Bluetooth Clip on/Small MP3 Player for Running

Looking for something that I can put music on while running. Running with a phone is too heavy/annoying so looking for something similar to Sandisk Clip Sport but that's about $80 for the bluetooth version or maybe a watch that can track distance as well as put music on. Looking for under $50 if possible.


  • Have you thought of headphones with built in memory? I had a 10 second search on Amazon and found a set that takes an SD card

    Ignore this if you have your own good quality headphones already!

    • already own a set of bluetooth headphones so hoping to pair it up with it. hard to find anything mp3 related anymore

  • Sandisk knockoff?…

    No idea of the quality

  • Easiest to get a cheap smart watch, can track exercise and store/stream music depending on how much you pay.

    • any suggestions? i own a miband 4 atm

      • Decent sports watches with music support are probably out of your budget. The Garmin Forerunner 245M is probably what he was referring to.

        Having said that, I've got an older watch with no music support and run with a phone for music. I use a belt something like this and run with my phone sitting in the small of my back. It's actually pretty comfortable and absolutely better than the phone armbands I assume you've been using, because those are very heavy & annoying.

        • yeah been running with the arm band and it's really annoying. i'll have a look at the band. thanks

  • Why not search Gumtree for that old iPod shuffle? Sorry didn't read you need Bluetooth

    • looking for bluetooth so i dont have to deal with strings 21st century magic!

  • ali express chinese new year sale imminent….great top quality hifi players hidizs ap60h or something like that - seems like that one has more or less disappeared now sadly

    look for something like this maybe JWD JWM-107 16GB MP3 Player Metal - old design - different builds around..but good sound

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