• out of stock

Singer Bread Maker $14.85 + Delivery @ Singer


Singer Bread Maker for $14.85.
Delivery was $15 for me to 3012

A good idea is to set this to a timer so the bread bakes as you wake up to the smell of fresh bread and then smoke and then your kitchen is on fire and your house burns down. So then you don't have to go to work.
Life hacks.

Same breadmaker here for same price
Thanks to mwalks

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closed Comments

  • Is there any way to get the crust brown but soft??

    • +2

      I found that overnight if I put a semi warm loaf in a plastic bag the moisture helped to significantly soften the crust. See if that works for you

  • +1

    So contacted singer about the e1 error.
    They've said they'll refund the $15 since they're out of the replacement parts for it.
    That means the $15 shipping cost goes down the drain and I have to dispose of a bread machine that doesn't work :(

    • +3

      Hey I'm keen on getting a spare bowl and paddle thing if you're disposing yours. Or alternatively PM GregFiona as he has a machine but a faulty bowl

    • +2

      Are you in Sydney?Maybe around 2224 or 2032? I have got a brand new unit(well I tried to use it once but the metal plate under the bowl that engages the motor was missing) that I'm happy to give you, for free of course. You'll only need to use the bowl from your unit. Singer offered me a full refund($30) as they are out of stock and no spare parts.
      Sent you a PM

    • +2

      @chansthename Thank you for gifting me your faulty machine, I will finally be able to use mine with the tray from your machine. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • +2

    Banana bread turned out perfectly second time around. Take your standard bread recipe, mash banana and add into the tin FIRST. Then follow the normal steps to make your bread. It doesn't rise a much despite also using bread improver, but it's still light and fluffy

    • do you add any extra sugar?

      • +1

        Nope but trying to keep it healthier for the kids

  • Now mine has packed up.
    4th bread today and its tripping the safety switch no matter what I do.
    I just transferred my bread mix to the oven so we will see what happens but I think the machine is cactus

    • +1

      Bummer that sucks. Touch wood mine lasts. Just started making some impressive bread. Super light and fluffy like Breadtop buns. Made one with diced apple pieces yesterday but it rose too much and got stuck to the top. Making one with chopped chocolate pieces and Vitoria dark chocolate powder as a substitute for sugar now

      • Sounds great julz.
        Yes, I am am spewing because today was the first 'proper' day of using it. The first were just test runs.
        I had my mum over and got a special spelt mix for her. The first crusty white bread this morning was perfect and when I cleaned it and went again with the fancy spelt mix, it just pooped it self and now nothing. Trips the house safety switch no matter which power point I try.
        I will have to try to get my money back - will go through PayPal

        • water or magnet hack?

        • Looks like Big W have an entry level Breville on sale at the moment for around $100. Was tempted on getting one but held off since I mastered this one.

          • @0 0 0: @julz can you post you recipe for fluffy bread? I tried twice and it was doughy and did not rise properly.

            • +1

              @Krsl: Try this:

              330g bakers flour
              5g bread improver
              35g powdered milk
              1 tablespoon sugar
              1 teaspoon salt
              1 tablespoon olive oil,
              about 3.5g dry yeast
              200ml 35-40C like warm water (just filled the normal tank to 400ml)
              Crust set to light

              Mix the dry ingredients slightly then add the oil last.

              Should rise heaps and rather than the full 360g flour I'd recommend slightly less otherwise with the bread improver it'll rise too much and get stuck to the top.

              To experiment further, try:

              Substituting the sugar for chocolate drink powder plus some chopped up chocolate added to the bottom


              Adding up to 2 small apples peeled and diced into tiny pieces


              Mash one large banana and put in the tin first before adding the dry ingredients.

  • +2

    1st attempt = success!

    • +1

      Congrats! Just made an egg free panettone tonight. Smells good and rose well. Will need to cut it to try

    • +1

      Woo-hoo way to go!

  • +4

    2nd attempt Laucke multigrain Soy-Lin with extra pine nuts and sunflower seeds. Yummmm

    • +1

      amazing! so did you go with 5g bread improver for 330gm flour like julz mentioned, with the light setting?

      • +3

        Sort of:
        1tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon sugar and 1teaspoon salt in the baking bowl.
        Then I mixed the dry ingredients in another bowl and threw them in the baking bowl:
        330g Laucke mix
        40gr pine nuts and sunflower kernels
        3.5g dry yeast
        3g bread improver
        1-2 teaspoons milk powder

        I wanted medium setting but I chose the dark setting by mistake, it came out just like I wanted it. Looks and tastes just like the burgen soy-lin bread!

        I had some trouble opening the lid, bread raised a bit too much but I found a trick:
        opened the capsule compartment and pushed down the two metal plates on the base. This flattened the dome of the loaf a bit but the tray opened without troubles.

        • +1

          the texture looks exactly like the store bought bread.. gotta lock this recipe in!

        • Do you let the loaf cool down before slicing it? or do it as soon as its out of the pan and hot?

          • +2

            @toogoodtobetrue: I've done both. Best to wait until it cools for at least 30min

  • +3

    Finally got the perfect white bread..! It was really light and fluffy.. almost like eating cotton candy! Thank you all for the inputs.. really helped. I tweaked the recipe just a wee bit, to get it moist and soft :)


    330g bakers flour
    3.5g bread improver
    3.5g dry yeast
    2 tablespoon full cream powdered milk
    3 tablespoon sour cream
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 tablespoon sunflower oil,

    200ml 35-40C like warm water (just filled the normal tank to 400ml)
    Crust set to light

    Premix the dry ingredients (except yeast) in a bowl first. Put the oil and sour cream in the baking pan first. Then add the mixed dry ingredients. Lastly add yeast on top. Start the machine at light setting.

    hope it helps!

