This was posted 4 years 2 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Humble Choice Premium Plan US$6 (~A$8) Per Month for First 6 Months @ Humble Bundle


Get 9 to 14 games (depending how generous they are that month) per month to keep and access to other downloads like drm free games from a back catalog as well.

If you are already a member and have the games for December you can cancel and rejoin but you will be charged again for December, I did this and I have emailed Humble to see if I can get a refund on December as I already had the games but I haven't heard back yet.
*edit update: they responded by email and because I had December the first billing that I was charged immediately is for January or so I’m told, I don’t know if there is some way to check this but I’ll take humble’s word for it. So you can just cancel and resub no dramas.

Works out to about $7.92 + int transaction fee if you have one.

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closed Comments

  • I already have a humble classic subscription which I think works out to be $18 AUD/month (roughly? It's been a while since I've paid that). Is it pain free to just setup another account with a different email and payment method (Card and PayPal) to utilise this deal, then just pause my original account for the next sixth months?

    • Yes it's not hard to do this, I actually have 2 accounts with them but I wanted to keep all my games on one account so I cancelled and rejoined on the same account. You can even use the same credit card there is no checking for that. I might let you know in the post if they refund my December month as I already had it.

      • Awesome thanks good to hear. Although I am worried at the quality of the games over the next 6-12 months if they're selling plans for $6 US, good thing we can always just pause :)

        • You need to be careful because if you pause these limited offers you lose the deal.

    • A$15.80 atm, discount brings down to A$7.90

  • +6

    No discredit to OP but this has been a hard subscription to justify this year. Maybe a reflection on my tastes but so many of their headlines as well as others are finding their way over to Epic as freebies that it makes it hard to stay subscribed, and where they haven't, it feels like the quality has dipped relative to earlier years.

    • Absolutely agree, I'm a classic subscriber and even then I've been skipping most months. But I've been lured into some months with a $8 US coupon, so for $6 I'm absolutely going to jump on board. Unless they've changed policy, you can always pause this plan as much as you want. It's safe to say over the next year or two there should be at least 6 months worth the $6.

      • +1

        My thoughts exactly, broken clock principle, pause the rest of the time. The discount on the store is nice to have too.

      • +1

        I think they said you cant pause this one (if you do, deals off).

        That said I jumped on this one. I figure its $50 over 6 months, surely there will be something worth getting (although this year didnt fill me with confidence). Might be worth it for the humble discounts maybe

        • I think they said you cant pause this one (if you do, deals off).

          Do you pay upfront? If not, you'd be out less money if the month sucks and you decide to cancel it

          • +1

            @aragornelessar: correct its pay each month. so while you may risk any of the later months during the 6 months being good, if you had enough, just cancel and jump out. Im willing to gamble $8 a month on it, see what happens

    • Totally agree with this. I've been a member since January 2018 and I reckon about 90% of that time I've been paused (or intended to be paused.. automatic unpause is a pain in the butt). Quality has gone down for sure, but at $6USD a month for 6 months I'm still going to try and take advantage of this offer. I current;y have a ticket in with support because I can't figure out how to apply the discount to an existing subscription (my email did not say new subscribers only so ?)

    • +1

      Yeah. The games have been pretty 'meh' most of the year.
      Also, Xbox Gamepass UItimate seems a much better way to spend my gaming money. It is also getting better with the addition of EA Access.
      I can't see Humble Bundle Surviving unless they find a way to provide better games. The game subscription market is getting more and more competitive.
      Sad, because I really used to look forward to the first Friday of every month.

      • +1

        I think at $6 for 6 months they will be circling the drain unless IGN intends to subsidize the service, which is unlikely given how badly they tried to turn it into profit in 2020.

  • +4

    Knowing what Humble is like these days, they won't refund anything. Infact, when pausing your sub, they're super sneaky in unpausing your account even just looking at the games on offer.

    I'm signing up to a 2nd account to get cheap games for 6 months. That said, the quality of games over the last year has been pretty ordinary so $8 is probably about all they're worth. Used to be a great deal, now not so much.

    Cheers Penanzer..

    • +2

      I just came to say that as well. My sub keeps unpausing, I haven't wanted any of the games for months especially this month with a whole lot of anime games.
      If anyone wants this month of games PM me.

  • I'm currently on the Classic plan and paused (once again). If I try to go via the link it tells me I need to cancel the plan I'm on… so I'll probably end up with a second account if I decide I want to pause two accounts each month..

    Sorry, as an active subscriber you cannot currently purchase a different subscription plan

    • Just create a 2nd account with a different email. Once your 6 months are up, cancel the plan..

      • Yeah I didn't want to have to bother pausing on two different accounts, but it looks like you can't pause this deal anyway

  • +4

    Seems to be a bit of a dark pattern when you try and pause your subscription. To actually accomplish the goal, you need to:
    - click 'Pause A Month'
    - then click 'Pause My Membership'
    - then click 'Pause My Membership'
    - then a final 'Pause My Membership' button click

    • +1

      I know right. You have to confirm like 3-4 times to actually pause. Pretty shady if you ask me. Even towards the end it looks like you are paused because the UI appears to be a cofirmation box but actually you need to do it one more time.

      • +1

        Yep but as long as you can ACTUALLY pause why bother cancelling, even if only 1-2 months in the year are good you can get on it and pause the rest.

        Once the get rid of the pausing then yeah I'm out

  • Great deal. Unfortunately I can't get this because I already have a sub. Humble monthly is great value, especially with specials like this.

  • +1

    I paused most of 2020 on Classic, only bought the months they offered $2-$4 discount or had Yakuza, at $6.00/pm IGN will be circling the drain unless they want to subsidize, something I highly doubt will occur given the attempt to hide the lower quality with cheap quantity in a failed attempt to profit this year.

  • +3

    And done. Cancelled both my subs as I really don't see $8 worth of value. PC building simulator as the headline game. Just no. Enough.

    Wonder if we have IGN to thank for the slow death spiral into mediocrity.

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