For those looking for a launch stock RTX 3060 Ti, this looks like the best price I can find.
More than 10 available at the time of posting.
For those looking for a launch stock RTX 3060 Ti, this looks like the best price I can find.
More than 10 available at the time of posting.
Nvidia announced RRP in Aus market as $688, so it's pretty close. Most retailers start at $749.
So this time they used AIB prices. That’s better.
Nope, that initiation has been in place from the start, and no one can explain why it exists in full.
Buy a card with an international warranty from the US if you can. You'll still have money via freight forwarding, or get a huge savings via Amazon AU marketplace.
Not bad .. considering its AIB card and basically a 2080 Super .. perfect 1440p card for those who want high fps at that res!
I think so. Slightly better value than 3070, given 3070 pricing is still a bit inflated.
Can these cards handle virtual ultra widescreen at 1440p
kind of
3060ti can be OCed to 3070 but you may wanna spruce for the higer models for more frames
I've got a 2070 super on an ultrawide 1440p 144hz monitor and i'm averaging 90 fps, its certainly enough fps for me and if its a game I really wanna hit 144hz in i'll just drop settings to medium, but yeah a 3060ti should do fine at ultrawide 1440p.
I've got 3070 on 144hz 1440p monitor and some games can't hit 144fps on ultra.
Like AC Valhalla I get about 70.
I think I need 3080 or 6800 xt for that, may be get 90 to 100 fps.
@aveeno bb: I9 9900k, 64gb ram, gtx 3090 ssd.. i mean the works…
Does not hit 144fps on ultra valhalla (1440p), runs between 90-110fps.
I have 5700xt and get 115-120 frames mostly on medium settings for BFV and only at few occassions frames reach 144. Surprised 2070 super cant do that either. Which game you play?
For me, the game is playable. Funny thing is card is sitting at 90% , CPU is 50% and 16 GB RAM around 80-90 %, so not sure what else is bottle necking. I am happy with current settings though.
Old game like BF4 gives me over 160 frames.
@EnALup: If you don't mind medium setting. I personally like playing on Ultra setting if it runs above 60fps.
@aveeno bb: Ultra setting was never smooth. For few demanding scenes, frames will drastacally drop in ultra settings for BFV. I had to put them to medium for smoother play experience.
$400US = $543AU + 10% GST = $597.30AU so $100 over RRP… i think waiting for prices to get back to RRP or better at some point next year would be a smart move.
Each to their own. 3060 Ti seems to be having a much better launch, so it's a good time to snatch current-gen graphic for those wanting to upgrade.
i'd agree but it's 2020 and everything is out of stock or marked up … MSRP should have been around $649 but yeh.. this is close enough to the $688 and its just released unless it's a pile of garbage no manufacturer is going to discount a card under its MSRP .. (they probably wont even do it next year untill next versions are announced)
From what I understand, unless nvidia slash their own chip prices, none of the AIB boards will be reaslitically near the RRP unless its a very shoddy design. Theyve mentioned that just from a materials cost point of view nvidias RRP is pretty much unachievable if they want any sort of real margin and still put out a good product.
You forgot shipping and logistics costs, import duty, brokerage fees and quarantine fees - all which are ridiculously high right now. You also forgot that businesses require margins to operate. Typical retailers probably get 15-20% off MSRP, and after all the expenses required to bring the product into the country, the margins are essentially (profanity) all.
Plus GST, customs/import duty, and other distribution fees…
Hmm…. this OC boost is less than the MSI twin reference boost.
The 3070 was 809, and at 80% of the performance we should be looking closer to 650.
How many people could buy 3070 at $809 though?
Idk, I had one on order and then umart said they shipped some.
I contacted them and they said realistically your order will be shipped somewhere in Feb-March so cancelled it right away.
Except 3070s are like $950-1200?
There's been many under 900 since.
Not 809.
@ATangk: It's a common practice with computer parts.
The MSRP, or manufacturer's suggested retail price
@aveeno bb: You’re pretending as if it wasn’t possible to grab a card at 809, or even 859. Just like PLE 3080’s those are at MSRP but it’s just difficult to get. Not impossible. I’m sorry you missed out because at this point you’re just whinging that you can’t get the card you want.
The people downvoting you are doing so for how the post makes them feel about their own decisions, rather than the substance of your post.
What a bunch of smooth brain consumerism.
Yeah I noticed that, when you tell ppl they are being duped and paying way over odds for their precious gfx card they get so defensive
I don't care if I have to wait till next gen to pick up a 3080 for under 1k, but no way will I pay more then $800 for it
To think when 1080ti came out and was a beast it was $800-900rrp, then went up a bit over that, now ppl are happy to pay for a mid tier card
Makes no sense to me
Top tier gfx card should not be over $1000, end of story
If xbox is 750 no way just a single card that cost that much
There are chip production costs that explain the MSRPs of the last two generations, but we're not paying what the rest of the first world is.
