Well comment below if you recently bought a new car and got a stunning deal. There's so many choices and I'm pretty much overwhelmed. I wasn't able to get my hands on a holden.
Why I'm asking this is because I'm looking to buy a new car within 60k-160k for my misses since she got a new job far away where there is no public transport and I'm looking for a bargain as I refuse to pay for anything full price. I've been hesitant to buy flagship vehicles because of the lct tax so I've been only buying and driving commercial vehicles.
I've only recently begun my search and I'm quite shocked to see the price influx of personal vehicles due to covid.
Preferably Diesel or Electric but can accept petrol or hybrids.
My friend bought a brand new Q5 2 years ago with all the features for 70k when price tag was 85k. It's a great deal but also seeing what else is out there.
You probably couldn't pick a worse time to purchase a new car.
Due to Covid imports have dropped to minimal numbers and the price of many new cars has risen 10% and more due to shortages. Second hand car prices are even worse.
Instead of going overseas etc for a holiday people are spending their money on cars apparently, driving up prices everywhere.
I purchased a new car six months ago and they are now selling, when available, for up to $3000 more.