This was posted 4 years 2 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Philips Hue Colour and Ambiance GU10 Downlights $38.35 @ Bunnings


Pretty sure they were trying to price match the white only ones from Amazon but accidentally set it up for the colour ones. Mt Gravatt store has heaps - I bought 3.

They are usually around $89, or on special at amazon for around $60

Hope I posted right as it's my first post.

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse

closed Comments

  • Yep, I got some as well two days ago. Glad they messed up and price matched the white version instead of the colour.

  • Just wondering what's the regular price of these

    • They are $89 or so

      • Yeah, seems standard pricing is 69-89

  • Good first deal op.
    Still a little rich for me as I need 9.

    • +6

      You'll save hundreds buying them now….

    • +1

      Do you need the colour version? I find the ikea tradfri bulbs work just as well…

  • +1

    Just bought two, absolutely no idea why, not should what i should use for

    will these work in any lamp? eg buy a lamp face it against the wall for colour bouncing off it! \

    cheers op :)

    • +6

      That’s the OzB spirit.

      Should work in any lamp with gu10 fitting. As these are the newer type of bulbs, you can change colour via the app over bluetooth without needing the hub.

      • Perfect, ty! will have to make sure to look for a lamp that fits then :)

    • IMO if you don’t already have a gu10 fitting, maybe better off going e27 instead as more options for fittings like floor and table lamps. Some houses also have batten holders too.

      • Moving into new place, so not sure of light fixtures yet, already bought the GU10 reckon it will be easy to find a mood lamp etc to fit these? (haven't looked yet, will start now haha)

  • Thanks. I’ve been wanting to get these for a while.

  • The status of this item is suspended. Price probably reflects this.

    • Hi Rep, what does that mean? Am I able to ask if there are any suspended items to get better deals?

      • It means that Bunnings isn’t sure if they will be getting more stock in a timely fashion. Until they know, it will be suspended. Knowing that items are suspended won’t get you better deals 99% of the time.

    • +4

      For smart lighting, Philips Hue is the best.

    • I got the arlec ones. Bought 8 and they are all grouped and controller together. Great units.

      I'm reading these are Bluetooth controlled? No mention of wifi?

      • For Philips Hue the options are:

        Phone via Bluetooth directly to bulb (the newest versions); or phone via internet to the Philips Hue Bridge that connects via the Zigbee protocol to each light. The latter have their advantages and disadvantages when compared to bulbs directly connected to your home wifi network.

  • Any recommendations on where to get a housing with standard Australian 240v plug for these bulbs?

    Keen to get them but don't want to do any electrical wiring.

    • I tried to look for that ages ago when I was thinking of converting our MR16 to GU10 in our bathroom. I found some on google search but never ended up using them.…

      Unsure on quality etc

    • If you have a plug base in roof - just get any electrical wholesaler to order in a gu10 frame with flex and plug kit.

    • For some reason, all the GU-10 housings seem to be made for hard wiring. Only the MR-16 or dedicated LEDs have plugs.

      But if you already have sockets in the ceiling, there if nothing to stop you putting flex leads and plugs on them. (except QLD??)

      • I have downlights that plug directly into 240v sockets, if that's what you mean. The lights are built in a way that you can swap them out easily, without wiring. I'll look into flex leads as I'm not familiar with those.

    • +1

      Your statement is false.

      • +3

        Sorry, it does say can be connected to bridge. I retract my poorly researched comment

    • +1

      Works fine with HomeKit, got two of them 2 days ago.

    • +1

      Sorry, it does say can be connected to bridge. I retract my poorly researched comment

  • These are an absolute bargain. Great find op!

  • Where does it say it is a downlight? Appears to be a simple gu10 bulb, what else is necessary to make this a down light?

    • It is just a globe.

      U need a Frame, lamp holder, junction box and flex plug (ideally)

  • Out of stock from multiple stores in ViC

    • Just ordered 4 from Dandenong, still a few left at other stores around the area.

  • +2

    These may come I handy for anyone who’s ordered on a whim :…

    • Good find for those looking for an adapter.

