• expired

Samsung Galaxy Nexus $768 Vodafone - $200 Cashback - Before Xmas Delivery Guarantee

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Just bought Galaxy Nexus from Vodafone on $29 cap plan + $35 handset payments for 12 months.

Buckscoop has $200 cashback for Vodafone postpaid plans until 31/12/2011

This makes it $64 * 12 - $200 = $568

This is an alternative to buying it outright (e.g $799 from Kogan, $789 from mobicity etc).You do not have to use it on Vodafone. I will use it on Telstra (Galaxy Nexus is NextG compatible).

If you order before 16/12/2011 it's guaranteed to be delivered by Christmas.

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Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Good deal, still waiting galaxy note.

      • +8

        he says he is waiting for the galaxy note. and u link to the vodafone all mobile page?
        You do know that vodafone doesnt carry the galaxy note?

  • Excuse my ignorance - but just wanted to know what the procedure is to claim the cashback?
    Are there any promo/coupon codes I need to enter at Vodafone checkout, or is it sufficient to merely click through from the Buckscoop website?

    • +1

      click through via buckscoop. make sure you do because there's no way to retrospectively credit you. you will be credited in due course minus the $10 yearly fee

      • I thought only MoneybackCo had a $10 annual fee. Does Buckscoop have it too?

  • +5

    I was hoping i didn't see this here, now they will just pull the deal like they did in the past! :(
    Any way to shield these deals from vodafone employees?

    Beware of these cash backs. Vodafone has a tendency of notoriously cancelling them

  • +4

    it's a deal only if you got the cashback eventually. Saw a feed back on Buckscoop saying no cashback was received at all.

    • +4

      this sadly is a common occurance. worse still is vodafone doesnt provide a reason for rejecting the cashback

  • does this buckscoop offer apply to any phone contract? like a $29 per month for 12 months contract for example?

    also, is the cashback guaranteed from buckscoop? or is it a bit iffy?

    • +5

      The cashback is definately not a sure thing. I didn't get mine last time.

    • +3

      Yes I didn't get my cashback either last year. Buyer beware.

      • +1

        same here, didn't get mine @mcb

    • +1

      Both Buckscoop and MoneyBackco are currently doing $200 cash back on Vodafone contract (ie not prepaid) which makes it pretty good deal if you can get the cash back. The affiliate tracking is quite problematic, and Vodafone sometimes would just cancel transactions for no reason (not just vodafone but also other cash back merchants) so unfortunately it's not 100%.

  • +4

    I'm waiting for Telstra, Vodafone is terrible

  • +2

    Me too, I'm still waiting for my vodafone $84 since June from Buckscoop.

    • That's no reason to neg this deal.

  • +3

    i got my 84 bux cashback from Voda via buckscoop late last year no problems

  • Very tempting to buy~~but i believe i will still wait another 4months for the galaxy s3 ~~

  • +1
    • +1

      and they are no better

  • Where is the link for the plan as all I see is the $59 + $5 pre order

    • +1

      Same link, just move down the page, click 12mths and scroll down.

  • this is pretty mad cheap even without the 200 cash back. would this be AU stock seeing its with voda? because i think if you buy from mobicity or kogan its not going to be AU stock. As i know, other places like hong kong are out of stock and people need to wait for after xmas to get stock if they preorder

    • i just gave them a call for upgrading my handset and they told me they dont have prices on their system yet, not until around the 15th so they cant give me any deals. I then told her there were prices on the internet, but i would have to get a new number if i were to get those.
      would there be a chance they change the price of this 12month plan on around the 15th? :S

      • You can order your phone online and port your number after you received your phone and simcard. that's what it said on my order summary page. so you don't have to do it over the phone. And you missing out the cashback if you order it on the phone.

        • i phoned hoping to get some special discounts seeing i'm an exist customer (with 3). Seeing the cash back is pretty risky, i would rather take any discount that they can offer.

          btw, did you use any codes to get a cheaper deal? or did you just go straight with the 768?
          i'm a 3 customer, would i get the SAVE10 for being an existing customer?

        • I didn't use any codes. I read if you use other discount codes your cashback request could be rejected.

          I can now see $200 being track on my buckscoop page. At least my browser didn't play up on me. Now it's all up to Vodafone.

  • +2

    Forget the cashback. Its, by all means, unreasonable.

    • so why give this a positive then?

      • Voted for the deal per se, not really cared about the cashback. It's still a good deal without the cashback, is it not?

  • Decent price if only for the phone. I've been playing with a Galaxy Nexus for a couple weeks and absolutely loving this phone.

    • +1

      except if you counting on the discount for a good price then its a bit risky. If ur prepared to not 2 get the $200 and still think its a good deal then go for it. well thats how i prepare myself atleast

      Or wait for 3-4 months for the galaxy s3 with a quad core or dual 2ghz core.

      • Small rant: Samsung in particular releases new handsets every few months. If you must have the latest be prepared to upgrade regularly (ie. don't lock yourself in to any contracts and have heaps of disposable income)

        • +1

          i agree with what you say, but unless all we do all day is collect new phones, every 1 year is a pretty good time to get a new one. Plus you can pay for your phone little by little every month. I'm only saying this because the overall price of this plan is same as the RRP of this phone~

  • Do it have a notification light for text messages, missed calls & etc?

    • +6

      Yes, it does

  • +1

    Do it have a notification light for text messages, missed calls & etc?

    • +8

      No, it doesn't

      • +1

        Actually it does have the light. There are plenty apps on market to tweak it.

    • +2

      It does have, I have one, it works.

  • hey guys seems like a pretty sweet deal considering the rrp of the handset. Im just curious as to how the 200 is credited back to up bank account once signed up..

