I would like to invest $30K that is not earning me anything(almost) at the moment. I have got Commbank Securities account but not using it actively.
Just want to get opinions/advise where to start?
Thank you.
I would like to invest $30K that is not earning me anything(almost) at the moment. I have got Commbank Securities account but not using it actively.
Just want to get opinions/advise where to start?
Thank you.
Where to start?
Something like this has been asked several times in the forums (you should do a search).
Essentially chuck it in an ETF/Vanguard if you have a medium appetite for risk, leave it in the bank if you are averse to risk, buy bitcoin or TSLA if you like to live dangerously.
How do I invest in aETF/Vanguard? Are there options to invest in these ethically?
You can setup a direct account with Vanguard Australia, just google it. Or depending who you bank with you can setup a online broker with your bank. Commsec, NAB trade ect. Then buy Vanguard on the market.
If you want Vanguards ethical fund google VESG.
I haven't been able to wrap my head around how some of the companies that they invest in are "ethically conscious".
Apple is the largest holding in that fund, here's some recent news. - https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/world/apple-knew-a-supplier-w…
Amazon, Facebook, Google, JP Morgan Chase, Proctor and Gamble, etc. have also all had major questionable ethics issues (and I couldn't comment on some of the others).
@Singu1arity: Not going to lie I haven't done any research into the fund itself just knew they had one .
Options are to leave in cash and earn a guaranteed negative real yield.
Or in over-inflated markets, hoping that modern monetary theory will continue. This is probably the surest bet, your yield will depend on how much funny money governments create.
Or crypto, though governments will likely ban if that becomes a popular escape hatch.
You can reasonably expect 5% return from a conservative, diversified investment etf or similar.
Over the past decade, returns have been higher as interest rates sunk to zero and money was printed, but there are good reasons to think that effect is waning.
You might get lucky and get a 15% return, or unlucky and lose 10%. That is the risk.
You might be tremendously unlucky and lose 50%. In that circumstance, selling your investment at the end of the year would lock in your loss.
So if you really must have the money in 12 months, I would say a bank is best for you, but if you have control over whether the money is withdrawn or not, maybe the riskier investments.
So if you really must have the money in 12 months, I would say a bank is best for you
Agree. And bank interest rate on $30k is ~0%.
Z1P 🚀🚀🚀
Buy after the fund raiser, people get smart and sell out.
whens the fund raiser happening?
all good saw the statement saying 4th…
If I ask someone where should I go fishing this morning, and how many fish I expect to catch by end of day, people can provide general location I can fish and maybe general timings to maximise catch, but no one will know how many fish I will catch. I might waste all my baits and not catch anything at all, or I might catch a lot.
Here are some fishing strategies and locations discussed here
Get a statement of fishing advice from a fishing advisor!
If OP asks what to do with the superannuation fish catchment at age 64, after losing half at the peak of covid. Sure. And only get specific professional advice if it is free, right? Never pay for professional advice!
Note: this comment does not constitute professional fishing advice, talk to a fishing advisor, do your own research etc
Put $10k on red, if you lose put $20k on red.
Fool proof advice.
You forgot the rest of that rule - you have to keep doubling your bet until you win, then stop. If followed to the letter, you can't lose.
And if you run out dough to keep doubling:
- max out credit cards
- borrow from your best mates
- clear out the kids accounts
- pawn your wife’s engagement ring
- loan sharks
You forgot
- bikies
Until it lands on green "0" or "00"….
Then double again.
As long as you don't run out of money you can't lose your initial stake.
If OP had enough money to safely bankroll that then he wouldn't need to invest in the first place.
Always bet on black
Just checked my crystal ball. If you really want to know deposit $100 into my paypal account.
Is that how much your ball is worth?
Just the left one…
Does that crystal ball make you walk with a limp?
that is not earning me anything(almost) at the moment.
its also not losing you anything (inflation aside)
You need to weight up risk v reward and pick your gamble and your timeline…
Low risk- its in the bank
- for 2020 this would have returned you the 'almost' nothing level
Low-Medium risk - some form of diversified ETF
- for 2020 a vanguard diversified balanced index might have returned 5%, a more risky balanced ETF might have returned 6-9%,
Medium-High risk - some form of selective stock portfolio
- for 2020 a selection like amazon or Telsa would have seen you doubling your money (or in the case of TSLA, much more), but also seen you about break even or worse on other stocks
High risk - things like crypto
- for 2020 a buy in BTC would have seen 3x your money, but could have equally lost half or more of it.
as always, past performance is no indication of future performance ;)
Continue your current path (slow and steady and boring)
Take a bigger risk and risk negative returns.
