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Breville The Oracle Espresso Machine Black Sesame $1499 + Delivery @ The Good Guys


Free Click & Collect available also.

Construction:Stainless Steel
Pump Pressure:15 Bar Pressure Pump
Water Tank Capacity:2.5 Litres
Milk Frother:Steam Wand
Heating System:Stainless Steel Dual Boilers
Auto shut off:Yes
Includes Grinder:Integrated Stainless Steel Conical Burr Grinder
Additional Features:One Touch Long Black Program, Auto Start, Shot Clock
What's In The Box:The Oracle Espresso Machine, Mini Grinds Bin, 58mm Full Stainless Steel Portafilter, 1 Cup & 2 Cup Single Wall Filter Baskets, 480ml Stainless Steel Milk Jug, Cleaning Kit, Water Hardness Strip, Water Filter Holder, Water Filter
Manufacturer's Warranty:2 Years

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2020

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thats a very good price. The unit is very good compared to other more expensive brands

  • I need a new coffee machine. Currently got an auto one for the office that all the staff use. Would love something like this but somehow I think it might be a bit complicated for them 😔

    • I have one. Easy to use, but one issue could be the drip tray doesn’t hold a huge amount and if full can spill easily when removed. Ok at h9me, but I could see might be an issue in an office.

    • +1

      Probably stick to single touch in the office. It’s too much trouble for some staff to clean or maintain it properly. On the plus side it’s a instant tax write off

    • If you have about 5 people rush the machine at once they'll have to remember to fill the water up. Would be fine if this could be plumbed (never looked into that).

    • Our office has a proper espresso machine and even have to froth their own milk and ~200 people handle it fine. The only difference to this machine is that you have to transfer the portafilter after it has ground the beans and tamped it but my 2 year old could do that. Not having to froth the machine makes this easier.

      The only main issue it that the beans would need to be refilled and the drip tray emptied more often than the one we have.

      • Thanks - just ordered one :)

  • I pulled the trigger on Myer ebay last night for $1800 :(

    • Great price! Don't be sad!

    • +1

      cancel and order this.

  • +4

    Great find OP. You can add the bonus gift with it as well. Becomes a no brainer. I’ve had mine for over a year and with fresh beans it is better than a cafe coffee.

    • Woah woah woah. Am in Melbourne. Better than a cafe coffee? Find a new cafe I say :)

      • +1

        Come down mate I’ll make you one :)
        Could you give me a nice cafe to try out?

        • +1

          Any Seven Seeds affiliated cafe.

      • I'm getting very close to the very best Melbourne cafes with my lattes at home.

    • What's the bonus gift?

    • +3

      Black Sesame Model is not listed as eligible for the promotion?


      • +1

        Bummer. But with the money you save you'll be able to buy all that stuff in brands that you want.

      • Credit to @strife on another post:

        Section 14. a lists the BES980 Black Sesame

        "Gift Pack 1 : Purchases of the Oracle® Touch in Stainless Steel or Black Truffle (BES990)
        or the Oracle® in Stainless Steel or Black Sesame (BES980) will receive the Barista Collection Gift Pack and 2 months of fresh coffee beans from St. ALi"

        I purchased this model (Black Sesame) last week via the TGG commercial deal and was approved for my gift pack claim.

        • How much was it from TGG commercial last week?

        • They might be old T&C's…

          1. The Gift Packs will be delivered to claimants directly by a third party agency, as is subject to any
            delivery or processing delays.
            a. Gift Pack 1 : Purchases of the Oracle® Touch in Stainless Steel or Black Truffle (BES990)
            or the Oracle® in Stainless Steel (BES980) will receive the Barista Collection Gift Pack and
            2 months of fresh coffee beans from St. ALi, valued at $285including:

          No mention of the Black Sesame in the ones on their site now…

    • +2

      Better than a so so cafe, but not a good Melb one (and yes, I have one) with a barista that knows what they're doing.

      Out of the box, with a bit of adjustment (really only grind size) and with good beans these do produce a very good coffee. The steam on mine has become a bit average over the years (Apr 2014).

      • Make sure you clean the wand well which requires disassembly and cleaning solution. You might also have an older model where there are less parts to the wand which makes it harder to clean.

