Discrimination against white heterosexual males in academia (etc.) in Australia

I posted the text below in an old thread many months ago, and expected a torrent of scathing remarks, but also a few enlightening responses from suitably experienced people. I suspect that unfortunately no one much saw the text though, because the original thread I posted it in was essentially long 'dead and buried' by that point. So I'm posting it here, as a 'new topic', in the hope that it will attract some comments—preferably from peeps with relevant experience, not just simplistic 'gut feelings' and 'knee-jerk reactions' from naive idealists. Here's what I posted:

"… thatguyfromthatplace (refreshingly/commendably) had the stones to state candidly, clearly and concisely what any white heterosexual male who has been employed in any vaguely 'academic' field for the last 30 years will tell you. We have been actively discriminated against for decades in Australia, when it comes to employment/promotion into higher-paying/upper-level positions, in favour of so-called 'minority groups'. Often—completely erroneously—even simply being a woman qualifies as being a member of a 'minority group'; even though there are more women in Australia than there are men!

There are numerous examples of this now long-institutionalised practice, which is officially dubbed 'positive discrimination', actually written into enforceable employment policy in Australia in many diverse contexts. There is simply no argument about whether it goes on in Australia … quite the opposite, active discrimination against NON-minority groups (i.e., white heterosexual males; any deviation from that 'trifecta' generally qualifies any individual as a member of a 'minority group') is actually mandated in numerous employment contexts. Some of the obvious ones are universities and numerous government work-places, but there are many more.

It's bizarre to me, and many other white heterosexual males that the answer to perceived historical discrimination against 'minority groups' (including 'all women', utterly erroneously) has been deemed to be, for the last few decades, to 'swing the pendulum back the other way and severely, actively, and officially institutionalise/sanction (and in many cases, worse; actually mandate) discrimination against white heterosexual males."


            • @Mike88:

              Works both ways, but if you have a target for 1 of them, then it would be more likely you would hire an incompetent minority as there are incentives other than the best person for the job.

              Could be the reason why there's so many useless higher up whm who's been there since dinosaurs.

  • +2

    I see plenty of individuals from "minority groups" that do have talent and are the best person for the job. But their abilities and value are undermined by quota filling. It's now easy for anyone to assume they got their position based on quota filling and that's a real shame.

    If I was one of those people I'd be pretty pissed off that your skills and ability are so easily doubted as a result of the currently fashionable and ridiculous policies that are clearly discriminatory.

  • damn stop posting I 9bly have 5 negatives a day to giveeeeee

    jv is lucky, he won't be getting negatives for a while hehhe

  • -3

    This is just another thread that should be dead and buried. Just keep it buried next time.

    • +2

      Hmmm … so because you personally don't like some of the sentiments/facts you are reading in this thread td-ko, you assert that it should be 'dead and buried'? Here's a less authoritarian solution to your problem:

      Rack off!

      LOL …

      Peace out.

      • It's just ridiculous. I imagine that's the reason your first post didn't receive the replies you expected. I'm afraid that will happen again.

        • +1

          Erm … has it escaped your attention that this thread has now attracted more than 60 posts from others (i.e. not including mine), in less than 24 hours td-ko? 'Scroll up, hombre'. I now feel compelled to have a little look at the posts you have initiated in the past … to see if they have attracted similar user interest/prompted similar user engagement. Or maybe you could save me the time. Have they?

    • +1

      I don't like it so no one else should be able to look at it.

      Many such cases.

    • +2

      Why? Seriously, Id like you to explain in a logical way why you think this thread should be dead and buried?
      I for one have appreciated this thread greatly. Its has opened my mind to new ways of seeing the issue and increased my ability to reason on it.
      I understand its an emotionally charged topic, the responses in this thread show that.
      But you shouldnt not talk about things just because people have strong emotional connections to it, these sort of things are the sort of things we quite often need to talk about the most. Its only with logical, reasonable conversation that you can educate someone past their emotional responses.
      Failure to reason and only go by emotional connections is how governments can easily bemuse the public to allow racist laws like the ones Knuckle pointed out above. "Weve passed new laws to hep encourage the employment of minority groups"…."Oh thats great, Im so sick of racism"….and now because people have such a strong emotional connection to it if anyone dares question it, you get alot of people shouting at him that hes a racist and wont let him talk. When if you look at it rationally the law itself is racist (I do NOT believe in the concept of reverse racism, there is only racism) and people should be able to discuss whether they believe in it or not without just getting shouted at and accused of things such as not caring about minorities when that doesnt even have anything to do with their point of view.
      If people are continued to not be allowed to question things you could end up with a culture such as chinas where its not acceptable to question some things…
      "Why cant I do that"
      "No Why"
      ….trying to now question why no why is considered unacceptable….
      ….is this really the way you want things to be?

