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[Switch] Sid Meier's Civilization VI $15.07 + $7.55 Delivery (Free with Prime & $49 Spend) @ Amazon US via AU

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Lowest price according to camelcamelcamel, about $3 cheaper than this morning

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • Bugger US rating.

    Good price still.

  • I'm a bit ignorant of this stuff…
    Can I gift this to someone with a switch that was bought in Australia ?
    Will it work? or does it require some tweaking

    • +2

      Switch isn't region lock, so you can play on AU console.

      • Thanks for the swift reply!

    • +1

      No tweaking will work.

      Just different ratings on the case and cartridge

      For me as a collector i like to keep it the same rating theme so it doesnt look out of place.

    • +1

      Nintendo Switch is region free so any game from any region will play without any problems :D

      Only issue is if you want to purchase DLC, sometimes it has to be bought from the matching region to work.

    • +1

      switch is region-free, so no problem

  • +2

    FYI this actually works quite well—surprisingly well
    It can get slow/laggy as the game grinds on but a save and reload clears that up

    • Thanks for sharing. I was a bit concerned about that this morning when it was $18. But at $15, it really worth the risk, lol

    • I've had the opposite where the game got in a loop and wouldn't let me finish my turn until Id finished moving, but no units had any move left.
      I searched the internet but in the end had to scrap the game and start over. Haven't touched it since.
      Until that point I was enjoying it.

  • Why is this game so cheap?

    • They are now selling their own version of game pass/season pass type thing for Civ 6

      More base game owners of a game they have sold and re sold the world over means more dlc and game pass sales

    • +1

      It's not very playable on Switch (unless you have a very high pain threshold)

  • Bought in a past deal for ~$25 and it's still in its shrink wrapping yikes :/

  • Was this game free on Epic?

    • +1
  • Anything else with $35 is suggested? Don’t want to pay $7.5 for shipping.

    • -4

      Just get Annual Prime sheesh.

      The amount of deals you buy from Amazon makes up for it within a month if not weeks.

      • I signed up trial just for sales and went nuts.
        Must cancel.

      • +4

        Even with prime its not free unless over $49 spend

        • I bought Luigi's Mansion separately earlier today - would Amazon let you bundle this into the delivery … so I can avoid the 7.95 delivery?
          Do they have a chat feature to allow that?

          • @BigMoth: since civ 5 is from amazon usa the other items that need to tally up to $49 aud need to also be from amazon usa so no.

      • Thanks for the reply, but I am a prime member, thats why I need to find something worth $35 ish.

    • I highly, highly recommend Risk of Rain 2

      It's $33 from Amazon US currently and includes Risk of Rain 1 as well.

      As of today I have 190 hours on the Switch version of Risk of Rain 2. Not really a brag, but a testament to the fact it is playable and enjoyable on the weakest platform it's been ported to

      • Could also consider Everspace (around $30 currently), A Hat in Time (~$37, but I can't attest to its quality) or Deadly Premonition 2 (~$41) depending on your taste

        • I checked the gameplay of risk of rain 2 on youtube, it is frankly not my cup of tea. Everspace….I thought about this one (when you posted the deal a few months back?) which reminds of freelancer many many many years ago… but it only costs a few dollors for the pc version and I m not sure if i will have enough time for the repetitive missions.

          • @aec: That's fair. Not much else went cheap from overseas in terms of Switch games this black friday unfortunately.

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