      • Only yesterday I pulled the steam wand apart, to find three of the four holes were pretty much completely blocked off. About 15 minutes of cleaning and it's back to top notch froth.

    • Looks like the gift pack isn’t available with this colour :( Just black truffle and stainless steel

      • Because this is a discontinued line (for the colour).

  • +1

    We got one of these at the start of covid and it makes a great coffee.

  • Wow! Could be close to all time low? And without having to wait for sale on GG eBay store stacked with eBay discount. This is a no brainer! My collar in the group head cracked after 4 years. Made of shitty plastic. Luckily it's a $15 part to replace and easy to do yourself. I think it's on par to my previous Expobar.

  • Where do people buy beans from? I guess a good coffee machine with crap beans would still be crap.

    Also does the machine tell you how much milk you would need per coffee type?

    • +1

      Here's one place for starters:


      • Any suggestions?

        • What one person likes another might not so it's really up to your own tastebuds. Unless you go through a lot of coffee maybe keep your quantities low until you've tried a few and have decided for yourself what you like.

    • +1


      Not the cheapest but this is the best coffee bean i have ever tasted

    • Seven Seeds. Free shipping for 1kg in Melbourne too.

      But if you want super cheap beans, idk. Just buy the Aldi dark roast like the rest of OzBargain and live with a 80% good coffee. :)

  • +2

    Get an extended warranty!! These are not built to last!!

    • Don't know about this specific model, but I've had the bes920 and smart grinder for around five years and never had an issue (touch wood and all). That's with daily usage, changing filter every 2 to 3 months, clean and descale when the machine asks.

    • I've had one of these for about 4.5 years, used daily no issues at all. I'm sure there could be reliability issues for some, but I love this machine.

  • ive waited a long time for this, awesome.

  • Does this produce hot water easily as well for tea for example?

    • +1

      Yeah it has a hot water spout built in. But kettle might be quicker to boiler from a standing start.

      • I see isn't the dual boiler suppose to help with the speed? Also can you set auto start like early morning then you'll have hot water on demand?

        • +2

          The dual boiler helps with coffee making speed. Ie. you can pull a shot and steam your milk at the same time. On single boilers/thermoblocks you have to pull shot, switch over to steam, wait for steam to build up, then do milk. Which isn't too bad for a single coffee but if you are making multiples you will be doing a bit of temp surfing and waiting trying to bang out latte/flat white one after the other.

          The other pro tip for this machine and making lots of coffees: buy a second portafilter. On this machine you can grind, pull a shot, steam milk all at the same time. This will speed up the process once you get the timing down. The bit that will take the longest is steaming milk given the jug that comes with it doesn't seem to hold quite enough milk for two coffee mug flat whites. But a bigger jug is easily purchased.

          • @serpserpserp: I have a Breville Milk Cafe frother from my early days of pod machines. Considering it's not steam powered it makes a pretty good, big jug of hot frothed milk. I use this when doing a bunch of coffees.

  • Any idea why the black sesame colour is so heavily discounted compared to the others?

    Also the one colour not eligible for the breville promotion apparently.


    • Because it is a discontinued line.

    • +1

      Credit to @strife on another post:

      Section 14. a lists the BES980 Black Sesame

      "Gift Pack 1 : Purchases of the Oracle® Touch in Stainless Steel or Black Truffle (BES990)
      or the Oracle® in Stainless Steel or Black Sesame (BES980) will receive the Barista Collection Gift Pack and 2 months of fresh coffee beans from St. ALi"

      I purchased this model (Black Sesame) last week via the TGG commercial deal and was approved for my gift pack claim.

      • gift pack claim getting backed off as they say it's a commercial sale. how did you convince them?

      • Gift Pack 2: Purchases of the Dynamic DuoTM in Stainless Steel or Black Sesame (BEP920) or the Barista TouchTM in Stainless Steel or Black Truffle or Black Stainless Steel (BES880) will receive the Barista Kit Gift Pack and 1-month of fresh coffee beans from St. ALi, valued at $210….

        perhaps confused with BEP920? not for BES980.

        • Looks like they changed their terms since last week.

          • @ozrex: That PDF was created/modified on 19/Nov, so quite possibly. Also they have removed the black sesame from their website.

