Need a Cheap Preamp for Kogan USB Condenser Microphone

I recently bought a Kogan USB Condenser Microphone, when I connect it to my Windows 10 to record my voice, the volume level is too low.

How can I increase the recording volume level? I used both the USB sound card provided and direct connection to the MIC input to the computer. I wonder if I need a Preamp to increase the recording level.

Please suggest and cheap Microphone Preamp for this Kogan USB Condenser Microphone.



  • +1

    I've never heard of a preamp for a USB microphone, but who knows these days.

    Does it change if you bring the microphone closer to the audio source (your mouth)?

    I don't often do audio recording on the computer, but can you increase the input volume via settings?

    Could the microphone itself be faulty?

  • Which mic is it?

  • +1

    Google Windows 10 mic volume

  • +1

    How cheap is cheap? I picked up a Behringer UM2 for $50 off gumtree. It could be that your USB sound card isn't providing enough power to the mic and would require something external like a phantom power supply.

    • That Behringer UM2 looks good, Price under $75 please. Will this Preamp provide enough power to record voice using this MIC

      Can I connect the power supply you have mentioned to connect this MIC to a PC, directly to the MIC input on the PC ?.


      • +1

        The Behringer UM2 should work, but being a cheap audio interface it won't be studio-quality and you'll probably have some background hiss, but it'd likely be better than the one that came with your mic.

        The mic connects to the UM2, the UM2 connects to your computer USB port. No power supply needed.

        You will also need an XLR cable. A cheap one should be OK for your use.

        • I don’t need studio quality now, I am just learning, if I can get a good volume and reasonable audio quality, would be good enough for me. I like audio interface that will have a dial to increase the mic gain etc and supply ‘phantom power’ to mic. Thanks for you reply and advice. Appreciate very much.

  • This is the link for that Kogan Mic, I bought it for $29.99.

  • +1

    BTW if you don't need excellent audio quality, you can try and boost the audio from the included USB adaptor with Voicemeeter. Set Hardware Input 1 to your USB adaptor, set your recording software to use the "VB-Audio Voicemeter VAIO" device, and push up either one or both the faders to boost. You'll likely get a lot of background hiss though.

    • Thanks eug for that Excellent suggestion, I have Voicemeter on my other pc, I will try your suggestion On that pc to boost the audio from my mic and update you. Appreciate very much.

    • +1

      I managed to boost my Microphone using the Voicemeeter Banana. I also found a simple program called Equalizer APO, and this one also did the job.
      Thanks for you your help eug !

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