• expired

50% off Return Ride to/from Eligible Red Cross Lifeblood Blood Donor Centre (Maximum Saving $10 Per Trip) @ DiDi

  • Go to the ‘Promotions’ tab and enter ‘LIFEBLOOD’ for 50% off two rides
  • Set the donor centre address in the destination bar of your DiDi app and book your trip. Your vouchers will automatically be applied.

Edit because I wasn't expecting this to be as popular as it is: Just to be clear, while you can likely dodge around the donation part and use this to travel to the center and make your way to wherever from there, I do encourage blood donation. It is a good thing to do for your fellow people if you are healthy enough to do so. Blood donations save peoples lives. You do you though.

  • This offer is available to existing riders of the DiDi Rider app in Australia and is available from 00:00 on 19 October 2020 (AEDT) to 11:59 pm on 29 November 2020 (AEDT) (Campaign Period).
  • Redeem the code “LIFEBLOOD” in the DiDi Rider app to receive 50% off on trips to and from any Lifeblood blood donation center within DiDi’s operational area in Australia subject to the terms and conditions below.
  • Trips must be taken with one of DiDi’s rideshare options. DiDi Delivery is excluded from this campaign.
  • This offer can only be redeemed once per account and the maximum saving is $10 per trip per account.
  • This offer is available on a first-come, first-served basis up to 7,000 redemptions each week during the Campaign Period.

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Referrer & referee get 2 x $10 ride vouchers

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closed Comments

  • +29

    As a regular blood donor myself I am amazed there's never any discounts or promos as a 'thank you' for what we give away for free. Very surprising actually that there's far more of such things for being an NRMA/RACQ member etc.

    The stats say 1 in 3 people need a blood transplant/byproduct in their lifetime but only 1 in 30 donate. Lucky we get a milkshake after eh? ;-)

    • +7

      'Tis a decent milkshake. Collins St donor center represent!

      • Go the Byron Bay Cookies, they are delicious. I've been giving plasma through the lockdown but, with operations back on, they have me on whole blood again, as well. I'm O+

        • No shakes or Byron Bay cookies at mine and we're one of the main centres!!!

          • +2

            @sabby32: Back when my father used to donate they gave you a beer afterwards. I, suspect, that was part of the reason he donated.

    • +3

      You guys get milkshakes?

      In mine we get chips, kit kats, and meat pies. Not complaining, but milkshakes are nice.

      • I got a small cupcake last time. Somebody take my blood

      • +1

        Coffs Harbour here. We have the option of milkshakes, juices, water, tea/coffee. For food and this is off the top of my head - slices of cake, raison bread, hot mini pie/sausage rolls/feta+spinach squares/chicken caesar wrap, packet of chips, cheese and crackers.

        I do plasma - get an extra shake while you're donating. Vanilla all the way!

      • Look in the fridge, there is likely to be chocolate milk.

      • Meat pies are mostly plasma anyway

        • I did Microbiology, as a second year subject, at Monash many years ago. It always struck me the similarity between the Hargrave cafe pies and the meat medium.

      • +24

        You ever donated?

        As if you ever had, you'd know that regardless of whatever paltry return they could ever give back it'd still be a heck of an effort by the folks that literally give away their own blood. Not to mention their time, the discomfort, health risks and medical complications from the donation itself.

        If you want to get on your high horse about folks 'benefiting' from blood donations - pop a thread up about the biggest company my market capitalisation in Australia, CSL - who I've read turn every donation into $2-3k+ of products.

        Personally, I do it because someone has to as otherwise people will literally die.

        • CSL Limited is a global specialty biotechnology company that researches, develops, manufactures, and markets products to treat and prevent serious human medical conditions.

          A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its subject. (December 2018)

          Wikipedia can't be wrong, oh wait.

          • @bargainparker: I don't understand the point of your comment. Are you disputing CSL's existence as a biotech company?

            • +3

              @NatoTomato: No, did you see? No mention "CSL - who I've read turn every donation into $2-3k+ of products."

              Sure, they do make some good stuff for people, yet if it wasn't for $$$, there'd be a lot less of that good stuff. Donors should be appreciated more and given incentives beyond a cake and a milkshake.

              • +4

                @bargainparker: They are paid in the US, but that can lead to some pretty contaminated blood donations.

                It used to be Government owned, hence the name, but it was "privatized". It would be helpful if we stopped doing things like that.