      I for one dont need to agree with someones point of view to respect it. Explain to me in logical way why you believe what you believe and I can respect it even if I dont agree.

  • +2

    Does autism qualify you as a minority?

    • +2

      The majority of people are not autistic, so yes it does.

  • +5

    Pretty standard in Universities and other more lefty institutes, you can't really do much about it, just leave that toxic environment, start your own business and make good cash. That is what I did, now I don't care I take control of my life as trying to change that is a waste of time and doesn't serve me where as in my business I can help many other people and make money in the process

  • +2

    Discrimination towards white straight men is an Australian national sport.

    • Nah it's a global trend. White Western countries continue to whip themselves and our Islamic/African counterparts are loving it.

      • -1

        Ha ha, yea, just like those Africans loved the yanks fighting a civil war to end slavery. Discriminating against those white slave traders. Oh the injustice…

  • While nearly everyone here is quick to jump to the conclusion that companies create racial and gender quotas to avoid criticism from leftists, here's a different perspective:
    There's strength in diversity.
    What I mean is my background growing up in a country like Singapore and having a spent 2 years conscripted in the military brings a completely different perspective to a white male who has never done any of the above. This means I bring to the table fresh ideas, new angles to problems that white males might not be able to by virtue of their homogeneous backgrounds. Same reason why there's quotas for women and other minority groups. Unless you've had the background I've had, there's no way your line of thought is similar to mine. In the same way, I have no idea what it's like to live as a woman or as an aboriginal or some with a disability, or get this….as a white caucasian male.

    In addition and especially in the service industry, having a diverse workforce means the company can better serve the public because they represent the population better. Imagine someone who only speaks Tagalog walk into an all white business and trying to buy something from them. They would have a very poor customer experience.

    So yes there is discrimination against white males, but it's because companies want to increase their bottom line to serve the entire spectrum of the population, not just the male caucasians.

    There's plenty of studies in organisational psychology journals about how diversity in the workplace increases productivity and creativity. I'm not going to link them here coz if anyone is truly interested you can look it up yourself, or you can stay in your misinformed opinion that it's just some leftist agenda. Either way, a random stranger on the internet isn't going to change your deeply entrenched opinion unless you go searching for the information yourself.

    • +5

      So yes there is discrimination against white males, but it's because companies want to increase their bottom line to serve the entire spectrum of the population, not just the male caucasians.

      What you don't understand about forced diversity is that it places too much importance on race/gender/skin colour. It's silly. Human beings are complex creatures with millions of unique traits that vary by individual. Reducing the human experience down to a single immutable characteristic is shallow and quite frankly offensive. Not all Black people are the same, not all women are the same, not all gays are the same, so to simply assume that they will be better served by a fellow Black/gay/woman is nefarious.

      Merit based hiring ensures that the person who is best able to serve the community is selected for the job. No point in having Black employees serve your Black customers if those employees are incompetent. That means the customers end up receiving less quality care/service.

      I dont want businesses to understand me and my life experiences. I want them to serve me as efficiently and effectively as possible. That way I can spend more time helping myself instead of worrying about when my car will be fixed.

      • Like I said you can look up the research for yourself, or stay in your own opinion that yours is correct.

        Singapore is one of the most meritocratic countries in the world and even they understand the value of diversity when coupled with proper inclusion. Even their housing estates have a race quota.

      • "Reducing the human experience down to a single immutable characteristic is shallow and quite frankly offensive."

        And just to add, diversifying the workforce based on race (among other things) is way more than just a "single immutable characteristic". A person's race brings with them thousands if not tens of thousands of individual differences based on decades of background that you might be completely unfamiliar with.

        "That way I can spend more time helping myself instead of worrying about when my car will be fixed." This almost sounds like if you have a mechanic of a different race to you, you're predisposed to distrust them.

        Just because someone isn't the same race as you doesn't mean they can't do as good a job.

    • +3

      What I mean is my background growing up in a country like Singapore and having a spent 2 years conscripted in the military brings a completely different perspective to a white male who has never done any of the above. This means I bring to the table fresh ideas, new angles to problems that white males might not be able to by virtue of their homogeneous backgrounds. Same reason why there's quotas for women and other minority groups. Unless you've had the background I've had, there's no way your line of thought is similar to mine. In the same way, I have no idea what it's like to live as a woman or as an aboriginal or some with a disability, or get this….as a white caucasian male.

      But now if a whm had those experiences they would still be excluded due to being a whm.

      In addition and especially in the service industry, having a diverse workforce means the company can better serve the public because they represent the population better. Imagine someone who only speaks Tagalog walk into an all white business and trying to buy something from them. They would have a very poor customer experience.

      So your saying we should employ people who better represent the place their living at. What percentage of people in australia only speak Tagalog? Now put that against all the other non english and english speaking people in australia. Your basically saying that a business is better off employing whm's because they represent the market better .

