DJI Mini 2 - Fly More Combo - DJI Australia Warranty BOXING DAY SALE ON NOW
DJI Mini 2 - Fly More Combo - DJI Australia Warranty BOXING DAY SALE ON NOW
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thanks every one …
OP any chance we'll see a further discount on just the drone?
Got it for $817 from Anaconda Springvale after price matching. They have one more stock left.
would you mind sharing your receipt?
thanks. will drive to Anaconda today:)
I got it for $790 with a price match and using Zip pay on boxing day.
D1store ( pricematched with Anaconda (817) via chat. Just picked it up in store now.
Me too, despite being a few days later. I used the receipt that Mluca posted above. Mine is being sent in the post.
I was a bit on the fence about dropping $800+ on a drone, but I figure at this price I will make my money back if I decide to sell it.
Just done the double price match with the D1 Store, (CamerasDirect $888 > Beaten by 10% at Anaconda > $800) = D1 Store $799 inc Delivery.
Would you please share your receipt. I will try to price match with yours.
Email address: [email protected]
Thank you so much.
I got it for $820 by price matching their price from the other day at Anaconda.
Not as good as the $799 deal but I had it in my hands that day.