                • @try2bhelpful: Maybe if it was a socialist world… Money rules the world as it always had and it is the way it will stay. The only way to change that is to change human nature. Both impossible. That's why the masses have the power to use it, but almost never do, while a few are given all the powers and use it all the time thus creating the world that is slowly dying and our children will have it worse. Every generation received this world in a better state than what they are leaving to their children and so the cycle continues. Yet, when the shit hits the fan in full force, it will fly everywhere. It won't hit just those on the bottom but those at the very top too.

                  • @bargainparker: It doesn’t have to be a “socialist” world for people to do things for their fellow earthlings. Certainly, the “outsourcing” model is not the “utopian” model our politicians keep trying to say it is. I think you are right about the midden hitting the windmill. Humans don’t seem to be able to get out of our own way with messing in our own nest. I do wonder what “planet b” these people have. The advantage is, short of completely cratering the place, eventually we will die out and the world will keep spinning and another set of species will rise.

                    • +1

                      @try2bhelpful: Million years pass. Monkeys evolve into intelligent beings. As it happened, one day archeologists started digging and found the ancient human civilization. After finding out why the human civilization died out, leaders said: You see those monkeys and what they did. Don't be like those monkeys. Do it better than those monkeys. And so, the history is repeated once more.

                      • @bargainparker: If you haven’t got into Terry Pratchett I would recommend him to you. In Going Postal Moist, and the Smoking Gnu, end up in a pigeon loft with a mad eyed pigeon

                        “the pigeon remembered a time when 'it had been a large reptile that could have taken these sons of monkeys to the cleaners in one mouthful'.

                        • @try2bhelpful: You succeeded in trying to be helpful 😉
                          I did read his books as well as watched movies.

                          • @bargainparker: The Alzheimer’s was awful. Taken way too soon. We really good’ve done with a lot more of his books.

                • @try2bhelpful: Yes. CSL - Commonwealth Serum Laboratories.

              • @bargainparker: You do know CSL used to be government owned.. they spun it off for peanuts. No reason why this profitable service couldn't be government provided yet again - maybe it'd reduce taxes.

                • @gringo: The reason is explained before. Humans would rather have a bit of comfort in exchange for a huge mess they are creating.

                  • +1

                    @bargainparker: I don't know what you mean. My point is a privatized Commonwealth Serum Labs shouldn't be providing monopoly services when the government can do it just as well.. maybe people would even be more likely to donate if it wasn't lining the pockets of a huge ASX200 listed company.

        • The Red Cross do sell the blood, so CSL don't make 100% of the money.

          • @Zephyrus: Where does the Red Cross obtain the funds to operate its blood service? Used to be the Dept of Health. What's changed?

        • +3

          I am dancing along to the tune you're playing my friend.

          There is a lot of positive work that gets provided by good people that doesn't get the reward it's owed just because good people don't whinge and make demands. The argument that 'if we pay for it it will lead to dangerous results' doesn't really hold much weight in todays world.

          Personally what I would like to see is a lottery type system, where making a donation gives you $30 worth of credit in the draw to win some part of the accumulated prize draw of the entire state. That way nobody in desperate need of cash turns to donating blood, and good people still get rewarded (on average).

          • @outlander: That's quite a good idea.

          • @outlander: I'm very intrigued by your last proposal, seems quite a novel way of moderating motivation and reward. Is this a model you have seen used before?

            • @makeyouryear: Any charity based raffle uses this system, whether it’s a meat tray raffle at the local pub to support a lifesaving service or raffling off a house for BoysTown or whatever (perhaps BoysTown not the best best example though).

              • @Gravy: Well I am feeling very dopey, thank you for your thoughtful explanation.

      • +1

        I expected free lunch, never been disappointed.

      • +1

        Of course No one should expect anything!!!

        The government should found it for free food, free taxi, and even entertainment. Giving blood is like giving life, and It’s more important than other founded things like religious organisations.

    • There are discounts and promos, just not for people like us

      • Are you saying those in the industry receive those perks, just not the donors?

    • +5

      My employer gives us paid time off to do it, which is nice. I'm ineligible to donate, but I'm very glad that many of my colleagues do.

    • +6

      I work for lifeblood as the tech team lead. The issue here is largely around the fact it's a semi-govt organisation and as such giving perks as such is frowned upon. Tax payer money etc. ie Post Office debacle of recent. Whether it's a 3k watch or a small amount of cash etc, it's kinda seem same same and similar. Weird I know. I will take the feedback back though and see what marketing has to say.

