as an "inlet" and the pressure builds up. The front door acts as the only "outlet". It would ease the pressure if they had another openable window or vent, etc

    • +1

      This could be it too. I also try to close my door softly as my balcony door is usually open. I even use my key to turn the front door lock when leaving so the bolt doesn't snap shut. I was brought up to be polite. I don't understand some people. My front door is literally right next to theirs.

      It was actually more peaceful when the apartments were being used as serviced suites or AirBNBs. Can't recall a single door slam from those random guests, weirdly enough.

      • +2

        I have this exact same issue as @bobbified. I might be your inconsiderate neighbour OP - if it is us, apologies (Edit: nevermind I see you're in Melbourne while I'm in Sydney).

        I try to be considerate to the neighbours in the apartment building but the building quality of the apartment is horrendous even though it's a relatively new apartment complex.

        Depending on the season the balcony door won't even be closed so if it's during a windy day/night the balcony door gets blown right open. At night I have to put dumbbells outside the balcony door just to avoid the door being blown open.

        The pressure is extremely strong, sometimes the front door just gets blown closed hard resulting in a slam even when I try to soft close the door (there isn't a soft close latch on the front door). There are times when the door will push me right out onto the hallway and slam shut. Even when I just dispose of the garbage the doors sometimes get blown shut (so I always have to ensure I carry the apartment keys in case I get locked out).

        The front door also doesn't sit well with the frame. It either requires force for me to even open the door or sometimes to even close it shut.

        So even when I'm trying to be considerate, the door will slam at least 3 times a day just because of the pressure build up.

        (PS. When I'm in the hallway of the apartment building or the basement car park, you can always hear loud wind noises coming from the opposite end of the apartment building which I think further conflates the pressure build up issue).

        Edit 2: Perhaps speak to the neighbor or strata. I just found out my door could be adjusted after watching Youtube and adjusted it myself. Your neighbours may not know the door has soft close settings and that it may be adjusted. Also, over time the settings will change on the door (I know as I it always stopped soft closing at my old office even though it would be adjusted monthly).

  • +30

    Just jotting down another reason never to live in a unit, townhouse or apartment….

    • +10

      There are so many downsides to living in apartments I do wonder how they remain popular.

      Ultimately you are surrounded by people close by and the odds that at least one of them will be anti social are high.

      • +3

        I agree (in that I would never live in an apartment), but the reality is, they are generally cheaper than buying land and a house, as well as general maintenance being covered by a governing body.

        Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of affording anything but an apartment; and with people wanting to live closer to the city, it's about the only option.

        Food for thought.

      • +6

        Because many people cannot afford to buy a house or they dont want to live far away to buy a house?

        • Because many people cannot afford to buy a house

          This. I'd much rather live in a house than an apartment, but I can't afford it.

      • +1

        Being poor is popular

  • +5

    Just leave them an anonymous passive aggressive letter.

  • +7

    My neighbours front door is 1km away. I don't hear sh!t.

  • +8

    Bring it up at your next AGM meeting and talk about it as a group of people.

    It might be that it's an engineering or technical issue and there might be a reason why the door is slamming shut (as others said, it might be lacking a pneumatic closer). These mechanisms don't cost that much to install anyway and cost anywhere from $10 to $30.………

    It's basically an air piston that limits how quickly the door can close preventing it from slamming shut.

    • I'm far from an expert, but I'm pretty sure there are certain requirements that must be met for the fire-rated apartment doors (for fire/smoke resistance/travel).

      • +2

        Yeah. Possible that it already has a pneumatic closer but due age and wearing out it might not be soft-closing anymore and it will need replacements

        • +1

          The first part of mine resists the quick-closing of the door until it's almost closed (so I'm assuming it hasn't worn out), then the mechanism "flips" and actually pushes the door closed. I think that second part that pushes the door to fully close is the "feature" that's important for fire-doors but is also the bit, with the help of the air pressure, that causes the door to slam. (I'm not sure if I'm describing it properly!)

  • +2

    These are heavy fire doors

    From what I can remember, these type of doors/setup may have a mechanism that auto close/shut the door in an apartment.

    When all the windows/doors to the outside are closed, the front door would close more softly and slower (due to air pressure).

    When any of the windows/doors are open, the front door would close quite fast and can be quite loud when it shuts by itself.

  • +2

    Are you sure they're slamming? It might be on a pneumatic closer (rather than lacking one), because those doors are usually fire doors, so it's a legal requirement that they are self closing

    My apartment has the same issue, the building and tenants are super quiet, but my god the doors are loud! I'm always careful because i don't want to wake my sleeping baby

    • Do heavy fire doors get installed as a front door or only at the fire stairs?

