This was posted 4 years 3 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XSX] Seagate Xbox Series X Storage Expansion Card 1TB $319.51 @ JB Hi-Fi


The Seagate Xbox Series X Storage Expansion Card 1TB for Xbox Series X/S appears to be an eligible product for those interested.
$319.51 after the coupon.

Original Coupon Deal

This is part of Singles' Day Sales for 2020.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    11% discount. Solid deal.

  • The original coupon deal says "Excludes: Apple Products, Games Consoles, Microsoft branded Xbox accessories and games, Dyson, Mobile Contracts, Miele & Asko agency products, Dell Built to Order, Pre-Paid Cards & Gift Cards, Pre-Orders, Extended Warranties, & Delivery. Coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon offers"

    This would be a Microsoft branded Xbox accessory…

    Edit: I just checked and the code does appear to work.

    • +4

      It might be considered a Seagate branded accessory. If you look at the link it says 'Seagate Gaming' above the product title and the 11% discount applies. The discount does not apply when you add Xbox controllers etc.

      • Ah yeah, good point.

      • The elite controller works though

  • +19

    This is still mega expensive isn't it?

  • +18

    $319 for 1tb. I might wait a year and see.

    • Should be third party and storages in other sizes as time goes on.
      Seagate is just the exclusive launch provider.…

      This standard is still pretty new so I would expect it to get cheaper with time. Caveat is Microsoft needs to approve them to be compatible with its velocity architecture.

  • +2

    $309.23 with a Suncorp gift card - great deal for a newly-released item, thanks for posting OP.

  • +13

    Use a QVO 2TB combined with an external case for backwards compatibility XBox One and older games. Digital Foundry tested loading times and there was negligible difference between QVO, NVME, and Internal SSD for older titles.

    Hold off getting this for additional XBSX games until absolutely necessary and hopefully significantly cheaper.

    • It's definitely overkill for XBO games. Unfortunately external 1TB SSD still costs around $250 to 330. So this deal isn't actually that bad at the moment. It'll be cheaper next year with less demand than now.

      • +6

        You could use this set up and might got 90% result of the Seagate, exactly what Digital Foundry test:

        • so we are looking at around $100 mark up here. doesn't seem as bad now.

          on sale anyway. 360 rrp is (profanity)

          • @XCOM v2: The speed difference between 860 EVO and this Seagate is also vast, so you are paying a premium for the speed. 860 EVO: 550 MBps vs Seagate: 2,400 MBps. I'm sure prices will go down over time, just hold off for a bit.

            • +2

              @FabMan: The thing is we not even sure that Series X is capable of using that maximum speed of 2400MBps.
              The Samsung 870 QVO was used on the Digital Foundry's test has result so close to the Seagate's that I see no point of paying extra ~$100.

              • +1

                @linhlink: DirectStorage API is the name of the technology allowing faster storage access speeds in games, and games have to be developed to use it. That is why backwards compatible games do not benefit from those speeds, as the games were never designed with that API. The new XBox Series X games will be and hopefully a few older games will have that feature patched in if possible.

        • Now I got to wait for the USB to SSD hopefully not too long.
          Using the series X makes HDD annoying because I am expecting speed.
          I think I'll have 2 externals going one 4Tb HDD and one 2 tb ssd.
          Longer loading games like Red dead will be on SSD.

  • +7

    Basically half the cost of the console?

  • +23

    what a joke… $300 to store 5 games.

    • +8

      The average game is not 200gb, good lord.

      • +1

        You say that now… But give it 6 months loll

      • -2

        It is not 200gb, but close enough:
        The XBOX’s 1TB SSD drive may come with as little as 667GB of usable storage, according to leaks. Compare that to the size requirements for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War: 133GB

        • +3

          According to what leaks? According to reviews of actual hardware there are 802 GB available.

        • +3

          That's the PS5, not the Series X.

  • Why can’t you connect a USB 3.0 HDD like the Xbox One?

    • +2

      You can, but native Xbox Series games can't be run from a USB drive. However, you can run Xbox One games from USB on an Xbox Series console.

      • +3

        Thanks. Price diff of X and S not looking so bad now.

        • The USB storage is more like temporary place to put your native series x games. Instead of deleting it and downloading it again, you put it on the slow USB drive ready for you to transfer back onto your series x again later. Good option if your internet is really slow or metered.

    • +8

      Uh, how is it any different with the PS5? It's not Microsoft price gouging. It's simply the price of the tech.

