This was posted 4 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] Fresh Live Western Rock Lobster $20 Each (~500g) Pick-up Only @ Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour


With the popularity of the Coles & Woolworths deals to sell Western Australian lobster (cooked and frozen) I thought I'd share this deal.

"Back of boat lobsters are now available! Celebrate Fremantle’s iconic premium seafood. Get your freshly caught lobster direct from our local fisherman."

Small size crayfish are available directly from local fisherman for the bargain price of $20 each (previously being sold to offshore markets for $85 per kg recently….) These lobster have just been caught so they are more versatile (other preparation methods eg BBQ) and perfect for sashimi too.

There are legislated limits of 200 per day per boat so it's best to pre-order. Larger sizes are available too up to 2.5kg! (These are sold on a per kg basis)

Also available up the coast:
Jurien Bay - Call Kiera 0407 153 784

For more information:

(Association = family)

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closed Comments

  • Too bad it's pick up only, but understandable. I am in Sydney😞

    • +1

      It's live what do you expect?

      • +11

        If the live one can make it to China, I see no reason why it can't make it from WA to Sydney.

        • Hmm good point but I don't think they would ship live lobsters for non wholesale customers.

        • +1

          chuck 'er in an express post satchel and whack that badboy in the yellow box, you'll be fine dining in no time, pre crushed.

  • I'm in Sydney, but how much is the bigger ones? Say how much for a 2kg lobster?

    • +2

      Will update post pick-up only sorry. Today a 2kg one is $90

      • That's a good price, pity I'm in Sydney.

        • Have you tried the Sydney Fish market? They have taken a lot of live WA lobster.

          • @tradewind: I was told by friends its not really that cheap. $100+ a kilo

            I presume to poster above said a 2kg lobster for $90 total?

            • +2

              @airpoe: In Eastwood, live, big lobsters was / is going for $80~ per kg

              • +1

                @JaxSantiago: Smaller ones 700 - 800g $68/kg this week. Probably $80/kg for large ones. Hope the price doesn’t go up next week.

      • +1

        2kg for 90 is really good price.

  • Presumably these are live if they're coming right off the boat?

    • +9

      Yes live. Details on how to dispatch humanely:…

      • cool thanks….do you suggest sending an sms to pre-order…assuming its getting busy but might head down on wednesday

        • SMS is good, they will be fishing Wednesday 👍

      • +1

        That's a very good guide, perhaps you should add it to the post

      • +3

        Appreciate that being added. Most websites put the directions for cooking lobster as stick it in the fridge then drop it in boiling water, while alive and conscious. It's pretty bloody cruel boiling something alive.

      • I'll pass on the killing of animals.. I'll leave that up to the professionals 😅

      • +2

        From the guide: “RSPCA Australia does not recommend that live crustaceans for human consumption are made available for purchase by the general public. Instead, they should be humanely killed by trained and competent personnel before purchase.”.

        Edit:: After perusing that document, I am for the first time in my life seriously contemplating the merits of vegetarianism.

        • +1

          Maybe, or maybe the RSPCA has taken over by PETA ;-)

          Lots of conjecture in that document.

          A few years ago when live rock lobsters were regularly going for $10 a piece (no way I'm feeling sorry for those fishermen now that their excessive profits are reduced to something more reasonable) the recommended method to dispatch them was to put them into an esky full of freshwater. Took less than 1 minute for death to arrive. Not sure if spending an hour in a freezer until they are unconscious is more humane.

      • The TL/DR version for this context: put in freezer until it doesn't react to stimuli any more, then use a sharp knife to split lengthwise down the middle.

  • Whats the per kilo cost for larger lobsters?

    • OP said 2kg is $90. While the small one is $20 each for roughly 500 gram .

      Guess it's cheaper to buy the small one price-wise. But who know how much meat in it.

      • +9

        You buy the one called Pinchy and fatten it up in the fish tank.

      • +1

        Oh yeah arent lobsters tastier when theyre small?

        • +1

          These spiny lobsters are best between 1-2.5kg, prices for the lobsters between these weight usually cost more than smaller ones i’m guessing because there’s more meat to shell ratio and you can actually get the meat from the legs

  • +2

    We need a deal like this for Melbourne area :(

    • +5

      We need a deal like this for Australia area :(

      • :)

  • +12

    Sydney fish market is the biggest rippoff place in AUS, $99+ a kilo when other places selling for HALF!

    • +7

      Yep, years of excellent marketing down there.

    • +2


      • -3

        current market price is all , market in WA has fallen….'pears yank imports have caused a bit of an issue - canada being yank these days…

    • +1

      A bit annoyed you can't get Aussie lobster over there anymore mate?

      • "Back of boat lobsters are now available! Celebrate Fremantle’s iconic premium seafood. Get your freshly caught lobster direct from our local fisherman." its in the header….

        • Yeah, but Freo isn't in China?

          • @brendanm: your posts are so bizarre mate I wonder if u know where u are….