      Im all for diversity. Im all for allowing a business to employ a minority over a whm when the two have equal merit otherwise, but allowing business to say a person will only be employed if they are not whm is racist and dumb.

    • @jimmyt

      having a spent 2 years conscripted in the military

      So what?

      Did you actually see combat? No, because lord knows the SAR hasn't seen actual combat since WW2.

      So you spent 9 weeks doing some real exercise and a few months camping and firing weapons; does that suddenly mean you know how to balance a ledger, perform knee surgery or rebuild an engine? Seeing yourself as being superior to everyone else because of an arbitrary life experience/choice is precisely the definition of prejudice and discrimination.

      Ironically enough, you're embodying that same level of ridiculously jingoistic military worship that a lot of Americans have where being a veteran (even if you were a desk jockey for 2 years) somehow automatically puts you on a pedestal compared to anyone in the civilian world, even though most volunteer military recruits couldn't hold down a job at McDonald's to save their lives.

      By virtue of sheer statistics, there are far more Australians who've served in the military and actually deployed to war zones than Singaporeans, which invalidates your whole premise that a military background would statistically make you far more of an outlier than an average Australian.

      Unless you've had the background I've had, there's no way your line of thought is similar to mine.

      Lol, the special snowflake mentality is strong with this one.

      I will bet good money that you still vote for globo-homo/leftist/progressive politics, believe in feminism, socialism, welfare states, unchecked immigration and open borders, are pro-LGBT/Transgender rights, believe in the anthropogenic model of climate change, are mildly or severely anti-religion, adhere to politically-correct interpretations of free speech/expression, uncritically follow the mainstream media narrative and believe they would never lie to you, believe the solution to all social/economic/political crises is more government and more regulation, and of course, foam at the mouth whenever Orange Man is mentioned.

      Diversity of Appearance =/= Diversity of Thought.

      You're a Westerner through and through. Singapore is a first-world nation with first-world living conditions. Other than in superficial respects, there is very little that meaningfully separates you from an Australian male of similar age and socio-economic background (of which, yours is most certainly extremely privileged and devoid of much actual hardship).

      Maybe if you were a Pashtun from rural Afghanistan that survived multiple wars or an indigenous Siberian from the Taymyr Peninsula, I could see your point, but you're trying to trump up your diversity credentials to make you out to be some kind of immigrant Robinson Crusoe, which is just laughable.

      Imagine someone who only speaks Tagalog walk into an all white business and trying to buy something from them.

      Imagine having to learn the official language of the nation you immigrated to, in order to function in their society? That's what I did when I came here.

      Do you think an all-Filipino workplace in the Philippines would change their preferred language to accommodate one English-speaking customer?

      So yes there is discrimination against white males, but it's because companies want to increase their bottom line

      So you admit discriminatory hiring practices are done not for any noble or altruistic reasons but solely because of corporate greed?

      This is supposed to make your argument more convincing? Well, I'm sold.

      There's plenty of studies in organisational psychology journals about how diversity in the workplace increases productivity and creativity.

      Yes, I'll listen to studies funded by the same institutions that produce brainwashed, intellectual eunuchs such as yourself instead of my own personal experiences and those of the people I know, who all relish working with grossly incompetent, unqualified and under-productive employees that were selected for the job because they were classified as being "minorities", who the vanishingly smaller demographic of European/Caucasian employees have to inevitably make up for in terms of productivity output. Everyone loves picking up the slack for dead weight, being turned down for work because they have the "wrong" genetics and watching their years of hard work be squandered as employees with the "right" genetics are preferentially promoted over them and given favourable treatment. That definitely won't breed resentment and further divide society along racial, ethnic and class lines.

      Far out, what smooth-brained logic you're displaying here; so much for that amazing Singaporean education system.

      or you can stay in your misinformed opinion

      You're the one displaying an incredibly narrow-minded, hostile attitude by peddling an entirely-predictable, left-leaning, middle-class Australian perspective and then telling anyone with a different opinion that they're wrong because "muh diversity is strength".

      • -3

        Haha whoa someone here has a massive chip in his/her shoulder and cant stand that I've got an opinion different to them so you have to resort to insult and personal attacks! How very civil of you. Lmao

        1. The Singapore military has been in more combat scenarios than you even know because everything is usually kept on the DL. I haven't been back for 16 years but before that we handled the one and only time a plane was hijacked on Singapore soil by shooting the fkers in the heads. So no, we do not fk around. So your assumption can go fk itself.

        2. You assume I see myself as superior when all I did was present a side and let people pick. But of course your xenophobic self couldn't help but go after the person making it instead of the argument.