    • Hugely appreciate this, as I did just that haha! any non 10 packs? (only bought 2)

  • Thanks OP! I've been hesitating about pulling the trigger on these for awhile, but at this 'almost never again' insane price, I just bought 8! Cheers :-)

    • -1

      I have bought 9(5 + 4) from 2 stores(no stock). Beat you by 1 :-)

      • +1

        Weird flex, but OK…

  • Thanks OP… been waiting a long time for decent priced Hue GU10… bought 4 :-)

  • Bought because Ozbargain. Do I need a bridge to use these?

    • +1

      Nope. These are the new Bluetooth ones. Would only need bridge if you have lots

    • +1

      Nope, these newer ones can all be connected via Bluetooth. You can still connect it to a bridge if you want to.

      • But do I have to be physically close to turn them on/off?
        If I wanted to “hey Google turn off the lights” I’d need the bridge yes?

        • +1

          Ignoring the Philips Hue Bridge, the BT Philips Hue can be controlled directly via Bluetooth using the Philips Hue app (you have to be in BT range). Additionally, you can use a Google Home/Nest speaker/display as an alternate hub/bridge since they have Bluetooth in them as well and control the Philips Hue via voice or the Google Home app (a speaker/display has to be within BT range of the lights). As the speakers/display is also connected to your home wifi, you can control the lights via the Google Home app outside the home too.

          Some disclaimers though. Support for Philips Hue to Google Home Bluetooth connectivity just rolled out sometime last year and people seem to have found it less reliable than the classic connection via the Bridge. This Philips Hue to Google Home connectivity also only works with Google Home/Nest speakers/displays. Each Google Home/Nest only supports 5 (?) Philips Hue devices.

          Also worth noting that I haven't kept abreast of all the Philips Hue changes recently, so my info may be outdated or just plain wrong.

          There's a Philips Hue discord if you want to ask some questions there

  • i just bought 10, how can i used it without downlights fitting on my house? any good ideas

    • +1

      You didn't think of that first?

  • I want these, but the box states 350lm. Seems dim for a living room?

    I currently have 600lm warm lights installed. Thoughts on the brightness?

    • My lounge has 8 of these and they are plenty bright. I guess it depends on how spaced out your lights are. My lounge is roughly 6x4m. and its 2 rows of 4 lights.

      • Wowsers I have 8 900lm lights in a similar sized area and it's just bright enough. At times I could do with extra light. How high is your ceiling?

    • Technically almost half the brightness but may seem like 1/4 as light spreads and drops off quickly.

    • They're too dim. Especially the ones that have colour also

  • Why these bulbs use GU10 fittings? Is there some advantage to it?

    • The only good reason is for retro-fitting to existing GU10 downlights.

      The bad reason is that Philips does not sell a colour dedicated downlight. Garnea is variable colour-temp, not full colour.

    • Yes. You can replace old GU10 downlight with these bulbs, and use Alexa or Google Assistant to switch on/off lights.

  • Thanks mate, great deal

  • Not sure why marked as out of stock, I have plenty of stores in my area still showing stock available?

    • Not sure if stock levels are updating properly. Ordered some where says only 6 in stock, after ordering you could still order from that same store.

      • Ordered six this morning… though its 30 mins away from me. Nothing available close by

        • Yes, so stores were saying 5 or 6 in stock etc however when I ordered from those stores those 5 or 6 were still in stock. As per below someone already received a no stock call. Good luck.

          • @dandandan: yeah…. I got the same… just received a txt that they will refund it due to no stock…

  • Got a call from Bunnings. No stock. Refunding the money.

    • +1

      Don't let them refund your money, tell them you would like to wait for more stock to arrive, and leave your click and collect order active. Make it clear you are not interested in being refunded.

      • The item is suspended. The likelihood of more stock coming in is very low.

        • +1

          That's what I got told at the Bunnings I just returned back from. The item will become a deleted item.

        • lol yeah it likely got "suspended" until the heat dies down because they screwed up. Philips have not discontinued it so there's no reason to suspend it. Plus there is a big difference between suspended and deleted.

          I received an order confirmation and they accepted payment, making the contract of sale legally binding. If they think I'm going to just shrug it off without a fight, they have another thing coming.

