I'm living around Eastwood looking for a new longer term provider for internet. Probably around 1-2 years. I really value customer service as I don't want to have to deal with slow internet and Optus and Telstra have let me down.
I've been eyeing down Aussie broadband and occom since they are the two that seem to have the better customer service. After talking to the live chat agent I was able to get some more value from occom in terms of pricing. However I just want to hear the opinions here about the ISP if there are any.
My in-law's place was on OCCOM for a few month because the apartment (Meriton) already came with their router, and there aren't really many choice for LBNCo.
If you are on nbn, there might be other providers that you might want to consider. AusBB, Superloop, Launtel, etc.