I ask this in one of the old thread, but I guess, I have better change to get response in a new thread. Also in the old thread, there was no signed evidence.
I had refinance 3 home loans (1 OO, 2 investment) from a broker referred by a friend. After initial discussion, he agrees to cover part of refinance cost to be paid after settlement. During the process he also sent me a credit quote with a "clawback" clause, which I refuse to sign.
I told him I am not happy to commit to keep the loan for 24 months as it's a long period, during which I may sell my investment property or move to a new big house converting my current home as investment or selling that off. I assure him that I will give him the first opportunity to do the business for refinance my loans in future if he can give me a competitive deal when I need to refinance in future.
He verbally assured me that this is just a formality document I need to sign and he believe in long term business relationship where this is not actually enforceable. He says he reviews his all clients account every 12 months and provide best service so clawback is only for 12 months where he himself will encourage to refinance if that is beneficial to do so, and I can sign it without any worry. I was still not happy, so ask him to add a clause that "clawback" is only applicable if I refinance, and not if I need to sell any property.
Now twist in the story, he had left the company he was working (I was in the impression that he owns the company). He has started a new firm and approached me to refinance the loans with his new firm. I remind him about the clawback which I signed and he said, that document is with him only and no need to worry (which I doubt, as I send the signed form through email to old firm, and I am sure they may have it in their records).
I thought to refinance with him, but was not happy with his deal. I got a better deal with another broker and thinking to refinance with another broker.
Now I am worried about the "clawback" clause I signed. Can the previous firm enforce that?
It's now almost 14 months so as per our verbal agreement, I am out of "clawback" agreement, but on paper it is for 24 months.
Do I have to wait for 24 months before I can refinance?
Verbal agreements don't account for much, you should go by whatever contract you signed.
Best refer this to someone with legal experience, so they can explain your obligations to you.