      • +1

        Just spoke with the manager at my local Bunnings. He said they are OK to leave the order in the system until stock arrives and then honour the price, which is exactly what they should (legally) be doing. The woman I spoke with yesterday was clueless and tried to tell me that they can't order any more and need to cancel the order smh

        If you have received an order confirmation via email and they have taken the money, don't listen to anyone who says they have to refund you and cancel the order. Escalate to a manager as they are the only ones who seem to have a clue. You are legally entitled to expect Bunnings to fulfill the order (even if it takes them weeks/months to do so). Philips have not discontinued the bulbs - Bunnings have simply suspended it from sale due to the run out of stock.

        If you want to look into this further, you can find the terms and conditions of sale online.


        a. In respect of each Product listed in your Checkout Summary, your order is an offer from you to the relevant Seller to buy that Product from that Seller.
        b. The Seller will be bound to supply you the Product once payment has been processed and the Seller has sent you an email order confirmation.
        c. Where you purchase Products from more than one Seller, you offer to enter into a separate contract with each Seller under these Terms of Sale in respect of the Products supplied by that Seller.
        d. Each Seller is independently responsible for dispatching Products to you under these Terms of Sale.
        e. All accepted orders supersede all previous quotes/estimates.

        • Hmm. Just got an sms saying order has been refunded (I didn’t request it!)!

          • @digitalane: As per above, if they accepted payment and you received an order confirmation, they are legally obligated to honour the price. I would contact them directly and make a stand. If you haven't received an order confirmation, you likely won't get it, but if you have received one, you've got a case. And since it's not a discontinued item, they have to honour it.

            Most people don't actually realise their legal rights with regards to online purchases. I secured a Bose Soundlink Mini II back in Dec 2019 (thanks to OZB) due to a massive screw up by Bose. $299 speaker for $101 due to Bose accepting their own advertised promo code and a different one using Honey. Normally two codes won't work together but it did with this Bose sale. So I bought two and sold the other one for $150 :-) But Bose tried to do the same thing - cancel the order and not honour it. I escalated it and outlined their legal rights to honour the price based on their own terms of sale and after a 15 minute phone call, they caved. When these things happen, companies rely on the consumers general lack of knowledge as to what rights they have. You're entering into a legal contract of sale. Them sending you an order confirmation and accepting payment is an acceptance of your offer to purchase the item and "closing the deal".

            Know your rights and always make a stand if you have everything to back your case. Big companies understand that it will cost them much more in the long wrong in negative publicity alone if they try to get out of it. But they will always try to get out of it first due to the vast majority of people not realising they have rights.

            • @KangaDrew: It may not be a discontinued item, however it is possible that Bunnings has decided not to sell it anymore.

              • @RSmith: They haven't discontinued it. The manager told me suspending it from sale simply prevents it from being sold and creating a further stock deficit. Once they fulfil orders (that have been confirmed) they will put it back in as an active item for sale.

  • Did c&c last night. Ready to pick up now. Thanks OP

  • U have these in my place robus rc9wdlcct3-01

    Is it a direct bulb swap?

  • most store in QLD are showing OOS or just 1 left (which usually means OOS)

  • Went in to look this morning - because click and collect wasn’t ready.
    They were still on the shelf so I bought - expect my orders will get refunded later when they haven’t got stock.

    Worth checking your local store. May be some on shelf. They’re with the smart camera section usually at the front of the store.
    The lighting section might not have any except display boxes.

  • Still a bit pricey for GU10, and from experience they don't last very long.

  • Got the call too. Wonder if eager people got to the store early and picked up what was on the shelves before the staff allocated the online orders?

    • One of the worst things about Bunnings is their click and collect offering and how they service it.

  • Pretty sure there is a 2 pack for 49.95. not Phillips, but still google enabled coloured lights

    I'll see if I can find the link

    It was an actual downlight, not a light bulb

  • None in ACT. :( Got 2 from Griffith NSW

  • Does anyone know what type of bulbs are best for downlights in general, this place has those metal surrounds and those flex plugs so easy to swap out. The wiring or transformer is pretty average so they seem to blow a bit or get bad connections.

    Basically these are GU5.3 bi-pin lights, 35W (465 lumens, warm white). Think you can get better ones that are 7W or something and cool white be better for kitchen. cheers

  • Possible to use cheap adapter from e27 to gu10?

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