  • +2

    How the hell are these so expensive?

    • +2

      The IO throughput is 2.4 GB/s raw and roughly 4.8 GB/s for compressed files, and a fast high-end 1TB SSD drive costs over $400. Though you can get a fast 1TB NVME SSD for around $200, so I guess it depends on the quality of this Seagate drive. I'm sure price will drop in a little amount of time.

      • +2

        You can regularly get the Kingston A2000 M.2 NVME for $150.

        • That is a great price for a good SSD, but it isn't a PCIe 4.0 SSD like the Seagate drive for the XBSX. Though if PCIe 3.0 can perform at similar speeds or faster than this Seagate I'm not sure why as to PCIe 4.0 is necessary, as a Samsung 970 Pro is PCIe 3.0 and it can do 3.5GB/s read speeds. Perhaps PCIe 4.0 is needed for games to load faster, testing shows a decent SATA SSD loads games just as fast as a 970 Pro.

      • +1

        Just searched and read up on it. Very, very quick, and necessary too. You’re paying for the tech and the proprietary package.

        Hopefully the prices will drop a bit or someone will make an adaptor, so you can run PCie drives through the expansion slot. I’m guessing that these will become ‘cheaper’ sooner than the Seagate expansion drives, though I’m not sure how long Seagate will sit there with a warehouse full of these, gathering dust.

    • -1


      • +2


        It’s the price of the tech.

        Suggest you look up the cost of PCIe 4.0 SSD prices.

        • So a custom proprietary solution that Seagate had to most likely license only cost more because of the tech, which isn't even as fast as the new pcie 4 drives coming out. Pcie 4 are expensive because of the tech, they've gone a customised route to prioritise sustained performance.

  • +1

    Let’s just remember that the seagate Xbox one external hard drive has never seen a price drop for all those expecting this to have a price drop anytime soon.

    • Are you talking the branded external USB 3 drives? They absolutely do go on sale and have frequently in the past.

      That said, I don’t expect this to have big discounts frequently - but we don’t really know.

    • Valid point but I have seen articles stating that third party's will be able to make this device in the future which should hopefully see a price decrease.

      (may be speculation by websites, do your own research)

  • +2

    Waiting for an adapter and option to use other drives.

  • +5

    As convenient as it may be: this is too expensive. Feels like Memory Sticks all over again. Don’t expect prices to come down - it’s a proprietary device.

    • +4

      It’s not, according to early tear downs. It seems it’s just a CF-Fast (or fast-cf?) connector. So third-party options will be possible.

      Also, this pricing is exactly in line with those cards and PCIE4.0 drives of the same capacity.

      • +1

        So third-party options will be possible.

        We don't know that yet. It's not like the old 3rd party PS Memory Card days. Even if it's a pre-existing (if niche) standard, Microsoft could bake in Apple MFi-esque handshake to verify accessories.

        • We do know it, Microsoft have addressed this already.

          Xbox Wire: Will all Storage Expansion Cards come from Seagate or could we see them from other companies as well?

          Jason Ronald: Seagate, with a storied history as a critical innovator in the storage industry, was our first choice to collaborate with to provide expandable storage solutions for the Xbox Velocity Architecture. Xbox is continuing to invest in the Expandable Storage category on Xbox Series X|S with goal of offering choice for Xbox fans, including additional capacities and implementations in the future.

          • @bobmonkey17: That's not what that means. He's saying that there may be future Storage Expansion Cards^tm in other capacities (obviously), manufactured by companies other than Seagate. That's not the same as confirming third party cards, or that you'll see cheap 8TB cards from Mad Catz or Blitzwolf in 2022.

            This is proprietary storage, you can safely assume there's a Microsoft licensing fee in exchange for Seagate's exclusive contract, just like Apple's MFi program. I'm sorry that's not what people want to hear.

  • +3

    Proprietary storage did not go well for the PS Vita

  • -5

    yes console gaming is so cheap guys

    • Why does it bother you what others do with their money?

      Think console gaming is so expensive, and not something you'd invest in, why are you commenting on a console storage device deal then?

    • You seem witty.

