• expired

Free Airbnb Partial Stock (up to Value of US$75) + Free Nike/GoPro/Dropbox When Opening Account and Funding Account at Stake



Still a L and P-plater so unable post the link of this deal.



To celebrate the IPO of Airbnb, Stake is offering all Airbnb users a free share in the company after it goes public.

"How it works.

Sign up using the referral code ‘Airbnb’

Fund your account within 24 hours

Like always, get a free stock in Nike, GoPro or Dropbox

Then we’ll email you on how to claim your free stock of Airbnb (up to value of US$75)"

As always please read the terms and conditions mentioned on the page.

But key points were
1) promotion only till 5:01 pm 17th December 2020 (US ET), only posting now as I've noticed deal not being mentioned as of yet since start of promotion on 7th December.
2) No mention of how much funding you need to deposit for the free Airbnb stock, someone I know who just joined under this promotion only deposited $34 USD and got their free GoPro Stock, so finger cross that they get their Airbnb stock at a later date.
3) It seems that they will email you at a later date to tell you how to claim your free stock of Airbnb, but you'll need to show proof that you are a Airbnb host or a user of Airbnb, so may need like a receipt of one of your stays at an accommodation.

First time posting so hope all is clear as mud.

Best wishes investing.

In order to qualify for this you must meet all of the following:
* Sign up to Stake for the first time (Individual account only)
* Use the referral code “Airbnb”
* Fund your account via the Stake platform within 24 hours or a time limit set by Stake**
* Upon request, provide information on your hosting or use of Airbnb,

Referral Links

Referral: random (998)

Referrer gets $1 off brokerage for 12 months for each referral. Referees gets $10 bonus (funding account within 24 hours of sign-up required).

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closed Comments

  • +19

    Few things

    *Stake black is only free till jan 2021
    *When funding your account, remember to untick express surcharge unless you’re screaming for a trade ASAP
    *I know at least 10 people with Stake, and we all got GORPO as the free stock lmfao

    • How much do you need to fund the account?

    • +5

      I got DropBox :P

      • It’s no Nike :(

      • +1

        Same. It's up ~25% since account opening (Apr 2020)

    • Would love to start a poll and see just how many got Nike stock…

      • +1

        I have 10 referrals: 7 gopro, 2 Dropbox and 1 nike

      • i remember looking at the t&c and it showed the odds there

    • Add me as the 11th person with GPRO =/

      Have been dying to know if anyone actually managed to score a Nike stock LOL

      • edit: redundant, comment below re gift stock probabilities.

    • The odds are published, so most will get GoPro. Referee may get a different stock to you though.

    • LOL I got Dropbox.

  • +4

    Still a L and P-plater so unable post the link of this deal.

    Sorry, what? I thought link was a compulsory thing you had to provide haha

  • +12

    So it's free, if you give them money

    • +12

      Only worth if you were planning to actively trade in the US Market.

      My 1 GoPro share went 100% but my other trades are -10% lmfao

      Remember, two minutes of browsing TOP on r/Wall Streetbets while on the crapper should NOT constitute as solid DD

      • Only worth if you were planning to actively trade in the US Market.


        • Because you might lose out on the FX movement funding your account.

          • @lolcoaster: ???

            How does FX fee of cents on a $34 USD deposit make receiving a $75-$140 stock "not worth it"?

            • @watwatwat: How about when the currency changes value?

              If your shares go up in value by 10% and the currency falls in value by 20% then you lose money.

              • +2


                currency falls in value by 20% …..

                don't trade in Zimbabwe currency mate.

      • +2

        Back in 2016 and before the Robinhood options craze, r/WallStreetbets was actually a good place for DD. Made my first 10 Bagger with $ARRY biopharma on the back of DD from a guy who said he worked for Pfizer.

    • +1

      What money? The usd conversion fee? And the w8 fee but I wonder if the w8 is compulsory or not (as what if you choose to void the tax break).

      The airbnb stock is worth $185 AUD.

      Edit: link says "Then we’ll email you on how to claim your free stock of Airbnb (up to value of US$75)".

      So… how is it up to $75 US if the stock is double that? Give you half a stock?

      • So I don't transfer any money, and I get stocks for free?

      • +3

        Stake do partial shares, so you would likely get a fractional share at $75

      • Yep, you'll probably get part of 1 ABNB stock, which you can sell with market order only.

  • Can we withdraw the money, after it has been deposited?

    • +2

      Yes but you’ll get hit with currency fees on the way out. So only good if you’re going to actively trade.

      • If you use a fee free card going in how much do you get charged withdrawing? Surely it's less than 10usd all up. 65usd for free not bad.

        • Around 1% each way. Then CGT.

    • +1

      Fees to transfer shares out of stake are fairly prohibitive.

  • isnt airbnb already on nasdaq?

    • Only just…

  • Nike to be the best value out of those 2, but the free stock is randomly given.

  • is this a offer only for new accounts?

