I've seen this deal in their Instagram page. Expires tonight, at 11.59 pm 28.11.2020.
Sticklers for quality
Beyond the stock standard “house blend” coffee, we treat our members to more premium offerings from only the best roasters.
Surprise & Delight
We strive to surprise and delight by featuring coffee by more obscure roasters, that you wouldn't necessarily happen upon on your own and offer a platform for these roasters to showcase their talents and passion for the coffee craft.
Play fair
All this while ensuring everyone from the roaster, farmer, to our members get a fair deal as we're all about playing fair and creating a win-win for all.
Play time
What does this mean for you, our members? More room to play. Unlock more control of your subscription by queuing up favourites using our "Play-List". Be adventurous or simply re-connect with the roasters you know and love.
I've never understood why people want or need a subscription for coffee. I mean, I don't have subscriptions for milk, bread or cumquats either.
"hello greengrocer, I would like to signup for a watermelon subscription. What's that? You think I'm a lunatic? <click>"