Laser Eye Surgery Clinics

Hi Guys,

I am looking for some advise for laser eye surgery clinics.

  1. Any recommendation/feedback on clinic in Sydney area?
  2. I don't have a private health insurance. Bupa and Medibank are asking for 3 years waiting period, I don't think private health cover will waive that unless anyone knows a way around?
  3. I understand there are 3 different types of surgeries - Lasik, Smile, PRK, what should be bench mark cost for any one of this? How was your experience after surgery?

I am hoping some clinic come up with Boxing day sale/bargain. ;)



  • +3

    I am hoping some clinic come up with Boxing day sale/bargain.

    You just missed out the the black eyeday sale..

  • -6

    WHY DO U WANT A LASER INTO UR EYE it could blindness, dont risk it whats wrong with weariing glasses or contacts please tell me

      • done that mate.
        any suggestion based on personal experience would nice. :)

        • +2

          Hey @Sydneybargainer don't worry wasn't responding to you, more trying to help educate @Zfan111222, not sure if sarcasm though.

    • Not having to wear glasses or contacts for the past 7 years for me, it's total freedom I tell you. If you haven't done it yourself then you have no idea.

    • This isn't a new Science, chance of going blind is very low.

    • +1

      WHY DO U WANT A LASER INTO UR EYE it could blindness

      I tell people the same thing before they go for any type of surgeries. WHY DO YOU WANT A KNIFE GOING INTO YOUR BODY. You could bleed to death!!!

  • +4

    I am hoping some clinic come up with Boxing day sale/bargain. ;)

    If they are any good, there won’t be “a sale”.

    • fair enough. still any suggestion for any clinic?

  • Hi Guys.
    Main Purpose of this post was get some recommendation for Clinic in Sydney area - boxing day bargain sale part was a little joke.

  • I had iLasik in 2013 in Sydney. Total cost $7,500 at the time. I knew there was cheaper but it really wasn't something I wanted to go cheap on!

    Best thing I've ever done for myself.

    • Can you recall name of the place/clinic?

      • +2

        yeah, Dr Con Moshegov.

    • +1

      Love this review

      "In January 2019, I undertook elective vision corrective laser surgery with a Dr. Con Moshegov at the George Street Eye Centre in Sydney. Within a matter of days, I was suffering from intense pain on both corneas. I have since been diagnosed with neuropathic eye pain as a direct result of the surgery.

      In February 2019, I had a post-surgical consultation to receive assistance in relieving my ongoing and extreme pain. Dr. Moshegov was drinking both vodka and wine during this appointment, offered me alcohol and made multiple disturbing and inappropriate comments regarding my physical appearance."

      • unbelievable! read the full review in google.
        Wonder what is the other side of the story is.

      • It seems the Dr died recently from Covid

  • My Laser surgery is ongoing atm but its in qld, I'm lucky my costs were waived as the surgeon is already rich and helps the poor

    • wow. very kind of him.

      • yes it is nice bloke a genuine kind Aussie

    • Where is the clinc/doctor's name? might pay him a visit.

      • Fred Hollows

    • I'm lucky my costs were waived as the surgeon is already rich and helps the poor

      No such thing as a free lunch. If you didn't pay with cash then it's with ass.

  • Hervey Bay Qld dm me for name if you are in the area

  • +3

    Hey OP - I got mine done in Sydney at the Sydney Eye Clinic.

    You can read my experience here

    • Thanks for sharing.

    • +3

      Also got mine done there with Dr Ilan Sebban based on what I read on OzB+Whirlpool. Will PM you OP with some details.

      • +1

        I also did mine at Sydney Eye Clinic and they were fantastic.

      • Another vote for Dr Sebban.

        Very happy with the outcome.

      • Thanks for detailed message. much appreciated.

  • +1

    Each procedure is different and can be best suited for various degrees, eye shape etc.

    Most places will actually suggest you go with orthok the use of "permanent" contact lens implanted. This will allow you to adjust it down the line as laser is very much a once or twice option in a life time.