    • +1

      I believe so from reading terms and conditions

  • +1

    interesting, they give out free airbnb shares. I thought with recent ASIC changes brokers no longer allowed to offer promotional to induce clients to open or fund accounts

  • +3

    I got free Gopro share. The cheapest one. 😂

    • +1

      Surely like everyone else. I "won" the "free" GoPro share worth $8.4, by spending similar amount in account setup fees, and possibly more in cash advance as I didn't want them to have access to many bank account details. It's not a good deal, especially if there are better brokers out there, and surely there are.

      • +1

        Such as?

        • Selfwealth, potentially?

          • @NotSuchABigMac: Selfwealth charged 9.5 usd. Which is really expensive compare to others. Unless u trade big where u can be ahead on conversion rate compare to Stake, it’s expensive. Stake exchange rate is horrible. IG, Interactive Brokers or etoro is way better (and no fee neither unlike Selfwealth)

      • +2

        Surely like everyone else. I "won" the "free" GoPro share

        You and 78% of other people got GoPro.

        The rest got Nike or Dropbox

        Nike – 2% chance of winning.
        Dropbox – 20% chance of winning.
        GoPro – 78% chance of winning.

        • Thanks for the info, I didn't know the odds are known. Cheers.

    • +1

      Me too :(

    • +1

      same, hmm I wonder if anybody got the NIKE- most expensive

  • Noice upvote

    • +1

      Is there a bad up vote as well?

  • +6

    With a marketcap of about $80B I'd say this company is massively overvalued and it's stock price is a reflection of the sheer amount of people 'gambling' on things they know very little about. The only winners are IPO investors that got it for a bargain price and will dump on retail investors.

    But hey, it's free money soooo you can't lose.

    • +1

      With a marketcap of about $80B I'd say this company is massively overvalued and it's stock price is a reflection of the sheer amount of people 'gambling' on things they know very little about

      Precisely! Elon Musk wasn't so good with words and a while ago he simply instead said that Tesla share prices were valued too high, was criticised to no end.

    • Ah the good old it isn't a ponzi scheme, ponzi scheme.

      Pump and dump!

      • Exactly! When every man and his dog is telling you to invest in something, you do NOT invest in it and start selling if you have it!

        • Bitcoin crash 2.0 incoming.

          • +2

            @studentl0an: I agree 100%, everyone is holding bitcoin because they want to ge rich, not because they “believe” in it.

            Housing is different as people actually need a place to live so they are ready to pay overinflated prices from investors.

            Bitcoin? Tesla? Airbnb?
            ”These are only going up up up! Invest now or FOMO! Source: trust me bro!”

            The only IPO I am looking forward to is OnlyFans as our society fractures more and more everyday and simping is getting out of control. At least I will earn some money while we all crash and burn.

            • @Blue Cat: I've always been cynical about clearly overvalued companies, but people power to propel companies with no real value into wealth, and sometimes into real value is astonishing. Facebook. Google. Tesla (yeah, now they're real!).

              Maybe Airbnb will hold, who knows.

    • -1

      THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ those prices are not available to us peasants, only for the big dog banks and their very select customers. they had already doubled their money on first day. i always wondered how to get shares at IPO prices, do you have to know someone or does your bank account have to be in the 30m plus levels (i read that somewhere)

      • It's very easy to buy from an IPO but they don't all double in price on the first day of trading, many lose value. They have minimum investment amounts but it's usually in the $1k-$10k range.

        • +1

          ok tell us how than, thats what i asked

          • @striker5950:

            1. Find one you're interested in here: https://www2.asx.com.au/listings/upcoming-floats-and-listing…
            2. Read the prospectus
            3. Follow instructions for public investor.

            As an example, page 20 of the Nexion IPO Prospectus says they allow minimum $2000 investment under the public offer. You just need to fill in the application form and then BPAY your money to them before the closing date.

            • -1

              @donga100: not aussie stock mate, im talking about USA stock (and im talking about blue chip companies that are going public not some unknown run of the mill pink sheet penny stock)

  • How does it stack with new user referral from the random? Seems we have to use different link for this, which look like referral by itself?

    • Don't think you'll be able to use the ozbargain random referral codes, as you need to type "Airbnb" into the referral code box on sign up

      • So are we still getting that random gopro thing with airbnb code in addition (just like the normal user referral)?

        • Yep, after funding your account

  • -7

    I negged the deal, as it is misleading. You don't get Airbnb stock, just a full off the dice when you spend $$ setting up the account.

    • Per the description: "Then we’ll email you on how to claim your free stock of Airbnb (up to value of US$75)""

      You get both!

      • +1

        Ok, I'll wait for that email. What "up to value of $75" actually means is yet to be seen too.

        • +1

          I got the email within 5min FYI

          • +1

            @geehee: How much value did you actually get given?

        • +2

          You will get one share if the stock is valued less than $75, else partial share to the value of $75.

          • @Steptoe: "partial share"? Didn't even know that was possible.

          • -1

            @Steptoe: I think you will get a $75 credit to buy the full share

  • I'm new to buying shares and looking to invest up to $500. What do you guys recommend?