        3. Your argument that all universities are hives of leftist thinking is bordering on alex jones level crazy. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe objective scientific thinking just happens to be leftist to you because you're so far right that everything else is left? Sounds like you don't have a uni degree yourself, or maybe you just couldn't get into one so you're bitter AF. Too bad they probably didn't want you anyway.

        4. And you sounds just like the typical Trump supporter. Well mate HE LOST. Don't go telling me about rigged elections et. al. Probably a Pauline Hanson supporter too eh ;) Luckily you're on the far right off the spectrum and people like yourself are the dinosaurs who will eventually be extinct. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

        • -2

          cant stand that I've got an opinion different to them

          Your opinion is about as mainstream, politically-correct consensus narrative as one can get and you have all the makings of a prototypical, hysterically-outraged SJW NPC, so I don't see much "difference" in your opinions nor do you present anything that hasn't been said a hundred times in this thread already. It's just more regurgitation of talking points you can find on every mainstream news outlet pushing the same globo-homo agenda.

          so you have to resort to insult and personal attacks! How very civil of you.

          Or maybe you're just being ridiculously thin-skinned and hypersensitive because you're not used to having your retarded ideas challenged; another hallmark of intellectually-stunted, overly-emotional leftist zombies.

          The Singapore military has been in more combat scenarios than you even know because everything is usually kept on the DL.

          Lol. Right. The world's premier covert operations force, the SAF; military budget $11 billion USD (ranking behind Afghanistan, lol), active-duty personnel count: 51,000 (smaller than Nepal's armed forces).

          In a day and age where ex-SAS and Navy SEALs operators write detailed autobiographies about their time in Tier 1 SOF units and where we know the exact units involved in highly sensitive operations like the raid on OBL's compound, I sincerely doubt the SAF is conducting any major military operations domestically or globally without it being public knowledge.

          I haven't been back for 16 years but before that we handled the one and only time a plane was hijacked on Singapore soil by shooting the fkers in the heads.

          Counter terrorist operations are not remotely equivalent to actual warfare, hell in most other Western nations a hijacked airliner would be handled by tactical police units like the GSG-9 or GIGN. More to the point, you yourself didn't participate in any hijacked airliner rescues nor so much as fired a shot in anger, so once again, you know as little as the average civilian when it comes to being involved in a real-world firefight.

          Doing some weekend warrior training for several months is not in the slightest bit comparable to deploying in an actual war zone and serving in combat infantry roles; and more to the point no one in Singapore actually volunteers for national service, they're conscripted into it, making the morale, discipline and unit cohesion of the SAF vastly inferior to an all-volunteer force like the US Marine Corps for example. In a real firefight a Singaporean reservist would be about as useful as a security guard at a shopping centre.

          So no, we do not fk around. So your assumption can go fk itself.

          Even the Wikipedia article on the SAF's military history can't think of any actual combat experiences to list there, so instead they mention SAF's involvement in conducting a rescue after a hotel collapse, and their assistance in responding to the SARS and COVID pandemics, lol.

          So the highlights of Singapore's military history involve surrendering to the Japanese after one week during the Battle of Singapore in WW2 (making you well and truly the French of South-East Asia) and screening people for SARS and COVID, lol.

          It's a good thing you guys don't have any actual military threats on your borders.

          Your argument that all universities are hives of leftist thinking is bordering on alex jones level crazy.

          No. It's not.

          It's something openly acknowledged by numerous studies from 100% mainstream research organisations/news media outlets, that grudgingly admit most university professors and lecturers are overwhelmingly left-wing:

          Has it ever occurred to you that maybe objective scientific thinking just happens to be leftist to you because you're so far right that everything else is left?

          Has it occurred to you that you have no idea what you're talking about and that you're product of said left-wing, cultural Marxist institutions of indoctrination and brainwashing?

          From reading your replies, it's clear you're the end result of 12 years of loony left-wing indoctrination in the educational system (plus however many years you spent on your useless arts/humanities degree) combined with 2 years of military deindividuation and collectivist group-think that combined to produce truly the worst of both worlds: a double-whammy of obedient servitude and unquestioning compliance with authority with a conditioned hatred for any non-conformist outliers who go against the status quo.

          The level of cognitive dissonance required to see yourself as a "free thinker" for parroting every predictable, leftist NPC mantra is probably the same as thinking you're an elite Special Forces soldier because you did a lot of compulsory marching in the Singaporean Armed Forces, lol.

          Sounds like you don't have a uni degree yourself, or maybe you just couldn't get into one so you're bitter AF. Too bad they probably didn't want you anyway. You're just jealous because of muh EDUMACAYSHUNS AND DIVERSITY! REEEEEEEEEEE (Thinks exactly the same way as every Zoomer brainlet out there)


          And you sounds just like the typical Trump supporter. Well mate HE LOST. Don't go telling me about rigged elections et. al. Probably a Pauline Hanson supporter too eh ;) Luckily you're on the far right off the spectrum and people like yourself are the dinosaurs who will eventually be extinct. ORANGE MAN BAD REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (Terminal Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome Intensifies)


          Predictable as always.