This is a 1070 class card in real terms, but it's still a 15% bump compared to the US one you remove tax. That's the kind of bullshit you'd see for a small eastern EU or island nation.
Someone should be going out of business in the supply chain, but people are keeping them afloat.
@jasswolf: There is no way, chip production cost has gone up 100% - what we are seeing here is
top card - $2500 now
in the past $800
i have been building pcs for 20 + years….
I got a very first 3d card when it came out and it didnt cost this much
when the price of electronics has gone down over the years - the cards has gone up as ppl drool over extra 10-20 FPS in 4k….
that and when mining boom hit….
@botchie: It doesn't scale linearly as you go bigger. The failure rates go up exponentially, leaving you with less usable chips on the wafer.
With the 2080 Ti, they expected to have more bad chips than they did good, but it never happened that way so they never sold much at $999 USD because TSMC never sold them wafers at the cheaper price.
The 2080 Ti chip - the TU102 - was also pressing right up against the reticle limit, basically the hard limit of the largest die the process can safely make.
You should find the 3080 Super to be more like a 1080 Ti option and much better priced than the 2080 Ti, provided the VRAM count stays at 11-12 GB.
The cheapest Galax 3070 is $949 and the 3060 Ti is roughly 90% the performance not 80%.
Unless you have a time machine the current cheapest is $949, if you can find one cheaper you should post a deal for it.
@BROKENKEYBOARD: If I had a time machine I would have picked up a DGF at 469 too. And all the price errors ever. And every eBay plus flash sale that lasts less than a minute.
It's 80% of the price for 88-90% of the performance in the US. We're not seeing that here.
We're getting the same prices as the 2060 Super launch despite a currency drop, and that still says nothing to the fixed fee that seems to be padded into AU MSRP for both, nullifying the value proposition.
Add $14.33 if paying through paypal or credit card. Total $730.94 including delivery and surcharge.
Yup, I bought a 3070 with them which had free shipping, and paid via Bank Transfer.
At that price I would go PNY via PCCG for the extra year warranty at $749 + delivery…
Yeah i think for those who missed out PNY via PCCG sounds like a good option too.
Highly recommend SaveOnIT. I ordered a 3080 an hour after launch with PLE, and ended up cancelling it a week and a half later and ordering with SaveOnIT instead after I realised PLE would've had thousands of orders to fulfill before mine. Got my card a month after ordering at SaveOnIT.
Yeah my experience was positive too. I got my 3070 at a decent price at that time.
yeah maybe this scalping pricing has something to do with why people order on PLE rather than on other scalping sites - including this one.… $1,199… $1,529
worse than scumtec.
no thanks.
Yeah I can't explain that, the price I paid at the time was the same as PLE.
wish that was still the case =/
PLE’s actually raised those prices since launch. It was even cheaper before.
PLE have a deal with EVGA and get stock with them.
Other retailers are too small and probably cant deal direct with them and they have to go through a supplier. Theyve been dealing with them and being forced to buy a mobo (which dont sell well) to get a gpu. Probably selling them at the price they bought both
At least these guys are being more authentic and not taking orders which they can't fulfil. They can probably controll demand for EVGA cards as not many will pay that much.
I was on the PLE queue, but having waited almost two months with no ETA, and the fact that they are still taking orders for EVGA, not sure if I can support their business practice (i.e. taking orders when they know there is no chance to fulfilling them) anymore.
they're as upfront about that as much as possible - about the waiting times, fulfilment rate, and last unfulfilled order date. you place an order to simply join the queue of people waiting. I don't see how that's unfair.
Would you prefer the USA model where you can only place an order when its in stock for several seconds every few weeks when restock comes in, rather than a queue system? no thanks.
more importantly, you can cancel and get a full refund at any time.
if you want to support price scalpers and pay an extra 28% for your card, its your choice - but there's nothing "unauthentic" about PLE.
@ATangk: I didn't overpay for 3080. Cuz PLE can't fulfil my order which was selling for MSRP.
What's the point of selling something for MSRP but have no stock
@lawyerz: If there are people willing to pay more to get it, why not.
According to your logic, you shouldn't pay anything lower than MSRP? I am sure you will be the first in line.
@aveeno bb: lol i give up. cant understand what logic is being applied here.
Shop A pricescalps consumers, sells same product for 30% over other retailers. Doesn't have any stock.
