Not looking for financial advice, rather advice on who the right professionals to speak with regarding the below scenario are:
Couple (73 and 74) who need to get their finances and wills in order. Currently live in family home with a second residence (family holiday home).
Looking to sell holiday home - 50% of proceeds to be gifted to one of their children (for house deposit) other 50% for them to live off / put into super.
Looking for advice on:
- How to manage the house sale proceeds ie how to get them into super and/or advise an alternative investment for the money. Between the two of them they have 3 super accounts - 2 x in retirement phase and 1 x accumulation phase as 1 person still working). I know there is a downsizers contribution allowed, but not sure if applies to house that isn't a PPOR.
- CGT implications
- Tax implications for child receiving gifted money
- Whether a family trust would be helpful (2 x adult children)
- Set up wills
- Advise on how to downsize their PPOR in 2-3 years/manage proceeds from that sale
Do they need to see an accountant/financial advisor/lawyer or a combination of all?
Talk to Accountant with their children. Then off to paralegal to draw up will.
The management of proceeds - I hesitate to say financial planner.