    • +1

      Perfection!!! πŸ‘

    • +1

      Thanks for this. Received the machine a few weeks ago and it’s still in its original packaging lol. Keen to give this a good in the next couple of days. The sour cream is interesting.

  • +1

    Attempt at home made choc chip panettone. Choc chips blended into the dough. Used 100g choc chips from Nestle which were meant to keep shape according to the packet. https://imgur.com/gallery/2oXXAQn

    • +1

      Here the photo of my homemade sultana panettone https://imgur.com/ULw6b0O
      It mashed the sultanas quite a bit but that made it all the more flavoursome. Used 100g of sultanas at the bottom of the tin

    • What if you time the kneading process and throw the choc chips around the last minute, just before cooking starts?

  • Anyone have issues with some kind of mechanical thing jamming the drawer stuck? It opens about an inch then gets caught on something

    • +3

      Oh i worked it out. The paddle in the bread did not centre when it finished cooking. When trying to pull out the drawer the metal bit underneath the tin that connects to the motor mechanism got caught. Lifting the tin slightly helped to free it.

  • Tried mine for the first time today Can anyone tell me what i'm supposed to hear when i press start? From everything i've read including the manual that says to run the start of a cycle for initial cleaning, the machine is supposed to start pumping water in immediately before the mixer starts spinning.
    Mine just makes some soft clicking noises for about 45 seconds and then I can hear the mixer start spinning. I got the EasyBread one from Catch.

    Do I have a faulty water pump or am I just doing something wrong?

    • I've worked out what the clicking is. I've watched it now with the capsule hatch open and the clicking is the capsule flap opening and closing 5 times (which is guess is what normally happens for it to let the flour through into the bowl? I think I hear another soft solenoid click before that starts and one at the end of it (or before the 3rd or 4th open/close. Im guessing that's supposed to be the pump engaging / disengaging.

      • Does the water(about 1/2 tank) end up in the bowl?

        • No, no water gets pumped into the bowl not in the first 2 minutes at least. Do I need to wait longer? Does that happen after the mixer in the bowl starts spinning?

          • +2

            @prubie: As soon as you pressed the start button, the water will start to flow, the 45 seconds before the mixer spinning is the water filling time.

            If you have checked that water is full to the line, and still no water going into the bowl, then you have a bad water pump.

            You can claim for a warranty/refund.

            In the meantime, please read my previous post on how to use the bread maker with your own mixture of water.

  • I have received my two pieces today. Anyone iN WA would like to pick up please msg me.

    • Which suburb pls

  • +3

    I started experiencing the RCD electrical breaker tripping about 1 minute into the kneading process. I tried many times and on different circuits but it would still trip the breaker.

    I did some reading online and it turns out that the heating elements can absorb moisture and when they are turned on - this can cause earth leakage which trips the RCD breaker.

    A suggested fix was to remove the element and bake it in another oven to drive the moisture out. That gave me the idea to just open the drawer and put a hairdryer inside the bread maker and turn it on. I did that for 5 minutes, let it cool down for 5 minutes and I'm now 10 minutes into the kneading process without it tripping the RCD.

    I'll update if it the RCD trips again, or if it goes through the whole process without tripping the RCD. I just wanted others to know there is a possible fix for this issue.


    Also the best recipe I found was to use:

    330g wholemeal flour (the stuff that has ~10g protein per 100g flour)
    5g dried yeast
    10g salt

    Put ingredients into the bowl and give a slight mix with a plastic/wood spatula (to not scratch). Fill the water up to the 400ml line with 35-45* water and press start. It dispenses around 200ml of the water. I found the magnet trick is fine too, but I didn't notice that much of a difference if premixing the water first - so I just fill to 400ml line and let it pour in 200ml.

    That's it, that's all I found was needed to make really nice wholegrain bread that rises well and is soft but with a nice chew and airy texture. I like using the dark crust and leaving on the counter for at least 2 hours before cutting as this gives it a crustier crust. I found using oil or butter makes the bread dry and crumb prone (particularly noticeable after a day or two). I find sugar not needed to feed the yeast, and imparts a sweetness I don't like.

    • +1

      Worked great.

      Looks like bread is back on the menu, boys!

      • +1

        Well it did it again despite making sure it was fully dried out after the last bake.

        It appears it may always trip the RCD unless I preheat it for 5 minutes with the hair drier.

        It's possible the problem isn't with the element, but the electronics which at this moment work when it's preheated but won't when it's cold.

        I noticed that the unit does use the element to maintain ~40c internal temperature for the hour that it kneads the dough. For that reason I don't think it's necessary to warm up the water at all as it will warm up quickly in there.

        Also in my previous recipe I forgot to add that I use 5g of bread improver to help with the rise. It will sill be nice and rise without it but adding a little bit helps it rise a bit more but the crust isn't as crusty. I might try using a self raising flour rather than adding bread improver in a later bake.

        • Mine trips close to the end of the bake. I bought two, sent one back that tripped consistently, which they said was fine. The 2nd behaves identically. Very peculiar.

          • @bargainshooter: Is it running via a powerboats or direct to the socket? I had an old powerboard that would trip it's internal circuit breaker for my clothes dryer. Changed powerboard and it was fine

          • @bargainshooter: If it's tripping close to the end then I very much doubt it's due to the element and the hair drier trick obviously won't work as it's already ripping hot at that point.

            I'm going to keep my eye out on another bread maker deal as this was my first one and the money savings (compared to store bought) + the better quality of bread has completely sold me on needing one.

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