This was posted 4 years 4 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Weber Baby Q 1200 Premium LPG $299 @ Foxy's Appliances Mornington


Recently bought one of these from Foxys, and about the only place I've seen local to me offering discounts. I understand that Webers are rarely discounted, and not by very much - this is $50 off (or about 14%) off.

These are the "Premium" model with the higher lid and thermometer, only available at premium dealers.

Not clear on the website when this runs to.

Foxy's Appliances
Peninsula Home
1128-1132 Nepean Highway
Mornington VIC 3931

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Wish somewhere in Sydney would match this/had this deal going :(

    • They normally don't discount on their website, if you call dealers they may do a price match for you. Homefires the fan man in Minto normally do price match, you could try them.

    • No premium range at Harvey Norman nor Domayne :(

  • +6

    Good deal on the premium model, difficult to get them on discount these days.

  • +4

    My local dealer is willing to discount, but it's much easier to get a discount if you're after accessories. Purchased the Q3200 for my GF last week. He had no hesitation in throwing in the cover ($70).

    • If the are anything like the older Weber Covers (unsure if changed over last couple of years), best buy anouther cover to cover your cover. They go all crunchy and leak after a year or so if left out. Crap covers (in my opinion/personal experience). Cheapie non branded ones last much longer.

  • +1

    Maybe it's because I'm a dad now - but gosh darn I could sure go for one of these fine BBQ's

    • +1

      fairly multifunctional for a bbq with its small form factor

    • +1

      "…but gosh darn…"

      Have you recently arrived from the USA? :)

  • +5

    Got the medium size model recently (Q 2000) and it's just the right size for cooking for 2-3 people. With 5 people we struggled finding enough space on it and had to do multiple batches.

  • I got mine Premium Baby Q from the dealer in chatswood around December last year. (15% off)

    great little unit for party, if you willing to do multiple batch, can feed up to 6 people easily, 10 if they are not very hungry.

    Premium model have a higher lid(so it can fit a normal size roast chicken) and a push start igniter(using batteries), which is very convenient compare to base model.

    • +1

      If you're willing to do multiple batch, could they do up to 1,000 people or more?

      • +4

        Yes, it’s a little known fact that Jesus actually used a Weber Baby Q to cook loaves and fishes for the 5000.

  • icouldnt even flog one of these off for 200 new on scumtree/marketplace and see ads for rusted up pos for more than this lol

    • +3

      Yours wasn't the premium one though

  • Sorry, don't know to much about bbqs, but this finds purely on gas tank right? No coal?

    • +1


    • +2

      Lpg = tank
      Nat gas = mains

      And neither of those would involve coals

      That help?

      • +4

        Even Santa has switched to gas. If you’re on his naughty list he might put LPG in your stocking

  • Was looking the other week for at Weber Q's, was more looking at the standard variant, baby q seems a little small. Any deals on those?

  • +2

    Doesnt appear to ship to QLD which is a bummer. May have a chance to try and price match if your lucky but cannot find a store here that does the premium range..

  • +1

    I have the old family size one with thermometer when DJs sold that model. Worth getting the thermometer in especially if doing oven style or pizza to get the right heat.

  • black seems out of stock but titanium (original) and red still seems in stock

  • +3

    i remember paying $120~ for this when Masters closed down. Still going strong!

  • no shipping to QLD oh well

    • +5

      seems like to NSW as well. Saved $299!

    • +2

      no shipping to VIC either have to pick up…

  • Can you take one to the park?

    • +2

      of course, this is the smallest of the three and most portable which id recommend. can cater for 5 easily but 10 or so will be a few batches.

  • -6

    Yuuuck Gas BBQ if you want flavor you have to cook with charcoal.

    • Totally agree. Gas one is basically the same as cooking on a stove except it's outdoors. You can't get that smokey flavour with these.

      • +1

        I totally disagree. Gas is not like stove assuming you are referring to WeberQ (or any BBQ for that matter). Just had a nice thick cut Steak cooked high with lid down The flavour is so much nicer compared to Pan or grill cooked. Nice char lines and smokey flavor. No comparison.

      • +3

        Weber gas BBQs are designed with flavour in mind. The burners create not just hot grills, but they heat all the surfaces of the BBQ. Fat and juices drip off the meat into the hot surfaces creating smoke that circulates around the chamber while cooking with the lid down that imparts additional flavour into the food.

        While not necessarily the same as charcoal, a steak cooked on a Q tastes both different and substantially better than something cooked on a stove - it's why even the electric Weber Pulse puts out great tasting food.

        • +1

          You could have been a great sales person

          • +1

            @cisco: Lol I did help a mate out at a BBQ shop every now and then for a while. I'm passionate about the Weber brand and have a bit of a collection of them myself - and I can't bite my tongue when I hear the "haha it's just like cooking on your stove" comment.

      • Exactly right. I think all these negative votes are from people that have never cooked with charcoal.

        • +1

          Silly comment. Many people have/use both. Each have their time and place.

          If I want to quickly cook up a Steak or the likes for myself I whip on the Weber for 10mins, and am ready to go. Dinner is made in no time. It's quick and easy and saves cooking inside and no real prep time required before or cleaning after. Its just convenient and also cheap to run.

          Charcoal BBQs require a bit more time and effort and give off a lot more smoke which also can be a problem depending on location/wind direction etc. They are also great but as noted has it's time and place.

    • Rather not have cancer from coal though

  • This or the Beefeater Bugg?

    • +1

      Different things. Webers are designed to cook with lids down. The Beefeater Bugg is hotter and cooks with lid open, although nothing stopping you from closing it. Webers use less gas. Comes down to what you are cooking and preferred method.

      • I Cooked a bbq on the girlfriend’s Beefeater Bug tonight, I’d say i cooked around 50/50 with lid open and shut….

        Great little unit…

    • +1

      As Borg said, the Bugg is more a lid up high heat cooker. The Q is easier to cook a wide variety of food with, and Weber customer service are a dream to deal with should you need something, Beefeater not so much.

  • These are great - I have a Family Q and honestly wish I'd bought the Baby

    • That’s a big difference in size

      • Yep - and as it turns out I cook for more people than the Baby could handle far less than I expected. The portability and detachable stand make this such a versatile unit.

        • "detachable stand"?
          It doesn't come with one and is a separate purchase. They are available for all sizes.

          • +1

            @Borg: Detachable doesn't work with the Family Q, which I suspect is Hinee's point.

            • @mjwills: Oh, I didn't know that i.e. that it was not detachable. Oops. Kind of strange not be be.

  • +3

    Wow, seems like a great storage device for a baby. Thanks OP.


  • can anyone advise where to get a replacement regulator? thinking of getting an adjustable regulator.

  • -2

    gas bbqs taste horrible, charcoal baby!

  • I used a Weber and found that the quality of the lamb being cooked was the same as a $40 portable BBQ from Kmart.

    • you must be doing something wrong then

    • +2

      I get substantially better results from my Weber than from my old cheapie BBQ.

  • +2

    Looks like despite the website saying they're in stock, they're actually out. I just bought one and they didn't mention being out of stock until I paid. No idea when they'll have more.

    • Same with me.. and I was told order can take up to end of this month..
      Horrible, they have taken all our money and holding :(

      Hopefully, we get the BBQ soon

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