      Also to note, as many don't know, Lifeblood is 100% govt funded. While it uses the Red Cross branding there, it is not registered as a charity per se, so you cannot actually donate to Lifeblood in a monetary sense for operation. Because it's such a critical element to society, it's 100% govt backed.

    • It doesn’t help that gay men are not allowed to donate but that’s another story

      • They can as long as they haven’t had sexual relations for certain period of time I think?

        • Yeah, a year. Which is ridiculous.

    • +1

      The reward is helping others.

  • +10

    I used this last weekend - good reminder for everyone!

    PS: the Red Cross just announced that Australia's blood supply has just hit critically low levels. If you've never donated, now is a great time. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/red-cross-issues-urgent-call-for…

    • just hit critically low levels

      Maybe if they started paying that would not be the case especially with less people donating due to the pandemic . Simple demand and supply equation with differently no shortage of $$$$$ from The Red Cross .

  • -3

    Are they going to strap people in the car and straight onto the reclining chair?

  • +8

    look for a pub next to the blood donation place…hack the system. haha just kidding. Give blood, people!

    • I have a wedding this weekend, considering giving blood before hand and going straight to the wedding for the open bar!

      • You might be pretty lightheaded
        Not sure how smart that is but I’ve certainly done it before 🤣

      • Shouldn't be an issue - as long as you hydrate properly before and after the donation. No warnings about getting on the sauce after donating even plasma. It's more heavy exercise etc that could be an issue.

    • Or just choose a donation centre past your pub/intented location and tell the driver to drop you off

    • +3

      Wow, edgy.

    • What a great money saving idea. Have you considered mugging the rich, might be good $/hr?

        • Who's I'm? Is that your name? Makes more sense of it is because it sounds like caveman speak of you read it in that context 😁

        • Actually if you have Medicare it’s free to you (not to taxpayers though).
          You do realise that a pint of blood undergoes a ridiculous amount of processing, these blood donation centres are expensive to run and maintain, and transportation is horrendously expensive too. Then they get separated into components etc. all of this costs money so to expect it for free is pure stupidity. If you don’t want all of that and if I gave you someone’s blood off the street, even if you are ABO matched you’d probably still die from the other antibodies and antigens. If you want free I can do that for you no worries

    • +1

      How about we all stop donating and save 100%. You'll only realize the importance when you require it

      • -6

        If you have money,there plenty people want to sell their blood,you are not getting free donate blood in a hospital anyway

  • +6

    In VIC it seems you can only book on/after December 7, all slots are already full for November in Red Cross? Also seems there is a shortage of 0+ and A+, if you have those blood types, please consider donating.

    • +1

      Hey, that's me. Time to book a donation.

    • +1

      The Town Hall one in Sydney said they accept walk ins, I don’t think I’ve ever booked when I’ve gone in

    • I'm A+ but not able to donate as I lived in the UK last century and therefore have mad cow disease.

      • I had a melanoma removed, about 20 years ago, and the woman that was being prepped next to me had CJD. The surgeons had the full splash kit on, back when that wasn’t common. I did wonder where she might’ve got it.

  • +1


    A blood center is a place American hospitals get their blood from to transfuse their patients with gunshot wounds.

  • -1

    People should be paid for blood donation.
    It's worth millions to the companies that process it.

    • +4

      Millions? Think billions - CSL made nearly $3b profit last year alone.

      Payment is an interesting question - lots of studies on it, pros and cons either way. As usual in the Western world there's plenty of money being made - just by the companies that process & onsell the blood byproducts. So I do think there's signiifcant logic to saying donations should be 'rewarded' in some manner but alas don't hold your breath.

    • +4

      There have been studies on the unintended consequences of paying for blood. In most cases, the number of donations does down, not up. And there's a worry that this might encourage predatory behaviour against vulnerable populations.

      But yeah, I'll accept 1 CSL share each time I make a plasma donation. :)

    • +1

      A friend of mine works at LifeBlood and seems to think that Australia still buys/imports blood from overseas due to a shortage of local donors. Why not just pay whatever LifeBlood is paying for imported blood, to Australians?

      • +1

        That's a very good point, they seem to have no issue with blood/plasma that is received via monetary compensation from overseas, so it kind of cancels out the argument that paying for the raw blood product here in Australia would be fraught with dangers.