Also if everyone knew of a safe and higher return path, people are already doing it. 🙄
I'd short sell Intel too.
ASX pl8
Buy VDHG. It's a boring, diversified, medium risk ETF. The returns are ~4.5%
APPL share value doubled in the last two years, for example. Warren Buffet isn't warning people to stop investing in companies like Apple just yet.
That is a peculiar amount. Why $30k?
he saved 30k from working?
Offset account
On a related topic, someone I know recently told me that he’s earned annualized 15-16% return in the last 6 months alone on super. His super balance is 250k if I’m not mistaken. He recently talked to a financial adviser and was advised to contribute as much as he can to his super account if he wanted to reduce debt (still half a mil mortgage). The adviser’s fee is 3000-3500$ a year and that’s apparently cheaper than a super maintenance fee. Something doesn’t add up. And his annual pre tax income is 160k I believe.
16% on super sounds like hyperbole, however there was a unisuper option that returned 13.2% this year which is astonishing, very reliant on USA tech stocks/energy stocks https://www.unisuper.com.au/en/investments/our-investment-op…
Was that immediately after it lost 13%?
If it's mostly FAANG stocks, then it would be very much above the dip earlier in the year.
16% on super sounds like hyperbole
I dunno about that my super fund did 14% (LTM) and it isn't an aggressive fund. I was surprised because it is an old fund I don't put money into anymore and it is still going up nicely
Contribute to Super to reduce debt? Reduce tax maybe. Am I missing something here.. Covid early release and other exceptional circumstances aside your Super is locked till your 60, was the advisor suggesting he pay back debt then?
Some very good growth in Super in the last 6 months or so if you are in a growth equities structure is understandable as the market has been in recovery in the mid/late 2020 phase since the Feb/March Covid hit were the Super would have had a heavy fall. I don’t think there’s a lot of investing wizardry here it’s just the market fall and bounce. Even most Balanced Super has seen good gains across the same mid/late 2020 period. I certainly wouldn’t be counting on this sort of growth consistently long term as things are still up and down a bit particularly if you are in a growth Super structure.
Think the advisor meant put money into your super get the government concessions on contribution and returns. At the end cash out tax free and pay off your mortgage. Simple arbitrage.
You pointed out the problem with lock up period of Super. Most people don't have the discipline to be able to max out their super and not get into trouble.
When you say super maintenance fees, do you mean admin fees? Sounds expensive if this person is paying more than 3.5k a year in admin fees for super
Not sure why it's never been mentioned here. But, for me investing in trading cards is way better than share markets atm.
And nowadays you don't have to buy/own the actual cards, you can partly own them like you do the investing on stocks markets. Check something like Startock.com
This is astonishingly bad advice. Trading any collectible or antique should only be taken on by someone who is something of an expert in that field. There's no VDHG for trading cards or antiques or beanie babies. The buyer has to pick winners and hope they are close enough to right. There's also no inherent value, so unlike shares which may crumble but will still (generally) be worth something, your trading cards may become literally worthless some day.
Sorry have totally disagree with you. Could an average Joe invest in shares without any knowledge about how and what to do? I'm pretty sure you need an expert to guide you through the whole process. Same as with the trading cards market. There are so many people nowadays jumping into this new investment since it is way quicker to make return on your investment.
Funny fact, the shares market crashed out because of the pandemic and lockdown (worldwide). Most of us lost money in our super and so many people lost their jobs. You would think people will struggle to survive because of this, right? Nope, the sports trading cards (basketball especially) went sky-rocketing during the lockdown every in the world. You should google it and the fact will blow your mind.
Everything is a learning process and you have to study about it in order to get good investment. Anyway, each to their own..
I'm sure the learning curve for signing up for a trading account and buying something like the recommended VDHG is about the same as would be for your trading card recommendation.
Risk of long term crash of assets would be substantially lower though. Look up "tulip mania".
Like, pokemon/football cards etc?
Pokemon is a new phenomenon and it's pretty good if you could find some old cards somewhere.
Not really footy cards, like AFL or NRL. The Basketball, baseball and NFL cards the American sports. Especially the NBA, the season just started and hype is always there.
