Recently approached by the seller of a product I had previously bought on Amazon to do a review on a new but similar product. The offer was for me to buy it then they would refund full price once I had left review. There was no mention or implication that the review had to be positive.
I checked Amazon feedback for the product and there were several new reviews all amazingly positive and detailed which made me think they too had probably been incentivised.
I noticed that unlike the US site reviews I have seen in the past there was no option to say that you had received a free product or similar.
I dont have a problem with it but the real test of how genuine the offer is would be to leave a negative review and see if they still offered a refund!
Anyone else had similar offers or experiences?
This is fairly common and not something Amazon allows. There's also no guarentee you will get a refund so could be a scam too.
There are sites like that try to weed these reviews out.