        Interesting article regarding this at https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/will-there-be-bloo…

  • +2

    Bloody good deal

  • +1

    I have a query, can a guy in international visa donate blood? If yes how/ contact who? I really want to donate.

    • Good on you - I dunno but call and ask 13 14 95 https://www.donateblood.com.au/

    • Yes you can. If you are unsure, take the eligibility test here.


      Then you can sign up and make a booking on the same website.

    • You can donate. Register with the red cross at https://www.donateblood.com.au
      Make an appointment and when you show up they'll do an elaborate interview of your medical history. Once you get the all clear you will be able to donate.

    • If you're unsure, call the NCC (national call centre) 13 14 95. They use a software DSS (decision support system) which will run through through a bunch of questions which will determine whether you're able to give blood or not. It's a pretty simple process. Better to do this than just show up. If you do that you may waste your time and also waste a timeslot where an eligible donor could have donated.

  • I've always struggled to get a rideshare with Didi, even in Sydney CBD

  • +5

    As a regular plasma donor and I do it willingly because people need help … I am appalled at some people's comments on here …
    "Im not stupid enough,if I dont donate I can save 100% instead of 50%"
    "No one push you to do it its you choose,if you think you blood worth nothing then it is nothing,NRMA/RACQ member which you need money to buy it.Thats all"
    "Not very altruistic to expect something back in return for a donation"
    Who the hell do you think you are to make such comments??? I bet you have never volunteered in your life!!! I just hope you selfish morons will never need our plasma or blood one day!!!

    • +1

      If you didn't notice most of those comments come from the one person who probably needed blood and had to pay for it. Hence why he/she is so salty about it.

  • -2

    Honestly should be given something for donating - I think $50 is a fair amount at least. After all, horse semen or blood isn’t free, but we are expected to donate blood for free. Altruists are free to donate that money as they please, and the money hungry organisations can easily afford it.

    • +2

      Feel free not to donate. I’ve been donating for, roughly, 40 years.

      • Here's a question (and it is not intended to offend in any way as I think what you have done is commendable), if they did suddenly turn around and offer a monetary incentive as an option would you still donate for free or choose to accept a payment as reward for your efforts?

        • +1

          Speaking as a (previous - see below) regular donor myself, I'd go irrespective of whether I was paid or not. I'm fortunate enough now to be in a position where I would be able to decline it, if that was an option, or give it to some other organisation that needs it more than me.

          @try2bhelpful - goodonya for keeping it up that long!

          • @Chazzozz: I personally haven’t donated in many years once I looked into CSL, I think I only donated 2 or 3 times before feeling that I was being used as a bit of a cash cow. It’s a hard one though given that it does help others.

          • @Chazzozz: Thinking about your comment regarding donating to a charity, maybe that is the answer, perhaps CSL should be donating an amount to a charity of your choice every time they receive a donation? I know CSL do offer some services in return for the blood but perhaps if donors are more involved in the process then some may be more inclined to donate, like myself for instance given that I have become jaded by the situation as it currently stands.

            • +3

              @Gravy: I respect your decision to follow your conscience, which is one reason why I don't judge anyone who doesn't (or can't) donate. At least you've gone to the effort to do your investigation and brought some thoughtful & compelling arguments to the discussion, which I think is admirable (and far more than a lot of people do on this forum). For me, it's a very personal decision to donate: my eldest sister was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukaemia when she was only 39. She endured months of chemotherapy, which necessitated the use of blood products as well. At the end of it she'd received enough plasma, platelets, red cells, etc, to equal something like 35 or 40 whole blood donations. Without those she wouldn't have made it through the process. Sadly, she succumbed to something else entirely that wasn't directly a result of the disease, so I was determined that if others were generous enough to help her with what were, at the time, life-saving donations then the least I could do to honour her memory would be to give back.

        • +1

          The blood/plasma is needed and the inconvenience to me is small. Frankly the party pies and biscuits are enough for me. To me the payment does raise the risk of people donating even though they shouldn’t. There are about 40 questions you need to answer and I could see people looking for payment might not be so truthful.

          • @try2bhelpful: CSL readily collects paid "donations" from their overseas collection centres, so whilst you have a point about increased risk the company itself don't seem too concerned about this.

            If a direct payment per donation is too risky then personally I think it would help their public image if they were to offer to donate a $ amount to a charity of the donor's choice for every donation they receive. That would certainly make me think more positively about donating again and remove the possible risk associated with paid donations.

            Someone else above also mentioned a raffle prize system for donors, which is also a great idea.