      • They're installed as the main door of each apartment and the fire stairs.

      • I'm not entirely sure, i'm not a fire engineer. But i assume since my building doesn't have a hallway with a door which leads down the stairs, it opens straight out onto the staircase area, that must be why my door is fire-rated. If you have fire door at stairs, i believe you don't need one on your front door

    • +1

      Yes I think you're right. The door is just left to close of its own accord, and due to the weight or design (as some others mentioned too), it will close loudly due to having none or broken dampeners.

      I rarely hear the neighbours as well apart from this, possibly due to good sound insulation in the walls (much better than my previous townhouse where I could near the old guy next door snoring). I was actually prepared for all sorts of neighbour noises before moving to an apartment, such as loud music, movie watching, heels on the floor, even sexy time sounds, but luckily haven't had any of that. The door issue is something I wasn't expecting though.

      • +1

        …even sexy time sounds

        I hear this, but just in the form of the very distinct "slow, then fast and sudden stop" banging! I'm guessing they have floorboards upstairs 🤣

  • If it didn't slam they would probably be just as lazy and not shut it properly, leaving the apartment insecure. You can't win with lazy/selfish people. They'll touch all your food without washing their hands after toilet, they will slam doors or leave them unlocked, leave empty milk containers in your fridge for you to dispose of yourself, etc.

  • +6

    In a perfect world people are considerate.

    We are not in that perfect world.

    When one chooses to live in an apartment, one signs a contract with the High Density Living Gods that there could be :
    - Smokers that can control their smoke to only go into your windows.
    - People who leave their shoes outside.
    - People arguing / shouting / playing loud music.
    - People walking loudly with heels or thongs at all hours.

    I find the penchant for complaining about apartment life when having chose that life freely detestable.

  • +1

    We both seem to be living on the same floor mate. lol

  • I do both. Not because i love slamming my door but it all depends on what i have in my hands. I have one of these heavy doors and to be honnest if i m holding my baby, nappy bag or even grocery bag, i can barely hold the handle. So, maybe it's not inconsiderate by your neighbors but just due to them having full hands and cannot hold the door?! Try to imagine yourself having a toddler that run past you as soon the door is open and you have stairs right in the corner?! A normal parent will run after the kids instead of thinking about closing the door softly. But then this is why it's call an appartement. You have to bear with the noises, smells from your neighbor .

    • +1

      This is perfectly understandable. I wouldn't mind the occasional door slam, but with the Indian family it is every-single-time that it slams, and they are constantly leaving/entering their apartment day and night, circa 10 times a day.

      With the young Asian couple, sometimes they will close the door softly, so I know they are capable of it. But 99% of the time… BAM!

  • +2

    If the same person is allowing a door to slam and make a loud noise more than once, then they are a selfish inconsiderate jerk. Leave a polite note on the door or talk to them about it. Be prepared to be abused or worse if the latter.

  • +3

    Could you be living in one of the apartments at the heart of Perth by any chance? If so message us lol bcs this describes our exact experience in the apartment lately too, and if we are indeed neighbours - we’re the Asian couple… I’m the one half who tries to close the door quietly most of the time, and my partner is the one who always carries a lot of stuff in a rush so he tends to forget to close it carefully…

    I work from home time to time and the door closing from across our unit is super annoying throughout the day esp with how frequent it happens too so I understand your frustration haha. I’ve lived here for 12 years and they are the worst neighbours at closing doors, it makes it worse since they go in and out a lot so much! I haven’t confronted them about it bcs I can’t be bothered to see when they’re home so I have decided to drown the noise with my own speakers or headphones lol.

    That being said, our door is old and despite having a bumper at the top, sometimes it doesn’t hold and decide to fly away anyway. I always feel guilty when it happens :( I honestly feel bad for the next door neighbour… but never to the noisy one across us though haha. I try to remind my partner but he can be forgetful, I’m sorry :(

    • Haha, what a coincidence. Hello neighbour! Nice to meet you.

      Just kidding, I'm in Melbourne lol.

      Funnily enough, one of the pair of Asians does tend close it softer on occasion. But it's the opposite to you. The guy seems to work from home and doesn't always slam, but the girl does every time she comes and goes.

      But at least you try not to slam. Thumbs up :)

  • +1

    Live in apartment.
    Get annoyed about living so closely with others.

  • Some doors may need a good slamming to shut them properly.

