The next freebie from the Epic Store.
This time it is: Pillars of Eternity Definitive Edition and Tyranny Gold Edition
Tyranny: Gold Edition:
The next freebie from the Epic Store.
This time it is: Pillars of Eternity Definitive Edition and Tyranny Gold Edition
Tyranny: Gold Edition:
totally agree
yep agree! Tyranny is a gem.
Don't forget to grab the current freebie:
Cave Story+:…
Just saw that CRSED is also free ATM but is not located in the normal free-game section.…
Wow, one of the best Epic freebie weeks I think.
Not bad at all!
And as usual, both these games are in my Steam library's pile of shame.
Talking about is the first step to recovery….. I think we need a circle of chairs.
And a second meeting for the abused wallets.
I've worn out my NFC chip on my phone already. : {
Man, I've had my finger poised over the buy button on Pillars of Eternity when it's been on sale on PC or PS4 for ages and never quite done it. Guess I'll do it now. And still probably never play it :P
Own both, but what a cracking freebie.
Couldn't see anywhere but is this Multiplayer?
Single according to wiki
These games are amazing. I wish Baldur’s Gate 3 was made by Obsidian
Nah, Larian do some fantastic work. I'm more than happy for them to take on BG3.
Larian was good until I played Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition… Unfortunately this game crashes for me randomly to the point where I didn't even get past the tutorial island (happened more frequently the longer I played and I've since given up because I haven't found a fix).
Really really hope BG3 wont be the same experience, I'm not getting it until they do the full release.
I don’t know I tried the EA and it feels too much DOS, which is a game I like but for the BG franchise I would prefer a different flavour, more in the PoE spectrum.
PoE was created as the “spiritual successor” of BG after all, and it would have been stunning if they could have set it in the forgotten realms, with d&d rules and perhaps most importantly made it turn based like they did with PoE2. By the way Obsidian even had the capacity of making it a choice, RTWP or turn based! In my opinion they were the perfect choice
Larian is good. At least they wont cave into Epic's exclusivity club
Well, that probably wouldn't be an issue with Obsidian, either - they're owned by Microsoft now, aren't they?
yes epic back at the good freebies
Awesome stuff. I already have PoE but been wanting Tyranny for a while now. Problem solved!
Thanks always for these Lys, you make my Friday morning Ozbargain searches great.
VERY nice! One of my top 5 for sure.
Edit: can't read
Wow, both amazing games that I was happy to pay for. These guys really drop some A grade freebies
2 Fantastic quality RPGs on offer this week.
Claimed. Thanks, OP!
Why does epic games .. keep loggin me out
Thought it was just me
Possibly someone trying to get into your account.
When I've tried to log in on mobile browser, its required me to log in again on PC.
God I love Epic. Pretty sure I have PoE on Steam, but a freebie is a freebie!
there's still no automatic way to add the free games every week, is there?
The whole point of these free games is to get people to go to the Epic Store and look at games, so no reason for them to make it automatic.
There is but it involves fiddling.
Wonder what the upcoming mystery game will be?
I was going to ask that too.
Last time they did that I think it was a BIG title. GTA V
So it would be something special.
Maybe Red Dead?
That would be really really good. Some might say amazing.
I predict a $45-50 game.
Every game until the end of the year will be a Mystery Game. So do not expect huge games like GTA V for every Mystery Game.
There will be a few big ones but the other ones would be similar to what we got throughout the year.
This is even better;
"Also starting December 17, we’ll be giving away a new game each day for two weeks straight - that’s right, it’s 15 Days of Free Games! Each game will be free to claim for just 24 hours, but they’re yours to keep forever."
15 Games, I forgot about that last year..
I thought I better post it before you or dealbot. I hope it is not a dupe.
Just with the posted deal.
I happen to only read the forum tops listed on the main page. I would of found out what milk people buy but not about the games.
Who has time to go through the forums when going through the daily deals takes long enough.
So I would not of saw it myself.
Wow thanks for this. May I ask whether it's a steep learning curve to get into the game (pillars)? That was my issue with Witcher (looked great, but a bit time poor so didn't really have time to get into learning it)
Not steep but time consuming for sure
Both brilliant games. This is a great giveaway. :)