          • -2

            @Miami Mall Alien: hahahaha. omg. I was going to just leave it but your last reply is pure entertainment.
            How long did it take you to find the links to all those articles while you were sitting on the toilet?

            And the audacity! I'm clutching my pearls lol
            Someone who clearly has no idea about the singapore system, trying his darndest best to lecture someone who grew up in the system on it!
            See this is the exact mindset that hetero straight males have, a complete misunderstanding of systems that are foreign to them, yet the world has told you you're the centre of it so you must, by extension of that logic, know everything.
            And citing Wikipedia! HA! wow you're really clutching at straws here man, give up while you still have some dignity left.

            Here's a little tidbit, a little morsel of knowledge, coz you have none yet hide it behind long bombastic words to appear more intelligent than you are:
            Media in Singapore is state run, which means any information is tightly controlled.
            You wouldn't find anything they don't want you to know on the internet.
            Add here's a bonus tidbit: we very nearly did go to war, pre-internet age. But of course your internet didn't tell you that. Your complete font of all-knowing. Even Singapore's own citizens didn't know that. Only those scrambled to be on stand-by had any knowledge.
            Plus you have no idea who I am do you? LMAO. Your assumption that everyone is conscripted is laughable.
            The common knowledge is most are, but there are a significant percentage who volunteers for that life.
            But yes, please go ahead and dig a bigger hole for yourself.

            So. Many. Assumptions.
            But that's all you have really isn't it?
            Coz all you can rely on is your time doing a number 2 to do what little "research" that is available to you.

            To a far right-winger, everything else is left-wing, but you clearly have no other argument than to fall back on "MARXIST!!"

            I'm being thoroughly entertained here, although I clearly do not spend as much time as you do doing "research", so I must be completely "uneducated"
            Please continue to school me oh master of the internet
            I'll make some popcorn while I wait!

            • -2


              Here's a little tidbit, a little morsel of knowledge, coz you have none yet hide it behind long bombastic words to appear more intelligent than you are:
              Media in Singapore is state run, which means any information is tightly controlled.
              You wouldn't find anything they don't want you to know on the internet.
              Add here's a bonus tidbit: we very nearly did go to war, pre-internet age. But of course your internet didn't tell you that. Your complete font of all-knowing. Even Singapore's own citizens didn't know that. Only those scrambled to be on stand-by had any knowledge.

              Calm down kiddo, no one cares about your pseudo-service in an insignificant backwater military over 16 years ago, you're not some Special Forces Rambo who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day and your country has never been in actual military conflict. Almost being in one doesn't count.

              I actually don't know why anyone would take your claims about serving in any military at face value given you have the mental age of a teenager and communicate with all of the charisma and eloquence of some autistic millennial on social media.

              If you're quite finished indulging in delusional fantasies about your non-existent military career and deflecting from the argument at hand, it seems you've run out of anything approaching a rational argument for why you're not some hysterical, foaming-at-the-mouth liberal SJW produced by the bastions of leftist, Cultural Marxist brainwashing that are Western universities and you've even run out of new ad hominems to sling around beyond your repetitive cries of "HAW HAW you're a right-winger LAWLZ yOu cAn'T hAnDLe mUh DiVeRsITyYyY!!1!!!1

              Media in Singapore is state run, which means any information is tightly controlled.

              Well that sounds like a great sh*thole to live in. I wonder why you left?

              I guess it's no wonder Singapore's citizens are naive, gullible, easily-fooled dimwits as best exemplified by ol' Jimmy T here; Singaporean Rambo, Jason Bourne and James Bond all rolled into one.

              Tell me about the time you stood in parade formation in a square for several hours and how difficult that was?

              The common knowledge is most are, but there are a significant percentage who volunteers for that life.

              You even keep reaffirming my assumptions unintentionally, it's quite hilarious. So I was right, it's a predominantly conscripted force that would fail miserably in actual combat like all forcibly-recruited militaries historically have.

              Coz all you can rely on is your time doing a number 2 to do what little "research" that is available to you.

              Those were 4 different studies carried out by some of America's most prestigious universities (who would obviously have every incentive not to uncover systemic left-wing biases in their own faculties) and some of Europe's most reputable research journals over decades spanning the 1980s to the present day.

              And you're rebuttal to that is… crickets?

              Thanks for conceding defeat.

              To a far right-winger, everything else is left-wing, but you clearly have no other argument than to fall back on "MARXIST!!"

              Do you have anything relevant to contribute to the actual argument this thread is about or are you just going to engage in childish tantrums, mud-slinging and vigorous, nostalgic wankery over your fantasies of saving the world during your time in the national service?

