Movies So Bad They Are Actually Good

Movies So Bad They Are Actually Good

Airplane vs volcano

put your terrible movies in the comments

Edit 1: #1 Made in Chelsea, those wanting a cheap laugh MUST WATCH, acting is terrible

Batman vs Superman- batman fight scene with the police- 100 police ran towards batman's fist with their rifles, what is that gun for.


      • The canyon


        Chuck and buck

  • Need For Speed (2014)

    • true that,

  • FDR: American Badass!

    it's sooooo shit it's awesome

    Gov. Roosevelt, a man's man of a badass if there ever was one, is stricken with polio after being bitten by a Nazi werewolf sent to eliminate him. The plan backfires. With his resolve strengthened by adversity, FDR goes on to become president and takes a hands-on approach to defeating the Axis werewolves in World War II.

    This is an absurd film which intentionally shoots for a high level of camp. The mostly juvenile humor, which is not particularly clever or witty, relies heavily on the comic acting ability of the stars to make it work. It does work most of the time because Barry Bostwick is hilarious in his over-the-top performance as a Badass FDR and he gets excellent support from Bruce McGill playing his ever-present right-hand man.

    nazi werewolves what more could you want

  • +1

    Adam Sandler movies

  • howard the duck

  • +2

    Street Fighter (Kylie Minogue)

  • Lucy

    Actually - it was bad. Period.

    Surprised it has 67% on Rotten Tomatoes.

  • +2

    Flash Gordon. I struggle tind anyone that appreciates it as much as I do. It's an awesome film.

    • +1

      Great theme song though

  • +1

    Birdemic - IMDB rating 1.8
    According to Wikipedia's article of the director - "During and since its release, Birdemic has been frequently considered to be one of the worst films of all time"

    The movie is so absolutely shockingly terrible in every aspect you can only think of, that is simply way too funny, just check this short sample

    Interesting is the story behind that movie too - it was made by a guy who considered himself massive Hitchcock not only fan, but also successor. He made a movie thinking it's a serious quality horror, however when realised it's liked only because its so incredibly bad, switched his narrative.

    Anyway, my personal absolutely worst movie I've seen, so bad that is absolutely great to watch.

  • Killer bean forever ~
    Free on youtube.

  • Tom-Yum-Goong

  • +1

    Under Siege 2: Segal can't act to save his life, but he sure can fight! But I wasn't watching it for the acting.

    Terribly bad IT lines as well. Still is a favourite of mine since it came out in the 90's.

  • Dead and Breakfast
    Return of the Living Dead 1, 2 and 3
    Movie 43
    inAPPropriate comedy
    The Kentucky fried movie
    Grease 2
    Encino man
    No retreat, no surrender
    Beat Street
    Electric Boogaloo
    Evil bong
    Demolition man
    Jeepers Creepers 1 and 2

    • +1

      There is Jeepers creepers 3 too

      • Yeah but it just plain sucks.

  • Star Wars Holiday Special, its so bad…its, well you decide

  • +2

    Movie 43, it's rather funny.

  • +1
  • Street Fighter

    "For me it was Tuesday"

  • +1


  • +1


    How are we up to page 4 and this glorious masterpiece has not been mentioned yet?!? The worst cop, trained by masters in japan, but doesn't know ninjitsu nor japanese, takes on a lot of bad guys.


    Read the story about this film. Amazing how it came to be. Tae Kwon Do rock and roll band students take on Biker drug dealing ninjas.


    This movie requires no introduction.


    Not actually bad, it's awesome, pisstakes on many 80s movies.

  • The Room (by. the Tommy Wiseau)

  • Return of the Living Dead

  • +2


    • +1

      Never fear, I is here.

  • The wraith - Charlie sheen

  • +1

    Tucker and Dale vs Evil

  • Muscle Beach Party

  • Demolition Man is so a masterpiece.
    It’s unintentionally hilarious throughout.

  • Frankenfish. But prob need to be slightly high.

    • Be honest, being high makes most things bearable as long as it's not a mind f***

  • Con Air

    Put the bunny back in the bawx

    Make a move and the bunny gets it

    Why couldn't you put the bunny back in the bawx?

  • THIRTEEN was pretty good back in the day

  • I have to say, I feel like every single Netflix movie I see is the worst movie I ever saw. Every time I watch one I feel like I've never seen a movie quite so bad, but then I watch another Netflix movie and it's even worse. And even as the production value goes up, somehow the holistic quality of the movie goes down. Netflix is greenlighting too many talentless hacks. I guess it employs more people at least. But I couldn't imagine hosting a movie night for your typical Netflix movie. Even HBO made better movies than Netflix back before Netflix. So they are bad movies, but ethically they are good movies because it lets young filmmakers practice their craft and stay employed.

    • They must obviously make money

      • Well, it's Netflix so they don't actually make money the way other movies do via box office/rentals. People pay for the service and get access to them for free, so it's basically down to viewership numbers, and the bar to viewership of Netflix is less meaningful than viewership for theater releases

    • Which movies are you talking about? The only Netflix movie I watched recently was Enola Holmes. Thought the first half was good and then it was dirt

      • +1

        I liked that one just because it finally gave girls a Sherlock. It’s always been a boys thing and girls can be detectives these days.

        • A woman's mouth is not for the exiting of words

      • Yes very cute

  • +2

    Meet the Feebles
    Trailer here

    Fame-seeking members of the animal kingdom experience the sleazier side of show business in this puppet-filled parody.

    A parody of the Muppets and something (along with Bad Taste which made Peter Jackson big)

  • +3

    Kung Fu Hustle

    It's terrible and fantastic at the same time!

    • I remember this, laughed my arse off

      • +1

        Same here. Better than Shaolin Soccer.

  • +1
  • +1

    Snakes on a plane!

  • Fateful Findings.

  • +2

    I was going to say big trouble in little China but it has been posted.

    So I'll go

    They live!

  • White Chicks!

  • +1

    San Andreas

  • Battle of the Bulge.(1965 release )
    An all star cast :
    Telly Savalas
    Henry Fonda
    Charles Bronson
    Robert Shaw
    Robert Ryan

    To name a few..

    BUT the film was mostly historically inaccurate and criticised at the time heavily.

    It is a Sunday afternoon sort of film to watch though when nothing else is on.

  • Troll II, which is not a sequel to Troll.

    Despite the name, it features no trolls.

  • Gigli

  • Snakes on a Plane. Must be watched with people and slightly inebriated.

  • freddie got fingered

  • Snakes on a plane

    • that movie made me look out for snakes whenever I shit, open microwave or cupboard

  • Idiocracy, very apt right now.

    Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (old Fred Ward movie)

    Bill and Ted movies, so awesomely bad

    Drop Dead Fred


    Black Sheep (Kiwi horror movie, so bad)

    Meet the Feebles


    Fright Night (original, although the new one is not too bad)

    Night of the Creeps

    They Live

    Shaolin Soccer

    One-Armed Boxer, so awesomely bad.

    Plenty more but this is a good start

  • Over the top.

  • -1

    The Fifth Element!

    So bad, yet so awesome.

    • still better than 1917, I feel robbed, no fighting just 2 hours of time wasted.

    • Its weird, I wouldn't say bad, but I realise its not great on the merit of individual aspects but damn if the whole package ain't fun….. Plus blue singing alien FTW

  • If you haven't watch this, do it: Idiocracy

  • Weekend at Bernie's

  • Island of dr Monroe. I thought it was pretty awsome.

  • Manborg

  • The World's End, Grudge 2, Deliver us from Evil

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