  • just bought it online but i dont see it on buckscoop in earnings or tickets ><

    • +1

      They say it will appear in2-4 weeks in your purchases and IF EVERYTHING GOES GOOD, you MAY receive your cashback in 2-3 months ))) Read FAQ at buckscoop.

      • thanks for the info!
        oo i just checked, its in my earnings now. so thats a BIT of a good sight.

  • I really can't decide between this and the GS3!!!

    • Wait for the GS3 if you can wait another 4 months~~
      Buy the galaxy nexus if you really need a new handset right now~~

      • Not really comparable. The Nexus series is the Nexus series. You'll always get the best Android experience earliest, but expect most high-end Android phones in 2012 to be comparable. The SGS III will probably be the same thing with a MicroSD card and slightly better processor.

      • GS3 won't be out until another half a year, which by the time it comes out the next nexus will be another 6months away.

  • +2

    Read through buckscoop FAQ, THEY DON'T GUARANTEE CASHBACK AT ALL! It smells dodgy!

  • -6

    I can't see this is a good deal at all.
    My brother just got an upgrade from 3 mobile to Vodaphone on a 24 months plan included a Samusung Nexus, $10 call and no extra payment for handset. That's is a bargain.

    • +2

      it is a galaxy nexus,not a nexus s

  • +5

    no certainty and other said they didn't get money back

    • +23

      Jerry, i have just used your phone number to sign up for many pr0n sites, enjoy

      • lol

      • +1

        haha, good one mate

        don't forget to sign him up for

        sugar daddy sites
        viagra and erectile dysfunction sites
        and indian call centers

        • +3

          Thank you, cum again…

    • +3

      Let me get this straight… You imported this thing from the UK like many of us did (probably from Clove UK or Handtec) for ~$710ish (possibly less) and now you're attempting to hock it off on Ozbargain (not even a forum post)? You could have asked for a PM but instead provided your name, location and phone number. Brilliant.

  • +2

    I won't neg this deal but please know that vodafone are notorious for cancelling the cashback for no reason. I bought my galaxy s2 from Vodafone but was denied the cashback even after I appealed to MoneybackCo to investigate.

    • -3

      plus it is on vodaphone network

      • Vodafone*

  • -1

    There's no way they'd give you $200 cash back on this phone.
    Why would they?
    Use your common sense.
    This phone hasn't even been released in Australia yet.

  • To all cash back users make sure you start a new session in your browser after clearing your all browser history
    And then go to vodafone via their website not directly via Vodafone and complete your order in one go. If possible don't open any other pages or browser so the cokkie transfer is tracking properly, ifit expires you may loose your cash back
    If you know how to you can save your tracking cokkie for reference or take screenshots
    That's what I did when I had issue with a transaction I had them so they honored it

  • For those who really need cashback; simply do not open your phone for 14 days. if you do not get cashback; you can return the phone.

    • thanks for the info! i actually wanna return it back already because i found out it doesnt have an sd slot. rather get the note instead, at least i have a choice to increase my storage :S

    • +1

      good idea, but from what people have said, it can take a lot longer than that to receive the cashback so more than likely you'd return it long before cashback arrives.

    • -2

      It took 3 months+ to get the cash back. One of my order put through in the mid of October just got approved last weekend and will be paid in January.
      Also, based on Buckscoop site stats. Successful rate is 75%
      Tracking Speed
      Fast (0 - 4 days,0 day average)
      Tracking Reliability
      High (96% tracked,
      4% enquiries of which
      75% successful so far)
      Payment Speed
      Slow (3 month avg)

      • You read it wrong.

        96% of them are tracked.

        The other 4% became enquiries - the enquiries were successful 75% of the time.

        If you add it up, around 99% or 98% are tracked.

        • Just because they get tracked doesn't mean that Vodafone will actually pay the cash back. This happened to me last year. Vodafone refused to pay the cash back despite the transaction being tracked fine.

  • Even if the $200 doesn't eventuate it is still a good deal - thanks OP just bought one

  • is it locked to vodafone?

    • as a general rule, nexus phones are never locked

      • thanks!

        • also with postpaid phones on voda, there is no unlocking fee. u can do it for free online

  • Is Galaxy Nexus an upper generation of Google Nexus S???

    • Google is your best friend.

    • -6

      no, it is a lower generation.

  • …seriously - why bother vodafone —their networks really plays all the time…

  • Planhacker - http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2011/12/planhacker-who-has-the-…
    Table of plans/costs/inclusions on Voda/Optus/Telstra. Virgin still TBA.

  • I've got the cash back once before but they also cancelled it once another time.

    It shouldn't be a deal, when its hit or miss. I will try to get the cashback if you were gonna get the phone anyways but I wouldn't get the phone just because of the cashback.

    Also if someone have been able to get the cashback in the last 6mths or so can they post it here. The last time I got it was 2yrs ago and haven't been able to get it since.

  • whhat does this have my iphone don't?

    • Stuff.

    • Read about it first and make your own comparison

  • I can't create an account on the MoneyBackCo web site, it re directs me to the new site www.starthere.com.au which only give you $100 dollars rebate.

    Anyone have any ideas on how I can apply for the MoneyBackCo offer or is this deal EXPIRED ?

    • Use 100DEC promo code. Get $100 off your bill. Dunt count on rebate. A bit risky. Or you can join Buckscoop to get $200 rebate. MBC is no longer available for new members.

      • where do you apply the 100DEC code? im guessing the Vodafone site

  • just ordered one

    with the 100DEC code in

    hope to get it soon.

    some one said January….?

  • 100DEC not working anymore!!!

    • Expired on 16th from previous deal.

  • has anyone gotten their phone yet?

  • Any1 received their $200 cash back by any chance?
    Contemplating in getting a Galaxy Nexus…

    • mine is still showing as $200 tracked so we will see

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