Hi…I have searched online but can't find an answer to my question so thought I'd try here. I want to have a body wave and I'm wondering if anybody knows if there is any ruling on services like that during COVID? I imagine it would not be possible to wash my hair and do a body wave with a mask? I contacted the hairdresser and they told me I can wear one if I wish. But it depends if I would get a $200 fine if not, as that would make it very expensive if I got the fine.
Hairdresser services during COVID19

Confirming Zephyrus' comment:
Assuming OP is in Vic - clause 8(p) of the Stay Safe Directions (Victoria) (No 8) provides that a person does not need to wear a face covering if:
the person is receiving a service from a facility which is permitted to operate under, and is operating in accordance with, the Restricted Activity Directions (Victoria), to the extent that it is not reasonably practicable to receive that service wearing a face covering
The hairdressers themselves should know when it is legal for customers to take off their masks. Hair washing sounds like a perfect example of when taking off a mask is acceptable.
If you put it on during a cut for example, there may be times when they are cutting the hair near the ears where you may need to take it off to ensure they can do it properly.
Yes, i tried this during a normal haircut no wash, was completely useless for someone with longer hair to wear it during cut but would've been great if the hairdresser was wearing one.
This was few months ago before the $200 fine, the hair dresser did not wear a mask and towards the end, while talking accidently spat in my face.
It was disgusting, to say the least and am so glad NSW finally moved with the times and is forcing people to wear masks indoors.
My hairdresser washed my hair and did highlights with my mask on.
sit there sipping a coke for the entire session…
sit there s
ippingnorting a coke for the entire session…Fixed it!
Why the hell would you want fizzy drink up your no- oh…
Most masks sit behind your ears and don’t cover your hair. I don’t see why you couldn’t wear one. If you’re in the Brisbane (King’s Park QLD?) region you’re being asked to stay home except for essential reasons - a body wave isn’t essential.
Only pubs are essential.
With all the loopholes around masks they're basically just recommendations. Take any fine to court and you'll find the judge will be furious at the police for the amount of stupid infringements given out.
These are the Victorian rules. Basically you have to wear one unless the procedure you're doing needs you to take it off.
Then again, it may be unwise to do cosmetic procedures like this in the middle of a pandemic