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Samsung 65" Q95T 4K UHD HDR Smart QLED TV QA65Q95TAWXXY - $3064 Delivered @ Appliances Online


I think this is the cheapest i've seen them for anyone interested - if keen dont forget cashrewards

have a good weekend!

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closed Comments

  • Is 2.3k for the 55" a good price?

    • The Sony is a better deal.

      • Why?

        • Sony 9000, cheaper, better, more ports with the latest spec HDMI (Samsung only has 1 port at 2.1hdmi).

      • Which sony?

  • +6

    Not a bad price for the Q95T, but it's kind of hard to justify $3k for this, when the 65 X9000H is at least $1,000 less, and the 65CX can often be had for a tiny amount more (quite possibly around the same price once black Friday comes around)

    • I dont disagree but i thought it wasnt a bad deal and gives something current to compare the 'black friday' sales too

      Bcuz some of these sales are becoming a bit 'scam' like so you need to know your prices these days ie Prime day and click frenzy were 'mostly' rubbish this year - if you ask me

      • +5

        I had a win with 'Singles Day' 11% off code for JB. Sony 65" X9500 was $2795 on catalog special for 2 weeks and I got it down to $2,487. The price went back to $2995 the next day.

        That was without pre-planning discounted gift cards.

        If you're patient and research the price history, you will know when to pounce.

        • Full credit to you randomdude thats a solid buy

    • +1

      I think the Sony X9000H at ~$2000 is a good buy for gaming, and Sony X9500H at ~$2500 for non-gaming, and personally I like Android TV.

      In my opinion the Samsung TV doesn't appeal against the Sony LED TVs.

      • Why not randomdude? What's better about the X9500H vs Q95T? Genuinely curious as looking to buy a new tv in the next few weeks and after proving to my old man that his various LG OLED's DO have burn in im desperately trying to avoid the temptation of any price reductions on LG 65CX…

        My current Samsung LED 1080p has been solid for 7 years now and still going strong. The argument that if you buy an OLED you should just expect to get rid of it after 3+ years is a complete joke to me.

        • Theyre about the same. Have a look at the Hisesse Q8 too.

        • Sony has multiple hdmi2.1 ports, Samsung only has one port with latest spec so I have read.

          I also think Android is a heap better to use than Samsung’s OS and gets apps quicker (was a long time for KAYO app to be available for Samsung )

      • For non gaming the hisense Q8 is really nice TV. Hoping to pick up a 85" x9000 or the Q8

        • What do you think the price will be for these tvs during Black Friday sales. They both have good specs and decent tvs. I know last year the q8 was available for around $3700.

          • @koolchamp81: I'm really hoping for 3.5k for the x9000. Under 4k will be good. For the Q8 under 3.5k. Can already get it for 3.8k now What Q8 last year? Its a late 2020 release

          • @koolchamp81: @koolchamp81: The samsungs q80t and q95t will have some price reductions in the 75 inch and above segments. Don't expect to see too much of a bargain on the Sony. When I walked into a JBHiFi and TGG, both said samsung is looking to move stocks and Sony has more demand than supply and is backordered a lot. Now that might be either related to damn good sales from Sony or that Samsung has much more manufacturing capabilities backed by a robust supply chain.

  • +1

    The 65CX has been going for about 3.6-3.8k recently. So this is still a very good deal

  • +2

    For comparison, it's $3021.85 on the Samsung EPP Woolworths site. Not attainable for many, but gives an indication of a good price, so this seems a good deal.

  • +1

    WoW Q9 with this price?! Not bad.

    My problem is that I already own a 2018 Q7FN 65" QLED and I cannot justify a new TV right now, even so, I want one so badly coz the new consoles.
    I have been to JB and the best option was Q8 75" HDMI 2.1 for plus $4k I believe.

    If you buy a TV this year, you will get stuck with old or limited technologies.
    TVs HDMI 2.1 which is not the case of this model but the case of the Q8 75" I saw, are rare, and for being new won't explore 2.1 in full and are expensive

    The new consoles are pushing the TV market and the console market itself.
    Buy a 2k 144Hz monitor and save your money for next year.

    Next year things will go wild while QNED and QD-OLED expecting to hit the market in 2023 although only Samsung with its QNED announces mass production.
    QNED is expected to be the marriage of a QLED panel known for its amazing brightness with the darkness of an OLED panel but without its burn-in screen.

    Wait if you can.

    • thanks for the insight every thing is 'relative' i say for people who just use there tv for watching tv you might be more better to wait.

      However as a gamer looking at the next generation consoles if you have forked out ~$750 on a consule then probably a few extra 100s-1000s on games and accessories over the next 2 years you're not getting the optimal experience 'if you wait.'

      Im not saying you have to buy a HDMI 2.1 ported tv if you have a PS5/XboxSX but it is food for thought. Consoles have a 7 year life span you may not want to spend the 1st 2-3 years waiting to buy a TV to get the most out of it.

      Of course it comes down to what you can afford and how keen you are on gaming - but for me the picture quality on TVs is hitting a peak where this generation to the last years batch isnt a 'whole lot different' but the video game consoles have just had a HUGE upgrade and i dare say will be on most gamers wishlist this xmas

      But it is interesting to hear about the upcoming technology and how quickly things that are top dollar today will be outdated tomorrow!

    • Ps5 won't do 2k native anyway

      • PS5 is not considered new generation consoles anyways hahahaha
        Waiting for the negatives haha lol

    • Couple of weeks ago the Hisense 85 q8 was on sale at Jbhifi for $3995.

  • +1

    Seems like a fair price? HDTVTEST had the Q95 in the mix when he recently did his best TV's of 2020 rankings. Given it was the only LCD out of 5 sets and some of the sets retail for 2x the Q95, that seems to be a good endorsement (and he also rated the tv highly in it's stand alone review).

    With the frame style form factor and the one connect box, given all the (may too much) research I undertook before purchasing a TV, it seemed like a great set if you wanted the features that LCD offers over OLED (bright room performance, no burn in risk, no low level back issues etc). Multiple reviewers also said it was the best LCD of 2020, beating the flagship 8K models on image quality (before you factor in the crazy price difference).

    As someone else mentioned, that is basically the current Samsung staff pricing and the cheapest it's ever been retail to my knowledge.

    Full disclosure, Bright room performance wasn't super important and black level bothers me far more than brightness so I though I would try out OLED for the first time, I don't own a Q95 but I hated the CX physical design (I wanted to wall mount) so spent an extra $1100 over the Q95T and went with a GXOLED. The GX = CX image quality + is unmatched in its class for wall mount aesthetics IMO. 3 weeks in, plenty of 4k viewing, FTA TV and a bit of xbox and I have only have a few nit picky operating system based qualms with it….. thats a win in my book.

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