Looking for a good deal on a
- Maha MH-C9000
or - La Crosse Technology BC-700
There was a good deal on the La Crosse (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/52917) But its no longer on sale :(
Please help I've been looking for ages :'(
Looking for a good deal on a
There was a good deal on the La Crosse (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/52917) But its no longer on sale :(
Please help I've been looking for ages :'(
Maha MH-C9000 is apparently the best, but this is pretty much as good.
Here is a review of the Maha vs La Crosse (the better model 900/9009) but there isn't a great deal of diff between the two models
I dont particularly care which one coz I know they are both good
Off Ebay and from the USA is the cheapest deal on the C9000, don't waste your time looking for anything cheaper - as I've already tried.
You can save a few dollars and go the La Crosse but I'd recommend against it - lacks a few key features of the C9000 (break in cycle especially!) and also has had scattered reliability problems….C9000 has 3yr warranty and never a bad word said about it.
You can also easily charge C and D cells in it as well - google will show you this, well known trick.
Yes, $65 seems like a lot for a charger that you think should be $10-20 but will pay for itself easily - as I swear 99% of people have absolutely no idea with their rechargables and the C9000 gets the best from them and also helps you learn how to do this - very intuitive.
Good post! Nice to see im not the only one going in circles trying to find the best deal
Talked to that seller, said he could do it for $60 delivered inc an AU converter. If anyone wants his details let me know
Yes please :) Thanks.
eBay Data Lucis LLC <[email protected]> His name is Robert.
Just mention my name (Daniel) and that you want the same deal for a Maha Powerex MH-C9000 $60 USD delivered to AU.
I'd rather say m0nkeycheese sent me.
id be interested too :) special deal for ozbargainers ?
just ordered mine from Data Lucis via the details that m0nkeycheese provided, thanks Daniel!
Data Lucis seem disappeared from E-bay
Pretty sure thats the same guy, send him an email
Thanks for replay, however I did a quick search and found this battery charger sold with a pack of batteries and the price isn't much different.
Maybe you already know what I'm talking about?
I dunno, if you know of a better deal post it ;) Sharing is caring
I didn't save the web pages, looking into the history now! lol
arrived. anyone know how to use this thing =s
ok, Datalucis seem on its own now also @m0nkeycheese suggestion (send e-mail) seems the best: http://datalucis.com/product_mhc9000_eu.html
There is this web site that offer the same charger for $52US + $12 with 4 Maha 2700 AA Rechargeable Batteries & 1 Free 4 Cell Battery Holder.
BUT I didn't bother creating a login to check delivery charges, most probably it's too much: http://www.thomasdistributing.com/Maha-Powerex-MH-C9000-AA--…
E-bay merchant, same charger with 8 AL950 batteries $82US including delivery: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Maha-Powerex-MH-C9000-Charger-Analyz…
Thomas Distributing want $37.71 for delivery. I researched them when I was looking for the best price so it was a no go!
if you used the amex promo for myus.com , then it might be cheaper to forward it alongside with your other US purchases… so it might work out better.
I'd like to know how these compare:
Accupower IQ328: ebay US about USD46 delivered to Oz
La Crosse BC-1000: Amazon US about USD70 delivered to Oz
La Crosse BC-700: Amazon US about USD50 delivered to Oz
La Crosse BC-500: Amazon US about USD40 delivered to Oz
Maha Powerex C900: Protog AUS AUD70 + AUD10 postage (may be 10% discount poss). ebay US may be a bit cheaper.
Did I get those prices about right? And what's to choose between the chargerss?
If you just want to charge batteries and not look at all the numbers so much get the BC500. I've got one an it's great! Sure the more expensive ones put out more info on the batteries but at the end of the day all you really wanna do is charge them and move on with life! Plus it has an awesome rating on amazon, that many people can't be wrong!
Oh and u get 2 extra batteries too ;)
Thanks. I'm a complete novice here, and prepared to admit it.
As far as I can see, the BC-500 has a rate charge of 500mA fixed. Others have said that NiMh should be charged at 0.5c, so for a 2000mA standard Eneloop you'd charge at 1000mA, etc.
Hence my hesitation on that one.
The lower mA you charge a battery at the longer its life will be. The only down side of the 500mA charging rate is it will take longer to charge nothing else. If anything your batteries will 'live' longer. The reason they pick 1000mA is its a good medium for charge time vs lifetime.
My current charger is an 8-year old Duracell branded charger. Bought with 4 rechargeable batteries in a US supermarket for about USD20-30.