              • -2

                @Miami Mall Alien: omg I'm pissing myself laughing over here.
                Thanks for the entertainment coz while you're ranting like a lunatic it's clear you've got some sort of love affair with American military and patriotism.

                "HAW HAW you're a right-winger LAWLZ yOu cAn'T hAnDLe mUh DiVeRsITyYyY!!1!!!1

                This right here is the immaturity of a nine year old. It's ok we all know you're just projecting your insecurity and immaturity onto others.

                I guess it's no wonder Singapore's citizens are naive, gullible, easily-fooled dimwits as best exemplified by ol' Jimmy T here; Singaporean Rambo, Jason Bourne and James Bond all rolled into one.

                If your love for freedom has produced someone like yourself, it's no wonder America is lagging behind the rest of the developed world in literacy and numeracy.

                you're not some Special Forces Rambo who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day and your country has never been in actual military conflict.

                And you know that how? You barely know me from a few words exchanged on the internet.

                predominantly conscripted force that would fail miserably in actual combat like all forcibly-recruited militaries historically have.

                How about a citation to prove your claim?

                Those were 4 different studies carried out by some of America's most prestigious universities

                There's your circle-jerk of America again lolz

                Do you have anything relevant to contribute to the actual argument this thread is about or are you just going to engage in childish tantrums, mud-slinging and vigorous, nostalgic wankery over your fantasies of saving the world during your time in the national service?

                LOL. The only one who sounds childish is you mate. Might help reflecting on your own tone of voice and words and it might reveal some past trauma you need to deal with. I can recommend a therapist to help with that.

                Your username checks out too.
                Gnostic - meaning knowledge and Ikos - meaning house.
                You think of yourself as some powerhouse of knowledge, but it's so far from that it's laughable.
                What you know is mostly white anglo hetero first world knowledge. You've got nothing on Eastern cultures, religions and economic policies of Asian countries.
                And please for god's sake stop with the bombastic language.
                It's a known fact people who talk/write like that are covering up their lack of intelligence compared to those who can communicate in a straightforward way.

                • -1


                  it's clear you've got some sort of love affair with American military and patriotism.

                  Says the guy who can't go two sentences without rambling on about his time spent doing mandatory national service, over 16 years ago?

                  The irony.

                  This right here is the immaturity of a nine year old.

                  You see the quotation marks there, genius? And the italic font? And the clearly done-for-comedic-effect spelling? They mean I'm taking the piss out of your limp-dick arguments.

                  If I have to explain the concept of sarcasm to you then it's a bit like doing national service for a military that has never actually been in a war; it defeats the purpose entirely.

                  If your love for freedom has produced someone like yourself, it's no wonder America is lagging behind the rest of the developed world in literacy and numeracy.

                  Sorry wrong guess Rambo, I'm not an American and I could give two sh*ts about America's standing the world at the moment.

                  And you know that how? You barely know me from a few words exchanged on the internet.

                  Lol, thanks for admitting you were a glorified security guard. I'm sure one day you may actually impress someone with your stories of doing paid paintball skirmishes for the SAF.

                  There's your circle-jerk of America again lolz

                  There's your complete ignoring of the actual facts again because you have no argument.

                  LOL. The only one who sounds childish is you mate. Might help reflecting on your own tone of voice and words and it might reveal some past trauma you need to deal with. I can recommend a therapist to help with that. Blah, blah, blah ad hominems, back in my time in the SAF I was killed 19 enemy soldiers bare-handed, etc.

                  Gnostic - meaning knowledge and Ikos - meaning house.

                  Lol, nice attempt at etymology. Fancy yourself a linguist, do you?

                  It's just one word genius.

                  Why don't you just stick to being mediocre at socio-political issues instead of being really mediocre at linguistics?

                  What you know is mostly white anglo hetero first world knowledge. You've got nothing on Eastern cultures, religions and economic policies of Asian countries.

                  So is that why you migrated to Australia? Because Singapore is clearly so far superior in culture, history and opportunity?

                  I do love it when migrants won't shut up about the countries they long ago left behind and have zero intention of returning to, all the while constantly badmouthing the fruits of the Western democracies that gave them an existence beyond slave labour and stone age survival.

                  That "white anglo hereto first world knowledge" (most retarded term you've come up with thus far, by the way) is the same kind that colonised your historically insignificant speck of land for over 100 years and undoubtedly made it into a shining beacon of economic prosperity and standard of living in an otherwise destitute and backwards part of Asia, and which still relies on systems of governance, law, business and education handed down from the heyday of the British Empire; so you're welcome.

                  And please for god's sake stop with the bombastic language.

                  It's called plain English. Maybe you'll catch up one day.