    Lasik and PRK are the cheapest although PRK can often lead to permanent scarring. SMILE is essentially version 3 but is only performed in certain clinics. It also has the fastest recovery time and can be used on severe cases.

  • +2

    I would suggest looking into the whirlpool 'Laser eye surgery' thread. Many people suggest Dr Sebban in Sydney, some people in Melbourne even choose to fly up to Sydney to go with him.

    Personally I just had mine done on Friday in Melbourne so won't be much help for you, but do let me know if you have questions!

    • Where did you go in Melbourne?

      • Vista Eyes in Elsternwick!

        • Did you get the normal one or prk?

  • I had laser eye surgery in 1999. Eye sight is still perfect 21 years later. One of the best things I've ever done.

    • +1

      I really cant wait to feel the freedom.

  • I went to personaleyes in 2016, both eyes cost about 6k. Very good result, could see fantastic straight away. Some dry eye after which is getting better now. SMILE is the newest version but the doctor will reccommend whats best for your eye. Some clinics do free assessments, so get your private health insurance and then get assessed so you know you qualify. I work in the bussiness and havent heard anything terrible about any of the Sydney doctors. Best to go somewhere that is easy for you to get to as there will be a few visits where you'll have blurry vision afterwards from eye drops.

    • 4 years ago and eyes still not feeling right.

  • +1

    I had mine done about 2 months ago by Dr Michael Lawless at Vision Eye Institute: I had my consult in their Hurstville office, and the SMILE surgery in Chatswood. In terms of which procedure to have, I think it’s a matter of what your eyes are best suited to. SMILE is the latest, and supposedly best, but the doctor will tell you what’s best for your eyes.

    Great result and I can highly recommend – in a way it all felt very ‘factory’… They obviously do thousands of them and there was a very rigid script that the process followed. Which as first felt very odd and non-personal, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense; It’s a medical procedure and they can’t screw it up, so I began to think of it as more ‘clinical’ than factory, which in the end was somewhat comforting!

    Anyway, it went very well and 2 months later my wife decided she also wanted to get it done, which just happened Thursday last week. She also had a great experience with Dr Lawless, so we’re 2 from 2 on recommending him!

    Total costs (for both eyes) was $6800 surgery + ~$300 initial consultation fee. Few ways to get it a bit cheaper:
    *I couldn't work out any way for private health to cover any of it (min 3 yr waiting period per your OP), but Medicare covers $75 off the initial consult if you have a referral letter from your optometrist - not much help, but it's something.
    *The surgery cost is reduced by $300 if your optometrist does the follow up exams (there are 2, one a fortnight after and one 2 months after). Not sure how much your optometrist will charge for these, but maybe covered under health insurance?
    *You can try and negotiate the price, but only with the doctor. If you try and negotiate with the nurse/assistant they’ll give you a blank look (trust me, I tried). I was told that he offers discounts to referrals from certain optometrists that he has a referral relationship with… but I don’t know who they are, you’d have to call and ask?
    *They give you $200 off ‘family and friend’ vouchers (each eye, so $400 off total). I think my wife was given 2, so happy to give you these if you PM me?

    Final thought, I don't think it's quite as life changing as most people say it is. Don’t get me wrong, I am super happy with the result, I have ‘better than 20/20 vision’, and it’s great that I don’t have to think about putting on glasses/contacts every morning… but it’s not like I was walking around blind beforehand! It’s a convenience thing only in my view, and if you’ve got the spare cash then it’s worth it!

    • Thanks for reply. Much appreciated.
      I dont have private insurance at all. So currently booked for an appointment with free consultation.
      Fingers crossed.

  • -2

    Why not look on the internet. Contact these people directly. Pop in and get brochures. Make an appointment to speak with some one.

  • One thing to think about is how old you are. Eye surgery is probably more useful for younger people (i.e. < 40) because you will get more glasses free time.
    Once you reach mid forties, you will start to need glasses for reading, perhaps negating any positive benefits.

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