  • Pair with this deal for additional $30 off :)

    "Earn 1000 Points (Worth $5) on $50 Ultimate Gift Card | 2000 Points (Worth $10) on $100 Ultimate Gift Card @ Woolworths"

    Buy the following gift cards:
    3 x Ultimate Home $100

    Total cost $300 in gift cards, and you'll get $30 of Woolworth points

    Summary :
    $359 retail
    - 11% = $319.51
    Use the $300 of gift cards and pay the remaining $19.51 however you like
    You will have earnt $30 of Woolworth points
    Factoring in $30 Woolworths points makes the total cost $289.51 (given you shop in the Woolworths ecosystem for Woolies/Big W/Petrol etc)

    Note: I dont think these gift cards only work in store so dont try this online as it may not work :)

  • Its so silly, they might as well stop selling disc games and sell pcie 4.0 game carts of a smaller size e.g.128gb or 256gb. for 1/3 of the price.

    That way I will for sure buy back physical games.

    Plus they just found a reason for PS/PC gamers to jump in…no more installation.

    Why I got a strong feeling Nintendo is going to do it for their next 4k console…

    • $1 manufacturing cost versus a $30 manufacturing cost? Seems like an insane suggestion. You download a 20GB patch to what? Will it re-write the data on the game carts or to a local PCIe 4.0 storage medium? If stored locally the patch data supersedes the game cart data, making that expensive SSD storage useless on the game cart. So it writes to the game cart and you'll have to erase old data to make space, hopefully it doesn't fail during the download or you'll lose data, also patches now cannot make the game larger than the storage medium on the game cart. What happens when you purchase DLC?

      Here is how it works: Cheap disc copies data to fast storage on console, downloaded patch makes data on disc irrelevant, developers make more money per game copy sold. Downside is: customer has to wait for installation. Easy decision.

    • +1

      Nintendo is the only one who could get away with releasing games on a cartridge format anymore.

      • Only because its a portable console… Everyone is used to it because 3ds.. They'd not get away with it if its a full blown console…

        • Nintendo could, but it’d mean undercutting all their trade partners with their online store. Which would be a bad move.

          • @AustriaBargain: well seeing that my kids aren't the most careful when swapping out cartridges out of the switch i'm all for digital! hahaha except they are usually cost more as well.. but yeh agree with you on that.

  • +3

    Suddenly my unlimited gigabit internet doesn't seem so overpriced.

    • Hate you… Lol

    • Lucky bastard. Barely afford 100 down…

  • Telstra customers are able to get the 1tb pcie card $359 for 12 months installment interest free.

    So $29 for a month isnt too bad for people needing the extra storage.

  • +2

    You are crazy if you buy this now. There aren't many new generation games out there.

    If you own an XBox One X/S, install and play the games from an external USB 3.0 HDD/SDD Sata like me, you can play those games without having to move them to the internal SSD.

    Only new generation games require the internal SSD access.
    Stop buying like crazy people forcing them to reduce the price —'

    "Though you can play Xbox One games from an external drive, you won't be able to do so with next-gen versions of those games. Those fancier upgrades make use of the console's SSD and, as a result, need to be stored either internally or on Microsoft's proprietary $349 expansion card"

    • Agreed. I was tempted to maybe buy a portable SSD but even that I feel is not really necessary since I already have USB 3.0 portable HDD.
      Absolutely no point in paying the premium for this when it's not even needed with so little next gen titles out at the moment.

      • Yeah, right now I have a WD 3TB for years and it works fine, load faster.
        I have plans tho to move everything to an SSD tho.

        Series X/S has a faster USB so by having an external SSD storage will make the process way faster rather than done between HDD and the console.

        I have a 1TB NVMe PCIe and it worked okay with the current gen but it is not 100% compatible.

        So, if you find a great SSD deal during Black Friday even if the normal SSD or M.2 SATA — NVMe if possible — , go for it and you will be "future" proof :)

        • NVMe if possible — , go for it and you will be "future" proof :)

          There is NO tangible benefit to NVMe according to DF's testing. You'll get bottlenecked by the port and CPU.

  • I have a 1tb Samsung T5 SSD previously used on my one x. Would you guys think it would be sufficient enough?

    • It'll only be working by USB though, so you will be able to store stuff on it, just not play any new (Series X) games from it. Fine to run normal games off though, that's what I plan to do.

    • @Griffindinho it really depends on how many games you have.
      Is your 1TB able to handle your current One X games?
      Will it hold the games you already have on it plus the ones stored into the console?

      Black Friday is around the corner, try to grab bigger storage.
      I have a WD HDD 3TB connected with my One X and will keep my eyes on SSDs.

      Good hunting.

      • I don’t need a lot of storage maybe 2tb min for myself. If I don’t play the game anyway, I’ll probably just delete it

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