                  I could ask you to refrain from talking like a 14-year old girl on Instagram with your constant "omg, lol, LMAO, HAHAHA" but that'd be a little too advanced for someone who can barely cite quotes in the order they appear from the friggin' source, as you clearly seem incapable of doing when quoting my posts.

                  • -2

                    @Miami Mall Alien: You're a funny one and also a very disrespectful one.
                    So you think I'm not some "special forces" (in your words). But has it ever occurred to you that I might be one, albeit retired? And I am actually proud of my country's achievements despite your uneducated self shitting all over it like you know anything. If anything your disrespect belies your inexperience with anything military, because a real veteran would never disrespect another like you have.

                    And the other is your disrespect for institutions of higher learning, yet you benefit from everything these institutions have brought into civilized society. Maybe go live with the tribes in Tanzania since you hate education so much.

                    You're the definition of a hypocrite, who just loves to shit on everything with one hand, and on the other collect tax cuts and welfare payments as long as it benefits him.

                    So is that why you migrated to Australia? Because Singapore is clearly so far superior in culture, history and opportunity?

                    So you assume you know my reason for migrating? What if it was for family and not reasons of governance?

                    all the while constantly badmouthing the fruits of the Western democracies

                    This is just a wordier version of "go back where you came from!". So your racist tendencies have started to emerge.

                    After reading all of your rants, I really do feel sorry for you. Sorry that Australian society has failed you and you're so angry you have to take it out on randoms on the internet.

                    • @[Deactivated]:

                      also a very disrespectful one.

                      Right, and your posts are clearly shining examples of how to remain respectful in a debate?

                      So your assumption can go fk itself.

                      your xenophobic self couldn't help but go after the person making it instead of the argument.

                      Sounds like you don't have a uni degree yourself, or maybe you just couldn't get into one so you're bitter AF

                      people like yourself are the dinosaurs who will eventually be extinct.

                      Here's a little tidbit, a little morsel of knowledge, coz you have none

                      coz while you're ranting like a lunatic

                      It's a known fact people who talk/write like that are covering up their lack of intelligence

                      I'm perfectly respectful when it's mutual; otherwise I afford people the respect they deserve; in your case: the square root of jack sh*t.

                      So you think I'm not some "special forces" (in your words). But has it ever occurred to you that I might be one, albeit retired?

                      For the 100th time now, wannabe-Delta Force operator: NO. ONE. CARES.

                      I have nothing to prove here. I do know plenty about what a real war is like, you on the other hand, despite never having tasted combat can only go on and on about how much your national service means in the greater scheme of things.

                      It's quite clear who's desperately insecure about their standing in life and their "military" credentials here.

                      If anything your disrespect belies your inexperience with anything military, because a real veteran would never disrespect another like you have.

                      Once again: you're not a veteran, so there's nothing to disrespect here other than a boot camp graduate with a truly massive ego.

                      A real military veteran would not discuss his service (if he actually did serve in combat) with random people on a bargain-hunting forum. That much is certain.

                      And the other is your disrespect for institutions of higher learning, yet you benefit from everything these institutions have brought into civilized society.

                      What benefits? Here, in Australia? Making a huge chunk of our for-profit educational system and economy financially-dependent on millions of Chinese students that enrich their coffers so they can charge people $100,000 dollars to study a degree that won't even guarantee them a decent-paying job when they enter the workforce?

                      Your point might have held water in the 1950s. It's clear you don't know much about the Australian job market or the quality of modern university education.

                      Maybe go live with the tribes in Tanzania since you hate education so much.

                      I'm sorry you've just lost 50 diversity/inclusivity points by claiming Tanzanian tribes people are primitive and backwards. We'll have to demote your privilege level to "White Female (Karen)".

                      So you assume you know my reason for migrating? What if it was for family and not reasons of governance?

                      What if…. I don't give a sh*t?

                      Because I really don't. Because you need to get over yourself and stop acting so self-important.

                      This is just a wordier version of "go back where you came from!". So your racist tendencies have started to emerge.

                      I'm sorry you were saying African tribes people were savages?

                      It took you this long to call your opponent racist? You might need a Uni bridging course to bring you up to speed on modern leftist argumentation.

                      Sorry that Australian society has failed you and you're so angry you have to take it out on randoms on the internet.

                      If my life is an example of Australia "failing" someone then it's evident why migrants like yourself continue to flock here in droves.

                      I must have failed upward or something to have my own house and well-paying job at a relatively young age.

                      Meanwhile, Singapore wasted two years of your life preparing you for something that will never happen and then offered you a career of corporate slavery to make up for it. Who's failing who, Rambo?

                      • -2

                        @Miami Mall Alien: so you're calling me disrespectful but you're the one who starting flinging insults first like it's going out of fashion. And yet you say you can be mutually respectful? What a load of crock.