            • +1

              @petry: Perhaps you can translate this mess for me?

              current market price is all , market in WA has fallen….'pears yank imports have caused a bit of an issue - canada being yank these days…

  • +8

    Step 1 buy 500g lobster 🦞
    Step 2 put in fish tank and feed
    Step 3 profit

  • Upvoting to help the Aussie fishing industry!

    • +24

      The fishermen will gladly go back to selling all to China when the Chinese are able to buy again.

      • +1

        Until then, happy to support them. Fishermen need money to pay the mortgage too! (They can already put some very yummy food on their own tables!)

        • +11

          The Kailis family, who have a strangle hold on WA fisheries, is number 24 on the rich list according to The West

          They almost certainly wouldn't have a mortgage - that's before they sold 90% of the company to the Chinese. In other words, your good intentions are for better or worse, supporting a literal 90% Chinese fishing industry, in WA.

          • +3

            @Charity: I'm curious what % of our lobster industry is Chinese owned, regardless of ownership there are still plenty of local jobs involved.

          • +5


            that's before they sold 90% of the company to the Chinese.

            Wait a minute…

            So the Chinese are boycotting their own products ???

            • +3

              @jv: As a Chinese, YES, a lot of the product boycotting by the Chinese Government is Chinese owned business.

              • @Masterfrog233: Wow! Why?

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: Because political massage is more important than anything meaningful such as people's jobs. Same things applies to the Australian Government

          • @Charity: Are these back-of-boat sellers part of Kailis?

          • @Charity: its funny how american dumping gets taken out of the issue… dumbness or design or both?

    This is a very good guide OP has linked to; wish we knew some of this info when I was younger. I remember my relatives not knowing how to humanely kill the live crabs and lobsters purchased from the market and often fleeing the kitchen when it was someone else's turn to attempt it.

    • -1

      'Scientific proof of the association between chilling and absence of discomfort, stress or pain is limited.'

      • Pretty selective extract but I think we could at least do what we can based on the the knowledge we do have so far, there's more in there besides the effects of chilling

        • like global warming then for the last 50 years….

  • +1

    Man, Adelaide restaurant still charging 160 per kilo.

    • +1

      Yes SA price gouges most items. Move if your work allows it (I did)

  • At first the West Australians lock the rest of the Country out, Now history is repeating itself with these insane deals on lobsters. Who would want to live in any other state…. seriously!

  • +1

    I picked up 4 on Thursday for $80. Weighed it at home at was $2.2kg.

    We were lucky to get the last 4 of the boat which was the amount we were after.

    But for everyone behind us they had to requeue up at a different boat as they all Moore at different spots.

  • +1

    This is a real deal. $40/kg for live lobsters!

  • +2

    Dammit I wish QLD had this, I'd be eating lobsters everyday

    • Saw some youtube videos on cooking live mud crabs on campfires camping by the beach. Would love to do the same with these cheap lobsters taking the kids on a camping trip during the upcoming school holiday.

  • Is lobster easy to prepare and cook?

  • +3

    Support Aussie but hate it when they was selling to China and our price $100+ a kg.

  • +1

    need this in sydney

  • -1

    This or Apple Max

  • Just ate out last night and even restaurants have cut their "market" prices. I'm hoping the Christmas lobster becomes a tradition for Aussies!

  • Damn, that's a good price. I bought a live lobster (~600g) in Brisbane for $35 yesterday.

  • I would think lobsters will flooding the local market by now giving the fact China isn’t taking them. where is supply and demand here or someone is freezing all this cheap lobsters and resale them later?

    • asian generally prefer live lobsters, that's why this is very good and popular buy, if you freeze, most asian won't take them unless from reputable shops, not from some individuals.

  • Is back of boat lobsters the same as front of taxi lobsters?

    I paid $25 per lobster from Tony.

    Much prefer getting my seafood from a rank than a dock.

  • Where is the deal in VIC? All the Woolies lobsters are pre-cooked -__-

  • in Sydney

    The chinese restaurants sell them for $150-$300kg like at the famous Golden Century Seafood Restaurant

    At Sydney Fish market it goes from $150 - $200 kg

    $20 for 500g is a bargain if they are live

  • This is crazy! Why would you buy "dumping" lobsters?

    They sell good quality stuff to China for a good price, and we pay through the nose for our seafood & beef.

    Why would we support them, they don't care about Australian consumers, China boycotts their products, and now, they "dumping" their goods on us?

    Doesn't matter whose own the company, Australian should have equal access to Australian produce for a fair price.

    They couldn't wait for the day China buying their goods again, so stop bitching about China this & that!!

    Come on Aussie! We too should boycott their produce.

    • Lol you must be trolling. They sell to the highest bidder, they have no contract to supply minimum amount to public. Maybe in communist country they would be forced to do that.

      China's loss is our gain. $20 lobster is a tasty treat and well within reach for many Aussies. Fantastic with garlic butter.

      Probably won't last forever, they will find more overseas markets to sell for slightly more and it will go up locally. Lobster is a premium product. Can't be farmed.

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