Why is the Android free daily deals on top of the page but not iPhone?

iPhone has a few special free daily deals as well during Christmas, one from EA, one from Apple and one from Appvent to name a few.

So far the best deals seem to come from EA as their games are rather good (NFS Shift 2, NFS Undercover, Mirror's Edge, Flight Control).


  • Because it's a highlighted deal(i.e. it's constant for 10 days)

    Highlighted deals cover the discussions of a current promotion event, and is not necessarily the best deal.

    tomorrow you will see this deal in the highlighted deals

  • So why is the EA free daily deal not highlighted then? It's constant as well.

  • +2

    Its to do with votes

    1. Android users seem to vote more often on deals that suit them . Might be something to do with the type of person who likes the Android. They get more involved in their phone, vs the IOS user who isnt that into their product (Not talking about the fanbois of each product).

    2. And Android users seem to be here in greater numbers. Again might be more the gamer set, see the higher posts on video games etc, Pizza coke and energy drinks.

    Goes back to the DOS vs Mac era where DOS users liked the ability to mod their system vs Mac users who just wanted to use it (Not making a judgment on either). And PC's are the traditional gamer machines.

    All that said, its the votes that elevate the highlighted deal, there is no behind the scenes manipulation. Some mods have IOS others have Android, some both.

  • +4

    did this really need an explanation??

    No, it didn't.

    • ????

      Sorry I am not sure of what you are trying to say.

      A question was asked and was replied to.

  • I stickied it (or tried too). For the record I have a Nokia Symbian phone (N97 mini) and I can't recall any Ovi Store deals recently.

    For stickying, the rule of thumb is generally things that hit the front page with a high vote count that are in the future. So the IKEA deal was posted a couple of months ago so the sticky is a reminder. The Android deal was very popular. People continually reposted the deals and was getting sick of removing them. Also, people were requesting for a sticky in the thread.

    The mods have to remember to sticky the deals in the future which can be hard to remember but with the IKEA deal, 3 people emailed me. No conspiracy. Just want everyone to remember to follow through with the deals.

  • +1

    We now have a way to turn these off if anyone doesnt like them.

    see here


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