Shop B sells product closer to MSRP, Doesn't have any stock and has a queue.
you: Shop A is more authentic than shop B!
me: ????
Anyway, we're all in the same market, and a free market at that. you're most welcome to buy from any retailer you see fit, even from ebay or gumtree for any price you like. shrug.
@lawyerz: How is Shop A (PLE) more authentic, when they can't even sell the stuff they are taking money for?
I think we just agree to disagree. You keep waiting, I will enjoy my 3070 which I bought at a slight premium ($929) and move on with my life.
I plan to buy 3080 or 6800XT when the price is reasonable. Not sure who the winner or loser is here.
@ATangk: Don't tell me, tell the scalpers. Doesn't matter how much you winge the fact is you won't find 3080 at MSRP for a long time. Wake up.
@aveeno bb: You’re supporting scalpers by paying more. There are plenty of people who received them at MSRP. Just because you didn’t doesn’t make you special and give you the right to complain.
@ATangk: You gonna have to wait a while to not support the scalpers by your logic. You won't see 3060/3070/3080/3090 lower than MSRP, may be until the cards are updated with Super, or 4xxx series come out.
I am curious, what card are you using? And how much did you pay?
@aveeno bb: MSRP 6800.
Also, theres a difference between MSRP and reference MSRP. There is no way a Strix is going to be FE MSRP, but buying a FTW3 for $1500 when another retailer sells it for around $1200 is the scalp.
@ATangk: So you are claiming you paid $949 for 6800.
What are your thoughts on 6800 is $579 in US, which is AU$ 780. Do you feel ripped off?
@ATangk: I knew you gonna say that. 10% GST = 858. Still few dollars short, genius?
Or, did I forget to say Gerry tax?
@aveeno bb: The other thing you didnt account for is that AUD has been around 0.7 for most of the year, when prices would have been determined.
@ATangk: Fair enough, use 0.7, $827 + GST. I think still few dollars short.
What else did I forget? Professor?
@aveeno bb: Sorry, did your beloved deal of 3060 Ti pass the test either? Lets see.
At $399, the 3060 Ti +GST only goes to $593 AUD. Hmm, 699? Wheres your $100 difference.
Using 0.7. US$399 is $570 + GST = $627. I dont see that the price of your deal is $627. I think you're still a few dollars short.
What else did I forget? Professor?
I forgot to add I got mine for MSRP, no fees and no delivery fee either. Unlike yours which has both. And your 3080 which came with a $300 scalper fee.
@ATangk: And what you forgot, you are the one comparing US price to AUS. It is simply not comparable, unless if you can tell me how I can buy at US price. So go away and make love with your MSRP 6800 with no fee.
@aveeno bb: Btw, don't get mad, posting multiple comments in a row because you finally came up with another point… you can just edit your previous comment to stack them all.
Sick of trolls like you going on about us price, msrp, rrp, aussie tax, scalpers, etc.
What are your thoughts on 6800 is $579 in US, which is AU$ 780. Do you feel ripped off?
Ahem, you started with the us pricing 'trolling'.
I dont post MSRP deals, or above MSRP deals like you have. The Amazon deal would have sold out before a posting was created, so theres no point. The official MSRP from NVIDIA is $688 btw.
As for the 6800 deals, yes but since this isnt OzMSRP, there were folks over on reddit who grabbed them instead.
@aveeno bb: At least come to the fight with some substance… at the end of the day you paid what you wanted to pay, even though it was above MSRP for your 3070 (sorry for reading that you had only tried to get the 3080 but didnt).
@aveeno bb: Your initial argument is that MSRP is totally fake and its totally acceptable to pay $100 above MSRP. I came in and said that I received cards at MSRP, and somehow you have a problem with that.
@ATangk: Just because you got lucky doesn't mean people paying slightly more than a MSRP are all idiots.
@ATangk: Well I have a promlem with you making false claim that I overpaid for 3080 which I didn't. Check again?
@ATangk: No you didnt. Check you comments again. You made a reference of me overpaying "3080" take your glasses out?
MSRP for your 3070 (sorry for reading that you had only tried to get the 3080 but didnt).
You can use CTRL+F to search for comments if you can't find this.
@aveeno bb: The only fat thing here is your wallet, until you pulled out extra money to pay for your card?
@aveeno bb: Are you mad? It seems you are. Mad you paid above MSRP, mad you are getting called out and mad that you can only think to attack me personally. All I've done is talk about GPU RRP's and all you've done is call me a troll. I think this shows that you are the troll. Is it time to reflect that you've essentially paid the same price for a card with $80 higher RRP?
A bit closer to the USD $399 plus GST Nvidia advertised these at.