                        And for the record, what a veteran discusses online is his/her right, just because I am one doesn't exclude me from talking about it

                        • @[Deactivated]:

                          so you're calling me disrespectful

                          Yes I am.

                          And yet you say you can be mutually respectful?

                          I can, just not to you. You don't deserve respect.

                          You don't deserve much of anything truth be told, since you refuse to accept that Australia has immeasurably improved and redeemed your life, refuse to be grateful to your host country for the opportunities and prosperity it's afforded you, display immense disloyalty and hostility to it by preaching hateful leftist ideologies about "muh evil white man" and "muh oppressive patriarchy" every chance you get (despite the fact you probably haven't faced any such discrimination or prejudice in your life) and continue to talk about that insignificant speck of land you long ago abandoned and have no intentions of ever returning to permanently (despite supposedly "serving" in their military; making you doubly disloyal, lol).

                          I don't know what being a living contradiction must feel like, but it's probably what it's like to be you and it seems to be a common trait amongst young, severely deluded, left-indoctrinated people such as yourself.

                          And for the record, what a veteran discusses online is his/her right, just because I am one doesn't exclude me from talking about it

                          It must be tough coming to the realisation that your own country completely f**ked up the trajectory of your young life, wasted the prime of your youth on pointless military training and now you're hopelessly defending their retarded policies as a coping mechanism so you don't address your deep-seated frustration with your own identity.

          • -1

            @Miami Mall Alien: alright so I really can't help myself coz this is just so entertaining.
            Just a couple of fact-checks here without disclosing too much classified info:
            1. Conscription is a total of 2 years consecutive. In that time we do nothing but train. And we get paid well for it.
            2. Like I said before we have a sizable force that are "regulars", people who sign on and aren't just conscripted.
            3. Singapore was a British colony pre-1960 so no, it wasn't Singapore who surrendered in WWII but the British.

            Consider yourself educated.

            • @[Deactivated]:

              1. Conscription is a total of 2 years consecutive. In that time we do nothing but train. And we get paid well for it.


              1. Like I said before we have a sizable force that are "regulars", people who sign on and aren't just conscripted.

              Trust me, no one cares.

              1. Singapore was a British colony pre-1960 so no, it wasn't Singapore who surrendered in WWII but the British.

              And their colonial divisions were predominantly recruited from local populations, like Indians, Malays and Chinese, who make up today's SAF and who were absolutely decimated by the Japanese during the Battle of Singapore. In your nation's only and most recent, actual military conflict, you lost and you lost badly.

              Seems that tradition of being sore losers still carries on into the present-day too.

              • -1

                @Miami Mall Alien:


                Is that all you got? You've probably never even been through any military training and you presume to comment on my training. LOL.
                It's like those fat football fans sitting around drinking beer while commenting on the real athletes putting in their time on the field.

                And their colonial divisions were predominantly recruited from local populations, like Indians, Malays and Chinese

                Citation. Otherwise it's just fake news like everything else you're spouting

                Also you claim you don't care, yet you keep going on and on about how America has the greatest military and they're the best etc etc.

                Seems that tradition of being sore losers still carries on into the present-day too

                The only sore loser here is you who can't get over the fact that you're being overlooked for employment by people with way more skills and competence than you ever will, so spend your time on the internet arguing with random strangers

                • -2


                  You've probably never even been through any military training and you presume to comment on my training.

                  I've been in more war zones than you have before I was even 10 years old. Members of my family have actually seen more combat than any Singaporean has in the last 70 years and they weren't even part of uniformed standing armies.

                  I'm pretty sure kids in Syria have more practical and useful combat knowledge than a Singaporean conscript does.

                  Citation. Otherwise it's just fake news like everything else you're spouting

                  Citation? What, you don't know your own history?

                  Far out, what do they teach you idiots in Singapore other than how to lick boot?

                  Of a total 85,000 troops in Singapore before the battle, 40,000 were Indian, 2 Infantry Battalions were Malay and the rest were mixed Anglo-Indian divisions.

                  The only sore loser here is you who can't get over the fact that you're being overlooked for employment by people with way more skills and competence than you ever will, so spend your time on the internet arguing with random strangers

                  Nah, I just use my "wHiTe PriVeLeGE" to steal the fruits of their hard work, then I put my feet up and live off the proceeds of their labour for the rest of my life.

                  • @Miami Mall Alien: Like I said, I'm sorry you're so hurt and clearly in so much pain and anger.
                    I hope you find treatment and become a productive member of society.

                    • @[Deactivated]: Ah yes, the final stage of grief after a leftist loses an argument: appeals to the delicate sensibilities of their opponents and concern for their well being.

                      It took you a while, but you can stick a fork in yourself now. Your argument is well and truly done.

                      • @Miami Mall Alien: Like I said, your words betray some real trauma behind them, best go seek treatment

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