  • Purchased! Thanks OP. This is about as good a price as I've seen and probably likely to see for a while.

  • Is there a difference between this and the Black Truffle?
    I see that one is 1800 W and the other is 2400 W, does this make a difference?

    • +1

      Nope. Maybe the higher W just means it might heat the dual boilers up quicker (or the warming tray). But you can set it to come on at a certain time of the day anyway if you don't want to wait the few minutes to heat.

      I gotta say, that by the time I get the grind ready, milk ready, give it a wipe down from yesterday. It is all heated up pretty much.

      • Black truffle seems to have a different model number - BES980BKS vs BES980BTR2JAN1.

        Not sure if the 2JAN1 indicates different features?

        • This one for sale is a run out line based on the colour.

          There are no different features between the two.

          As I said, the higher W might help with the heating process.

  • Does anyone find the lack of a pressure gauge a limitation compared to something like the bes920? I use the gauge and watch the coffee flow to dial in my grinds usually.

    • +2

      The dial in this machine via the volume out. You use the grind setting to change the volume. All the other manual features will out do things around the edges. You are aiming for about 30ml of liquid per shot (creama not included) to get a good tasting shot. Pre-infusion should be about 7-9 seconds before the pour starts.

      • For double shots I aim for 60ml. Initially I use a measuring shot glass: https://rhinocoffeegear.com/rhino-coffee-gear-shot-glass-dou…

        I use the same latte glass all the time, so over time I'm pretty good at stopping at the right height without using a shot glass.

        Some people like to use a scale, advanced scales start a timer after detecting the first drop. It's unnecessary for this machine, it has a build in timer.

  • Purchased a Barista Touch a couple of weeks ago from Costco.

    Might return that now and get this one instead given its only an extra $200!

    • Have you used it?

      • Yeah, will be interesting to find out. Their return policy in the US is quite generous, but the change of mind policy here is a bit ambiguous without mentioning the condition of the returning product: https://www.costco.com.au/member-care/refunds-and-return/wha…

        They would probably exercise discretion depending on what's wrong with a product. But it's reasonable to expect they won't accept used products - things that can't be resold or returned to the manufacture.

        • they will if its within 90 days even if used. Confirmed in writing this morning

      • Yep, used it for the last couple of weeks.

        Can return within 90 days for a full change of mind refund even if used. Confirmed with them in writing prior to buying this one

    • +1

      It's a good deal if you can.

      The Barista Touch from Costco is probably in black truffle finish, sort of matte black.

      This Oracle in this deal is in black sesame finish, sort of shiny.

      Personally I prefer the matte finish.

      • Damn. Thought Black Sesame was matte.

        • May be you will like it.

          In the video is Barista Express in black sesame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCZ5i_G8U54

          • @browser: haha thanks. I typically don't like gloss blacks at all. So hopefully it will at least grow on me, 'cause it's a big honking chunk of shiny black.

            And if i really hate it..

            • @TheContact: Oh nice! You pulled the trigger.

              • +1

                @browser: Yeah, after seeing the Myer deal go out of stock rather fast at $300 more I was pretty quick to jump on this deal yesterday morning. Got a call just before noon confirming delivery address and times. Apparently have it coming 9-11am this morning.

                All these espresso machine deals had me all over the joint, was basically waiting on a deal on a black Bambino when a comment from a dual boiler deal had me second guessing that decision and now here I am hah.

  • +1

    Thanks so much for the post. Missed out on last two deals.

    Was happy to buy the previous 1799 deal at Myer , but that sold out immediately.

    Didn't even try using egiftcard, couldn't risk it. Such fail for ozbargainer. Only used cash rewards.

    Do people suggest getting extended warranty from GG?

    • Same here. Not worth the extra 1-2% discount from using e-gift card. Went with cash back instead.

  • Bummer it's not all in stainless steel!!!

    • Black is nice for contrast, in a kitchen full of stainless.

      • True but there is already a Black Box i.e. Airfryer sitting in there!! Ahh!! first world problems.

        • +1

          I know exactly what you mean.

