Have been looking for a new mattress, and noticed the Tontine Mattress in a Box, which won Choice Magazines best mattress in 2019, was 50% off.
Single: $480
Double - $600
Queen - $660
King - $720
All include free delivery!
Have been looking for a new mattress, and noticed the Tontine Mattress in a Box, which won Choice Magazines best mattress in 2019, was 50% off.
Single: $480
Double - $600
Queen - $660
King - $720
All include free delivery!
That one is only 1 year warranty, though sometimes 1 year is better than 10. It all depends on the wording.
Would anyone have access to the Choice article?
Minimal change in body support over time.
• Perfect smell score after two weeks.
• No pickup or exchange charges if mattress is returned during free trial period.
Actual firmness - medium
Comfort score after 8 years use, female - 95%, male -94%
Sagging score - 86%
How warm mattress feels - medium warm
https://www.choice.com.au/home-and-living/bedroom/mattresses… but you may not be able to see it if you are not a member. In 2020 (june was the last update) it was not rated at the top but still got a “Recommended”
Any ideas how long the sale is for?
Would this suit a 3 year old? I've heard memory foam isn't as good for smaller kids because it's softer but reading the reviews of this suggest it's on the firmer side.
And what makes this better than every other out of the box mattress like Koala?
Me too
Is this a deal though? Better options? https://au.tommyswiss.com/collections/queen-size-mattress/pr…