    • I'm taking this deal. There's a ton of others like Selfwelth, all with different fee structures that depend on your trading habits. Stake seems to have a nice interface. I'm doing it for learning, with no expectations of getting my $500 back.

    • +4

      buy an exchange-traded fund (ETF)
      simply was in the Vanguard ETFs, such as VAS (which is equivalent of the ASX 300)
      If you don't actually need to access that $500 until ~65 years old, you're better off just salary sacrificing $500 into your superannuation.

    • -4

      You won't be making much off $500, and many etf require min $5k. I would recommend using spaceship or raiz until you get $5k, them move that to an ETF like vanguard. Rinse and repeat.

    • Mushroom stocks are the new green rush. Also there's still value in companies like CGC in the cannabis realms…they are certainly worth it and will perform exceptionally once the USA goes legal. Also, they are a multinational company that will take Mexico and other countries that decide to go legal. DYOR but I honestly see these guys as the best option for short to medium term growth. Come back in 4 months and I'll be surprised if you don't make 15%

    • +2

      You can invest in CommSec pocket. They have seven ETF you can trade in with any amount.

    • VDHG in packets for a few thousand.

      SpaceShip for smaller intervals.

    • I found this super useful:


      Read and understand the basic terms before making any moves. Also, familiarise yourself with the stock market trends & related news.

      I recommend a news/info-checking habit cultivated before actually dipping your toes into the muddy water. So if I were you, this time for the deal I would just cash out ASAP and then wait and see.

      For example, if you are interested in vaccine-related companies, keep an eye on the ongoing clinical trials, FDA decisions, reported side effects, etc. Don’t purely rely on second-hand info.

      All in all, better to look for the things that fall into YOUR PROFESSION. At least by doing so you know (some of) the rationales behind what is going on.

      Not confident about the above? Maybe you’re not ready. $500 is really something here. Perhaps it’s better to put it in the saving and plan for something else.

    • +1

      I'm new to buying shares and looking to invest up to $500. What do you guys recommend?

      My recommendations:

      • The intelligent investor by Ben Graham
      • The richest man in Babylon by George Clason
      • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
      • Everything written by Phil Fisher

      I bet you'd spend a lot less than $500. Once you've read through these, you're ready to start investing the remaining sum.

  • I just put AUD $60 then I get to spin the wheel (Feels like online gambling, hopefully didn't trigger me) and get GOPRO shares.

    Now I have to wait for 60 days to get my money back minus the foreign exchange losses.

    I got an e-mail now to claim airbnb shares. Unfortunately I have never used it before.

    "From living locally to trading locally, welcome to Wall St.

    Now that your Stake account is all set up, all we need is proof that you're an Airbnb user.

    This can be a screenshot of an Airbnb trip, your host status, or receipt from a stay. Just click the button below and fill out the form."

    • +7

      They confirmed my dodgy screenshot in about six seconds. Open paint, scrawl the word 'airbnb' then submit and I reckon you'll get over the line.

      • +1


    • Takes 60 days to withdraw?

      • only allow you to begin the withdrawal process after 60 days.

        • +1

          Seems like that limit applies only if you fund with a credit/debit card.

    • I've been a part of a group booking (we didn't even wind up going ahead due to covid) - I used the screenshot of that

      Got an email saying

      Dear porks123

      Thanks for sending through your Airbnb documents.

      You're all approved and now a brand new owner of Airbnb stock.

      Your stock (up to the value of $75USD) will be processed on Friday 18th December one week after IPO, and will appear in your account no later than Monday 21st December

      This was literally received 10 seconds after uploading so I don't think they're checking somehow :)

      • You're all approved and now a brand new owner of Airbnb stock.

        You're a brand new owner of half a stock*

    • I just googled airbnb payment image and got a bunch them and submitted some random one of a trip from some guy in the state in 2016. And got the approved email instantly. I guess it's pretty automated.

    • Did you get the free GOPRO share and ABNB email immediately or did you have to wait for the funding to settle in your account?

  • +1

    Stake only has limited stock options and if you want to buy in key moments it fails miserably. Had really awful experiences as opposed to other trading platforms that in my experience were immediate. Maybe good for long term holders I guess?

    • Stake has a minimum Market Cap for stocks it includes.

    • +2

      I know what you meant. Tried to make a trade during one of the high volume days (event driven) and platform was laggy AF.

      Otherwise, if you are more of a millennial investor like me (not trying to day trade or won't make a fuss about few bps slippage because your trade size is just not big enough), I think Stake has done the job for me. Not complaining.

  • Highly recommend IG markets for anyone serious. Way more of everything and I'd imagine cheaper on most fronts.

    • Imagine so or Know so? I found it difficult to compare options. Some had minimum account balances. Some had idle fees. Spreads varied too.

      • Imagine/strongly suspected. Having a closer look now I agree with you; quite a few fees makes comparison tricky. Looks like Stake and IG both do free trades on US stocks if using their currency exchange priced at 0.7%, so very similar. Overall they are priced quite similarly, the biggest difference looks like the higher fees to transfer out of Stake.

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