  • I know those doors, happens a lot by accident. If its big enough of a concern contact the agent. Google the apartment and address you'll find the agent

  • It’s a body Corp issue. Go to the source. If that fails make a noise complaint to the local authorities.

  • +4

    TRELL ME ABOUT IT! … I honestly don't know what is in these people's heads.
    I had neighbours who would "deliberately" slam the main entrance door so hard, that it actually damaged the door. I complained to the landlord, but nothing was ever done. These people kept doing it, each and every day they came and went.

    I eventually went to Bunnings and bought door rubber dampening pads… but these people, in noticing how quiet the door was, then ripped off these rubber dampeners, to continue their antics.

    Now, in a completely different apartment, I have young neighbours doing the exact same thing…. I think they just don't have the mental capacity.

    Try door dampeners…. lodge a complaint with land lord.

    DON'T approach these people…. you will then be the recipient of reprisals!

    • +1

      It’s the wind up syndrome. Complaining to the people causing your problem can be very effective so can complaining to a third party able to seek a remedy but if the people causing the problem are unreasonable then bad reactions often occur. Having said that most people are reasonable. My experience with door slamming is that it is usually a young person issue and they have no idea they are disturbing others. The approach you make to them is possibly the key. Nobody likes to be reported without being offered a chance to remedy things themselves. Often it just upsets the neighbourhood.

    • Geez, your neighbours sound intense. Really nuts.

  • Ah, one of the many benefits and nil drawbacks of apartment life

  • +1

    Leave a note in the common foyer or elevator.

    Please be considerate when closing your front apartment door. Heavy fire doors should be closed gently to avoid noise and excessive force on hinges and door frame….

    Please refer to insert whatever by-laws your building has for this — below is a rough example of common property by-law that can be used for this

    An owner, mortgagee or covenant chargee in possession (whether in person or not), lessee or occupier of a lot must not use or enjoy the common property in such a manner or for such a purpose as to interfere unreasonably with the use or enjoyment of any other lot by the occupier of the lot (whether that person is an owner or not) or by any other person entitled to the use and enjoyment of the lot.

    Slamming those heavy fire doors will eventually loosen the hinges which can be considered a fire safety issue. Usually the have fire inspectors come around to test them.

  • The joys of living in an apartment.

  • -4

    You bought an apartment. That's your problem.

  • -2

    The ones right next to me are a young Asian couple, and slightly down the hallway is an Indian family with toddlers. Both are very loud door slammers. Perhaps it's a recent migrant mentality. By the way I'm not being racist as I'm Asian myself.

    Troll post?

  • +1

    Sort of reason why I would never live in an apartment. though you have lots of polite options here to try first.

    a) talk to neighbours and politely ask if they could be more gentle with the doors due to disturbance.
    b) talk to building manager and ask them to ask EVERYONE to be polite and considerate with doors so you don't have to engage with your neighbours.
    c) a friendly and polite note under their door or in the mailbox.
    d) move to a house.

    if none of the above work or are possible for you then earplugs?

  • +1

    Move, that's apartment life. If you solve the door issue, you will have a whole host of other potential issues to solve.
    I don't know how much ability you have to move, financial or proximity to work etc so sorry if this is not even possible.

    I generally dislike most people so have moved to a few acres where I can't hear a dam thing. The neighbours had a big family Christmas party for what seemed like days and we were home with a new born baby and I didn't hear a thing from the neighbours! Apart from the cars littering their front yard, I wouldn't have known about their party habits at all.

    • It's not a big enough issue to consider moving over. It's a minor inconvenience at most. Was just wondering if other people in apartments experienced this. No need to make a mountain out of a molehill.

      If I could afford a house in the area I wanted though, that would be ideal. A few acres (like you have) sounds like heaven, as I also dislike most people, lol.

    • +2

      I know someone who went to the country for peace and quite and copped machinery and other annoying noises echoing throughout the valley :)

      • Ride on lawn mowers can be a racket. The sound is different, even though you can hear a lawn mower all afternoon, it's 500 m away and the noise isn't really an offensive noise indoors. If that makes any sense… You can always go out further and bigger if you need the ultimate silence, even then you might cop the odd plane or helicopter flying low overhead.

  • +1

    Someone once gave me some advice "Don't expect you from other people". You are considerate and watch the door to make sure it closes quietly, others do not. A friendly chat with them should do the job.

  • +1

    could be just inconsiderate or the door closer might not have been adjusted properly and they dont care. my previous apartment was like that and i manually adjusted it as it was closing really fast with big force.

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