Product Details
Made from pure cotton, these cotton tips come with two round ends. It's soft and gentle on skin, perfect for applying or removing makeup from delicate areas such as around the eyes and lips.
Product Details
Made from pure cotton, these cotton tips come with two round ends. It's soft and gentle on skin, perfect for applying or removing makeup from delicate areas such as around the eyes and lips.
But these cotton tips come with two round ends!
actually, they didn't ..
one end was pointy and the opposite end was like a spatula in a small container. (it's not the large box like in the picture shown.)
bought a few anyway. =P
Those must be the ones that come in a pack of 100. Those are for makeup.
Ur just pushing the wax further in your ear 🤦
Learnt this the hard way. Had to go to a doctor to get it flushed out with a syringe. Didn't hurt until I saw the bowl of water and earwax. I gagged.
Lol that smell when you do it is horrible.
I syringe my own occasionally
@Slippery Fish: It's a bit like our own BO, and shit. Smells good to yourself sometimes.
But a direct whiff OH NOOOOOOO it's hell
Well, if you are doing it like with toilet plunger, then yes. You need to move it like on the roundabout ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
YES! And in the initial cavity too, not jam it all the way..
You shouldn't use these for inside the ear canal.
my ear canal is pretty big, and once went to the doctor and he said my ears were pretty clean inside, BUT that i should stop using these things as they were damaging my skin and everything looked kind of swollen inside, so now i just use them to clean/dry my ear on the outside, or for some specific ases where a little bit of water stays inside the ear and it starts itching hurting.
hey i have a tip for you
everyone says this but no one says how often they clean it, it sounds like y'all do those daily instead of weekly and that's why you damage the insides.
Also how deep is deep, seems y'all also jamming this thing in a quarter of the stick, instead of just only inserting until the largest part of the tip touches the outside of the canal.
Oh goodie. So my Mum has been shoving these up my ear ever since I was a kid. No wonder my hearing isn’t up to scratch.
Unless it pierces your eardrum, I don't think it has much of an effect on hearing
This product is not to be inserted into the ear canal under any circumstances as this can lead to damage of the ear drum. This product may be used to gently clean the
outer surface of the ear only.
There are the same kind of people that say "Throw out any dairy stored at 32°C+ for an hour". I can tell you in the outback, it can take over an hour just to get home from the shops.. Frozen items go in cooler bags.
My personal favourite is "Allergy Advice: Contains Milk" on a bottle of skim milk.
Not saying it's wrong, but they go overboard sometimes and its hard to take some of their "advice" seriously.
Turns out the nut bars I like contain nuts.
Double protection from a sue just cause, can't be too careful eh. Even if its highly likely to fail hard, peps claim crazy things ranging from "It looked like flour" to "I just thought it was white water
You'll have to speak up. I'm wearing a towel.
You have to stop the Q-tip when there is resistance
Good price. I bought one of these last week for 99c.
Use cotton buds in ears is sooo damn pleasurable
yeah, specially on hot days and you wet the bud in cold water…
Yea, it use to be for me that's why I kept doing it. Now that feeling is gone and I've got early signs of tinnitus.
Learn from my mistakes. Not worth it.
Tinnitus is not necessarily from that.
doesn't everyone hear continual ringing/hissing if they listen/Concentrate enough?
What alternative are others using for clean ears?
And that's $15 price tag right there. Any less common alternative is a good way to charge customers more.
I use this, in the shower of course.
Purposely fill my ears with water as needed (it's like a massage), then tilt my head back to let it all drain out, bloody cheap too.
Had a guy in China clean out my ears with various tools made from horse hair.
Felt weird, I could hear it rubbing against my ear drum. Worked well…
About $2aud
Baby/mineral oil is the cheapest/safest way. Just tilt your head and put a few drops in and give it some time, then let it drain out
why oil?
Teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, let it bubble away then flip over to the other side.
If I connect 2 together can I do my own up the nose Covid test?
You can shove it up your nose, sure, but then what?!
Nah you need about 6 for the full experience.
There's no warnings about not shoving these up your nose, so I don't see why not.
Lol at that first review
why flat/pressed for?
These are on sale because everyone is moving to paper based stems.
Plastic stems are bad for the environment. They are banned in the UK.
Plastic stems are bad for the environment.
So are the plastic straws. But, I hate paper straws. They go soggy from both ends. Frustrating.
If only there were some alternate method for consuming liquids
Could try a reusable plastic straw
How do I suck up the tapioca in my bubble tea if the bottom do the paper straws has gone soggy? Legit had this problem recently. Drinking it the other way doesn't work.
Not only about liquids, which you can drink without the use of straws. How about buying a frozen drink and then halfway, the straw becomes useless.
Metal straws are the best but downside is that not many people bring them with them (plus they're lowkey outrageously expensive)
Metal straws are a hazard because you can cut your mouth very badly, and if you were to slip or fall, the straw can puncture your mouth or face.
@ihavecentsnotsense: That's why I threw out all of the forks and spoons in my house and only use cotton wool to eat my spaghetti.
@ihavecentsnotsense: Is this something that happens to you frequently?
Just wait until you learn that power tools exist
@picklewizard: They're particularly dangerous if you're walking with a drink, or use them for drinks for children.
@ihavecentsnotsense: No they're not…
That's like saying footpaths are dangerous because you can fall and crack your head open.
You're being ridiculous lol
@picklewizard: Footpaths that are broken/cracked and present a hazard are indeed dangerous; that's why local councils and government maintain them to reduce the risk of people falling and cracking their head open. They have a duty of care and a responsibility to maintain them.
Just putting it out there that those metal straws present safety risks and are inappropriate for some people/some uses.
@picklewizard: I don't walk around while using cutlery, and small children often use plastic/smaller cutlery that is blunter. No such precautions with metal straws.
How's the texture on the Macca's ones? It's like dragging your teeth on a popsicle stick 😱
were fine to me, unless you are a biter or leave it in the drink for ages, I have no complaint about the soggyness
Says $0.90 for me
Everyone loves a help hand.
The old axiom remains true…never put anything in your ears smaller than your finger.
Except if you put your finger in your ear you'll scratch the crap out of it with your nails
I think the axiom refers to elbow.
does it hurt
Nope it doesn't. The water doesn't squirt directly out of the tip, it squirts out at 3 different angles so it doesn't directly impact the eardrum.
Anyone else having issues with getting this price in store? Went to my local and they said it’s online price
tell them it's not tagged as 'Online only special'.. did you try scanning it
Marked as 50c at my local store
No tag in my store but scanned correctly at the self-checkout.
guys, here's a tip…
Probably the cheapest price!
ALDI sells 240 packs for 99c.
what do with these?
I'm only interested in the ones I use for ears