There is also inherent risk and cost in storing a physical commodity, which doesn't exist for shares. I have done both of these things quite a lot (trading in shares, and trading in collectibles). Shares are easier. You also don't deal with humans 1:1 which is a nice benefit, because your average collector is a bit of a fruitloop.
If you want to stay with a bank and your 18-29 you can get 3% on up to $30k at Westpac. It’s a bit of mucking around, 5 transactions/grow your account each month etc. similar to ING going forward but still easily done.
If you had it in the share market main indexes in 2020 from beginning to end you would probably be no better off than in cash but without the stress of the roller coaster that was 2020. You’d have had much better sleep than most. The finance markets and fundamentals are ridiculous with all the low interest rates feeding the frenzy so it’s a good time to have cash. They say cash is king for a reason.
Bitcoin Is officially the best performing asset of the 2010s decade.
I expect something in crypto will be the same for this decade.
30k is not much and nor is one year.
Put it back into super
Invest in beane babies
What could ever go wrong :)
Bitcoin: where is the crypto crowd? Still sleeping I assume. They don't get out of bed unless BTC goes up by $1500 a day.
Investing in anything not guaranteed by the government it is time in the market not a one year term. Once you get your head around that you will start to get it.
Investing in anything not guaranteed by the government it is time in the market not a one year term.
🤔….. 😖.
invest it on BYH, 🚀🚀🚀🚀 and you'll be laughing all the way to wall street
Where is the high-yield investment vehicle comment?
TSLA 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Telstra shares look interesting around $3
Management have committed to a 16c dividend (5.3% yield + franking), which will be underpinned by divestments of infraco etc.
Safe bet in a relatively volatile world
That would be assuming divestments have been fully priced into current market price? Not so sure about that.
Everything is committed until you breach your NPAT payout covenant.
Asx IOU. Massive potential in South East Asia with Afterpay also trying to expand in the region. Currently undervalued
Totally agree, its the cheapest bnpl. It actually generates revenue based on it current business model. Once the bnpl is fully up and running, the rerate will be massive.
China just popped their peer 2 peer lending market.
If you think Asia is the same market with same level of regulation then think again.
In Asia there is no proper credit agencies, debt reclaim and enforcement is hard (unless you involve local thugs), fraud is high and so is corruption.
Look at ANZ expansion into Asia.
What a vague question, investments are just gambling
I would pop it in La trobe 12 month account, youll make a little over 100 a month
20-333MR ASIC commences civil penalty proceedings against La Trobe Financial Asset Management Ltd
ASIC also alleges La Trobe represented that:
-any capital invested in the Fund would be ‘stable’, in the sense there was no risk of substantial loss of capital, when in fact there was a risk of substantial loss of capital; and
-an investment in the Fund would provide a specified rate of return when in fact none of the investment options in the Fund were guaranteed to provide any particular rate of return.
they make these things clear on signup this is a beatup
ASIC doesn't play games. They'll nail La Trope to the wall.
ASIC is seeking declarations, pecuniary penalties and corrective advertising orders against La Trobe.
The date for the first case management hearing is yet to be scheduled by the Court.
, youll make a little over 100 a month
That is 0.0034% a month. People can do much better if they are willing to DYOR.
Would not touch this mob
Invest in Bitcoin and never look back
Find someone to partner up with and import a GTR R32 from Japan.
Wont be in very good nic for $30k.
Thats why he need to partner up with someone that has another 30k.
Depends on your risk levels. If you can't loose much I'd go blue chip stocks, but you missed some good returns on banks already, many are up 15-20% since March
Put it into bitcoin and wait a few years. High risk but it is the best risk-return you'll see in your lifetime.
bitcoin peroid.
I find out tomorrow how my new investment is going, its monthly distribution and tomorrow is one month. It cost me 600 to get in!
14.29% in the past 9 months.
Or go back in time wheen APT was $9 ($118 atm). 13 x your investment is crazy. Your $30k would be around $400k, in less than 12 months.
if I have time machines, i don't need yours advices ;)
English lessons then.
Air New Zealand or Airlines.
Depends on your risk tolerance.
Are you ok with losing a portion of it all for the chance to make big?
If so just drop it on bitcoin and microwave some popcorn.
Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world - I wish I had said that but I read it somewhere recently.
Pretty sure it was Brittany Spears who first said it?
You’re probably right!
If you only need to travel 2km a day make sure to buy a brand new car and sell your perfectly good second car because your wife got sick of it