Has a light that goes red to green when it has charged, but I suspect that is just an internal timing function. I generally charge overnight. It says:
- Model CEF14N Class 2 Battery Charger
- Input AC100-240V 50/60Hz 8W
- Output 5.6V DC 360mA (4 AA NiMh)
- 2.8V DC 160mA (2 AAA NiMh)
It seems to work OK. I charge AA batteries overnight. Should I replace it with something better? Will it damage my nice new (not yet received) Dick Smith sparkling Eneloop batteries 8 for $20?
Hey Daniel…..I noted from above you felt that the seller, Robert at Datalucis had stated to you that he'd do a pretty damn good price on the C9000 for people - do you feel this is still the case?
So do you recommend emailing him on [email protected] - stating that we've been referred by you "simply Daniel from Oz" and we'd be interested in seeing if he could do the same $USD60 posted deal on the C9000.
Just FWIW how long did yours take to arrive after placing the order? Via standard UPS?
Thanks in advance.
Yeah has worked for other people don't see why it still wouldn't. I wish I was getting commission from this he would be getting heaps of sales thanks to me lol.
Just flick him an email. My name is all u need to mention. When I asked for the deal I said I had some 'friends' that may be interested if you give me a good deal. Hence the deal.
Yes, he replied back almost instantly - very impressive.
Postage costs went up so its $USD65 delivered now for the C9000.
Do you recall the time it took to deliver at all?
Thanks in advance for your info - yes, he should have you on commission. Hopefully big discount on your next order!
Is the warranty important on an imported item? How would you claim on warranty for a charger you bought from a US ebay seller?
Suffice to say you've almost certainly meant you'll have to foot the return postage bill. Particularly with smaller manufacturers who don't have local presence. So you'd need to factor this in vs sourcing local - but you'd still have to post to local vendor and IMHO that'll be close to cost to US anyway. :-)
Oh FWIW prior to finally caving in on a MH-C9000 I also bought one of these:
SANYO NC-MQR06 in short for ~$17 delivered you get a lot of charger (4 independant charging channels, up to 3 different charging rates (albeit by charging less than 4 cells)
Here's the user manual:
DYOR but there's quite a few people in the USA that are very peeved that they don't sell it there.
Its a real bargain as a travel charger or just a basic entry level charger that will properly charger your batteries. Is Sanyo's top of the line and newest charger (yup, they've always made crap chargers – but this ones great value!)
If you don't want the discharge/refresh etc functions of the more expensive chargers and just good monitored charging this will do it for you. You won't find a better charger under $30 - I promise you.
So what would be the best charger to prolong the life of your premium eneloop rechargeables with the least amount of fuss? Not too concerned about slow charge speeds but the Maha MH-C9000 and the La Crosse BC-900 look far too complicated to operate. Just want something that I can plug some batteries in and leave to do it's work without having to toggle through 250 menus and 10,000 different options.
The bc 500 is the charger for you. Search Amazon for BC500
Thanks, I'll check it out
IMHO having looked at the spec's of the BC-500 its a lil too much of a one trick pony for that money - for around $6 more you could get the Accupower IQ328 which offers a lot more flexibility. A set 500mA charge rate (AAA's included) is unacceptable - even the ~$17 Sanyo effectively offers 3 tiers (6 if you include the different AAA levels).
Generally charging at lower levels (for AA 500mA is generally going to be 0.2-0.25c) is fine but there will be loads of times when you will want/need to the ability to charge in a few hrs less. For a few dollars more I'd upgrade or spend 1/2 much om something a lil simpler (less can go wrong with it).
The forum comments I've seen on the BC-500 see it as a flawed product as its got the inflexibility of the entry level one speed chargers but is only marginally cheaper than very flexible full featured chargers.
Anyway read some reviews and see how you go. :-)
The BC-700 dropped a bit in price at Amazon.com
It is now US$36.95 + US$7.98 shipping (total US$44.83). It used to be US$47.22 delivered
According to http://camelcamelcamel.com/Crosse-Technology-BC-700-Battery-… it has been much cheaper in the past!
i think I'm a newbie and just don't understand this manual charging and having to set your parameters…
but if i just wanted to buy a decent charger that i can just plug my eneloop batteries in, (like those old dumb energiser chargers!) but won't overcharge and overheat. i don't mind how long charging takes.. does anyone recommend anything?
i was reading above and someone recommended this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/300548639097?ssPageName=STRK:MEWA…
can anyone share some wisdom if it is a good buy for a dummy user? or if there is a better product?
Hello,welcome to my online shop ,we offers high quality laptop battery at the most preferred price. http://www.laptopbatterymag.com/dell-latitude-e5400.htm Dell Latitude E5400 Battery
Yeah, something like this would be helpful (need to do away with my old dodgy charger). Any suggestions on which of the two is a better charger?