Looking for a good quality 50" LCD for my bedroom (Sony, Samsung etc.)

looking for a good 50" lcd/led no 3d crap unless its big bargain, will usually be used for playing games watching mkvs/divx from ps3

tv needs to have good refresh rate as i was tempted by jb's bravia 46" for 790 something but refresh rate of 50hz is driving me away from it

been looking at something similar to these:

what like a sony exactly the same/style as this but without 3d if there is?

cheers :)


  • after well known brands only. Id rather get the bravia 46" then this kogan.

  • +2

    Before you do anything you really need to learn the difference between refresh rate, latency/lag & motion compensation.

    If you're still too lazy to do the research on that (like a lot of folks here on OzB), just go to JB or wherever & let the sales staff fill you with idiotic marketing hyperbole before selling you something overpriced & overrated.

    Hey, at least then you'll have happily deluded yourself into thinking you bought the best!!! :p

    • -1

      I got really mad a few years back over the frequency wars, where TVs advertised 700 or more Hz!!! If one TV is 50, and another is 700, it is clearly over 10 times as good!

      PS: Almost no media has more than 30 fps.

    • ok stewballs since ur the tv expert, send me a link of a suggested tv u would buy. consider the topic post

      • I never claimed to be an expert, I simply know enough to make my own informed choices.

        I'm merely suggesting that you do some research on the relevant technology so that you can do the same. Your comment about a 50Hz "refresh rate" putting you off an otherwise suitable set kind of says it all. Plenty of threads here, or WP, or any other forum if you care to search if you want to be an informed consumer. I notice that you haven't even considered plasma either, which is well worth exploring for some folks - again, some research will do a bit of mythbusting the old pdp tech fallacies too.

        As I said, if you just want someone to tell you what to think, just go to JB or HN & buy whatever brand or spec they tell you is super whizz-bang! ;)

        • i dont have as much time as u do, which is why i simply asked what tv u recommend,

          anyone got a short simply reply, not hear to read novels as this is getting off topic,

          only links of some tv/lcd/plasma BARGAIN PRICE
          is all im asking for refresh rate of 100hz+, if thats easy if not dont post :)

        • +3

          Well, you seem to have had the time to post here & reply several times; just not enough to read a few posts or wikis eh? You just want everyone else to do your work for you; that's not on, pal…this is OzBargain, not OzSpoonfeeding!

          Chances are you wouldn't be happy with whatever someone else recommends anyway, you were given options here but you poo-poo'd them! ;)

          If you can find a TV with a true 100Hz "refresh rate", let us all know about it champ! Again, 5 minutes with google looking up motion compensation would have saved you from appearing quite foolish. Hey, why don't you go for a plasma with a 600Hz subfield drive, that's gotta be 6x better again, right??? :o

  • yes —— keyboard warrior ——- its the best ;)

    anyone found any bargains on tv's??

    • +1

      OzB is full of bargains on TVs, you just have to look for yourself…we just don't pander to lazy, demanding people! :)

      • zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, keep entertaining urself :)

        • +2

          Nice comeback. I see the offers of help are flooding in for you, it must be your great attitude & high work ethic! :p

  • Sony/Samsung tvs around 50 inch will be good, just get 100hz. Best to wait for one on special, and then squeeze a store for a better price. Ask for one without 3d, unless it's a really good bargain. Jb had a Bravia for 790ish, 50hz though,for pc games and movies it would be good. I hope this information helps.

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