            Have a read of this https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/will-there-be-bloo…

            • @Gravy: Whatever floats other peoples boats. Me, I’m happy to donate for the biscuits and party pies. Why add complications, and costs, to the process.

              • @try2bhelpful: The costs would be coming out of the pocket of a very profitable, publicly listed "for profit" company that seems to regularly be in the top 5 largest companies in Australia in terms of market cap.

                I feel if CSL were to donate a percentage of their profit on the blood donation to a donor elected charity it would encourage more people that are hesitant to donate because of the commercial nature of the blood business. There is however the question of what percentage people would feel is fair.

                I think sometimes it helps to look at situations with analogies as it can give a different perspective that are harder to see unless viewed from the outside. I've been trying to think of one and came up with the following below, perhaps it's not a 100% accurate analogy but this is my understanding of the process.

                Let's say there is a publicly listed Lumber company that encourages the public to grow a tree from a seed as a service to the environment, plant it in a pot and water and fertilise it until such time as it is ready to plant in the ground. The company then asks the public to come to their plantation with their sapling and dig a hole and plant the tree which the donor has been tending to for some time. The trees grow and are fantastic for the environment as they produce oxygen and remove CO2 whilst growing, the donor feels pretty good about this fact as without their efforts they know that the environment is in trouble and if they don't help then who will? Some of the donors plant a new tree every few weeks, others only a few times over their lifetime.

                The government allows the company to continue to operate like this without reward to the tree donor but only if they give timber back from the sawn trees to anyone that wants some for no charge. As a reward to the company the government will pay the Lumber company a certain amount every time someone wants some timber so they can continue to profit, only one Lumber company in the country is allowed to operate like this and they receive the bulk of the donated saplings.

                The trees continue to grow and the company adds value to each one by tending to their growing needs until eventually the value of the trees is very high once they are processed and milled. They collect a large amount of revenue every time one is chopped down. The CEO of the now multi billion dollar Lumber company gets paid many millions in salary and other compensation each year because he has done an incredible job at raising the revenue of the company over the last few years.

                Meanwhile the original tree donor who donated the resource and their time goes home with a biscuit and a softdrink.

                Is there anything wrong with this picture?

                • @Gravy: As I said, whatever floats other people’s boats. I’m happy to do it for the biscuits and party pies. A commercial gain will encourage people to lie on the forms to get the money; which could compromise the “health” of the donated blood. In relation to the tree donation it sounds like a great idea.The CO2 gets scrubbed by continually replenishing the plantation with young trees and using the wood to build stuff. If the difference was the woodyard would go out and chop down old growth forests, because they don’t have to pay for saplings, then I’d be up for donating a few trees. If you make a donation to carbon offsetting your aircraft travel you don’t expect to get output from any forest they might plant. Op Shops are a Commercial enterprise but you don’t expect recompense for your old clothes. Donate, don’t donate, it is up to people to make up their own mind. If they get desperate they might start paying people. Until then the pie and biscuit are my reward.

                  • @try2bhelpful: Thanks for reply, I think we are on different pages but respect what you are doing and that it works for you.

                    • @Gravy: We don’t all have to agree on everything:). Personally I do wish it was run by the Government. I think a lot of things that were outsourced were a bad idea. However, I really do think there is a risk that payment could result in compromising the blood supply. If ya want ya money ya ain’t gonna say “yes” when ya should.

                      • @try2bhelpful: What did you think of the idea that CSL could donate a monetary amount to a charity of the donor‘a choice for each blood donation they receive? Not sure if you missed that comment earlier.

                        • @Gravy: It would, probably, be less likely to lead to people donating, when they shouldn’t. If they run short of donors might be a way to attract new ones.

    • People get very 'funny' about suggesting payment or similar for certain things that people have been doing for free. I just so happen to be in the RFS as well and a lot of the longer serviced guys feel even a token payment would 'undermine' things. I personally feel such sentiments are significantly flawed and a win-win solution is possible - and I think the same for blood donations as well. But am not trying to turn into a discussions on that.

      On a sidenote - as an active blood donor I did find it amusing that this donation 'bank' in Adelaide pays it's volunteer donors $25 each time: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-09/first-public-poo-bank…

      • It sounds like there is a lot of screening associated with the donations and they are only looking for very select people. Frankly I’d rather have someone stick a needle in my arm than collect my own poo. I’ve had to do a couple of those colon cancer self tests and it is ick, ick, ick.

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