          I bought a black espresso machine because the stainless is out of stock. Then I went looking for an air fryer, again they only have black, I refused to buy. :D

          • @browser: And after all that bought one!!! 😟. Was wandering there to buy a TV Soundbar. On the way out asked if there was one on display to see what I missed out on. There was the last box and too good a price to let it go. Classic victim of FOMO. Now just have to just get used to it.

  • What exactly makes this machine so good? How does it compare to the cheaper Breville BES870 (Barista Express) for example?

    • +5

      The key differences are:

      • Dual boiler, so you can brew and steam at the same time. Depending on your workflow, you may not need this.
      • Automatic tamping, can be more consistent for new users. Experienced users may prefer manual tamping, so again you may not need this.
      • Automatic steaming, the steam wand has a build in thermometer, you set the temperature and level of foam, it does the rest. You can also do it manually if that's your thing.
      • 58mm group head, a larger (and hence shallower) basket is generally better than a small and deep basket. Also there are more 58mm accessories, some people like to buy fancy timber/steel tampers, which are 58mm in diameter. Or if you want to get a 58mm bottomless portafilter. Again you may not need this.
      • There are other convenience features, like front (and rear) loading reservoir, cord storage, build in castor for easier manoeuvrability (it's noticeably heavier and larger than their Barista range).
    • It is automatic coffee machine. You don't need to stick around it will make the coffee and froth the milk.

      • It's about as automated as it can get.

        Anymore automation would require a milk storage solution and milk going through internal parts will cause stinky smell over time.

  • Looks like there is a bonus $50 Coles voucher for purchases over $1200 through https://coupons.nine.com.au/the-good-guys

  • Is there a massive difference between this one and the Breville one Touch Oracle… mrs is looking for a coffee machine


    • +5

      The Touch is over $3,000, this deal is definitely better value for money.

      As far as I know, you are paying for the convenience of the touch interface and custom setting memories. An extra $1,500+ is a lot to pay for that convenience.

      You can personalise the custom settings, put names to them and assign different icons. So it's really easy to recall.

      But if you use the same settings all the time, then the touch interface doesn't add extra value.

      • thanks @browser appreciate the feedback mate

      • Also the touch doesn't have the milk froth dial which I actually prefer. But yeah, I thought i'd be annoyed about not have customized setups, but once you learn the machine it is very simple to change things.

  • Great price. Jumped on it this morning. Did you get the call it's out of stock? ETA was supposedly maybe 6 weeks. Not totally surprised i guess

    • +1

      If this particular colour is discontinued, how come there's ETA for restock?

    • +1

      I didn’t get a call yet.
      I’ve gotten two emails so far, first the confirmation and second an “order processing” email which stated which store was processing it for delivery, which is my local store
      Looks promising
      Did you get that second email?

      • I got an initial email midday and the call in afternoon saying no stock and could be weeks, got impression they just were expecting me to ask for a refund then and there. Asked them to try ring around and transfer from any store and they said they will call back. I now got a second email tonight, which is now listing a new store (which is my local store as well) so it looks like i'm in the same boat as you. Looks likely we may be in luck, which would be great price if the stock comes through. I will call tomo to confirm and fingers crossed.

        • I got the second email saying it’s with a store processing, but when I logged into my GG account the status is ‘backordered’. No phone call so have no idea what’s happening.

          • @stillwaters: I’ve just got an email from Aus Post saying it’s on its way, with the tracking number :)
            No update from the good guys though

  • It now says:

    A special order must be placed in store for this . Please provide this model number (BES980BKS) in store and ask for a special order.

    If you have to order in store, I wonder if you can also request to pickup from store to save on delivery.

    • +1

      Do shop back 3.5%. More than makes up for the delivery charge

  • Don't forget Cashrewards

  • gutted, great price.

    back to my instant brown water I go

  • +1

    Priced matched today at JB Hi-Fi. They couldn't believe the price! TGG are their sister store, so the said no problems. Stock wasn't even in store, so they organised it from another JB store. PS I do have a good business relationship with my local JB sales team. So I will be going back to them again.👏👏👏

  • I think its gone now!!!

  • +1

    Looks like it has now been pulled from TGG website now. Harvey Norman have it online at $1499 + shipping. Couldn't find a collect option available so I've pulled the trigger to have it ordered. Also JB Hi Fi have it now reduced to $1799, so one could try and match the price to HN's.

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