• expired

[WA] 3 Dozen Golden Fresh Cage Eggs 500g @ Spudshed (Best before 28/12/2020)


3 Dozen Golden Fresh Cage Eggs 500G for $5 @ Spudshed
Best before 28/12/2020
While stocks last
Should be store-wide

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Spudshed Fresh Food Market
Spudshed Fresh Food Market

closed Comments

  • +7

    Did you say caged?

    • +9

      Poor chickens

      • +4

        500g? They're quail eggs.

      • +2

        If you're going to sell 36 eggs for $5 they're not getting any richer

      • +1

        As though it's meaningfully better for the "free range" chickens packed in at similar density, just with a door open.

        If you're buying eggs you almost may as well get caged, the difference is mostly marketing.

        • true, although ur gonna negged to the hills..

        • +1

          When free range cannot meet demand they substitute with caged ….and a lot of them.
          Easy money, buy caged bulk $1 doz and sell with 300% mark up.

    • Tastes the best.

  • +1

    Sm1 say Popcorn is ready.

  • +5

    Cue the Chicken Justice Warriors…

    • -2

      You're one of those that insist boiling live crabs is fine too, right?

      • +2

        How else do you get the maximum live crab flavour

  • +6

    It's almost 2021 surely cage eggs should be banned by now.

    • +10

      Surely humans should be banned from earth by now.

  • +16

    So there are basically 3 layers of eggs,
    1 caged where the bird lives its whole life in a cage where it doesn't have enough room to move
    2 barn, where they are basically kept in a large shed with birds having a little room to move around but they are pretty crowded.
    3 free range where they are allowed to wonder around outside, and actually get some sunlight.
    When they are free range they must specify how many hens per hectare. And sure some of them are pretty crowded, not much better than barn eggs.

    I can't believe people with a concious would support caged eggs. I am in no way a greenie, I'm a hunter, but even i have respect for the animals I hunt and animals i use. We went as far as getting (and taming) chickens, but they kept getting taken by foxes or neighbourhood cats. >:|

    Personally, given the lives of farmed animals are at stake, I'm happy to pay a much as it takes for them to have a decent life. (We pay about 7.50 per dozen to get i think it was about 750 birds per hectare rings a bell).

    Nothing deserves to live its whole life in a cage.

    This is just plain wrong, I have to neg this deal as nothing is worth an animal with feelings living its life like this, where there are very easy alternatives.

    Caged eggs aren't even that good due to the chickens not getting vitamins and minerals they'd get from foraging outside

    • -5

      i have respect for the animals I hunt

      You sound just like those abusive husbands who love their wives, or those colonisers who bring indigenous peoples better lives, or Donald Trump.

      • Just like the American Indians that respected the animals they hunted?

        • I don't know if they respected them, but I expect it was most commonly a matter of survival in their case at that time. Unlike your case, where you have a multitude of eating options that don't require intentional killing - it's purely a matter of pleasure, and completely unnecessary.

          • +1

            @fantombloo: Do you realise how much chemicals are pumped into your farmed animals, do you realise how small a cage animals are kept in? Do you realise how much suffering the animal is put though not only living that way, but transferred to the slaughter house.

            I'm glad in Australia we have many massive ranches for farmed animals, but that's not the case for many, some farmed pigs for example live in a cage they can't even stand in, are inseminated never to see or raise their babies.

            If you bag out hunters trying to feed their family with ethically sourced meat AND you buy meat from a super market AND have no clue where it comes from or what is been through, you are not the humane one, I believe far far worse supporting a potentially cruel system. I wish I didn't as much as much as I do) im not saying those who buy their meat from supermarkets are bad, just those who bag out others for wanting better.
            I hate that my supermarket meat isn't labelled as to where it comes from.
            It should be like eggs, so you can decide for yourself and do your own research.

            I just wish I could get much more of my meat free range, that's had a good life, not chemically/ hormone filled crap we are so used to eating. - that i know exactly where it's come from.

            Unfortunately I don't get that much from hunting. Hunting is about putting food healthy ethically harvested food on the table for your family.

            If you want to protest somthing go protest your local supermarket.

            • +1


              Do you realise how much suffering the animal is put though not only living that way, but transferred to the slaughter house.

              Yes I do. Most people do, but they don't care - they are more concerned with their fleeting pleasures than the very lives of other sentient beings. Only those who have made the decision to not partake of this - vegans - come close to caring. You don't care - you kill for no good reason.

              "Free range" eggs still involve massive exploitation and death of birds. Better than caged? Sure, the same way it's better to kick someone in the stomach rather than the head. But both are unnecessary. Free range is like an indulgence, paying more for some sort of absolution, but there's no good way of doing a terrible thing.

              • -2

                @fantombloo: Agreed.

                Fancy a hunter killing a poor defensive animal and then saying they care about the animal.

                I agree with the domestic violence analogy above.

  • +1

    I can’t support caged eggs no matter how cheap they are. Sorry.

    • +1

      Simply don’t buy them, clearly this deal isn’t for you.

      • +1

        ‘Simply don’t buy them’ yeah just turn a blind eye to something so cruel, great logic.

        • +1

          Turning a blind eye to this product results in poor sales and changes the behaviours of suppliers. Economics 101.

          Having a sook on a bargain website changes nothing.

          • +4

            @gamemaster: If you think I’m having a sook for voicing my disdain for the industry with an initial simple sentence, then you’re not very good at the internet. Or life in general, really.

      • +3

        It's a public forum, people can say what they want within reason. I don't get this "don't comment if you don't like it" mentality. It really needs to die in a fire.

    • +2

      Ddo you neg every apple deal by the same logic? Those humans who make them are just as exploited.

  • +2

    Please don't support this treatment of another animal. Buy free range only.

  • +3

    Animal cruelty is not a deal.

    • -1


    • -1

      yet your parents had you.

  • Thank you I am going to buy 30 dozens to make Egg and cheese burgers Yummmmmm

    • Between that and your fish and chips, you might need a deal for healthcare.

  • Thanks op
    Cracking deal!

  • 12 Xmas cakes comin' up!

  • 3 dozen for $5? I don't see how this can be commercially viable

    • These are 42 gram "medium" sized eggs, they're normally only sold to the wholesale / restaurant market. Much like a lot of things at spudshed it's overstock that is getting cleared.

  • Some dated 6.1.21 @ Innaloo.

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