• expired

Free PlayStation Camera Adapter to Connect PS VR to PS5 (PS VR Serial Number Required) @ Sony


Alternative link.

How to request your adaptor

Enter the serial code from your PlayStation®VR in the field below to see if you are eligible. You will then be prompted to provide your shipping address.

One adaptor per PlayStation VR only. Shipping address must be in a country where PS VR is licensed for sale.

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closed Comments

  • +15

    I'm going to have to scrape a deep layer of dust off my PSVR box to check the serial in order to do this.

    • +4

      Cable ties and sandwich bags are your friend.

  • Oh cool thanks

  • Requested…that was easy. Thanks again.

  • Here's hoping that I can now play my psvr without nausea.

    • +5

      I used to get so nauseas from the PSVR, ended up not playing any VR for years.
      Finally gave VR another go with the Oculus Quest, (profanity) me dead no more sickness, if they weren't FB I'd be telling everyone to buy one.

      • +1

        PSVRs biggest problem is the tiny resolution, you can see the black border around each pixel's LED. It's like staring through a screen door or wearing stockings over your head.

        • The resolution on Quest2 is amazing tbh, I can't believe XR2 can push out the rest & detail that frankly looks better than PSVR

          • @Jimbuscus: well it is tech that is at least 2 years older.. so no real surprise it has a higher resolution with a faster refresh rate.

      • +1

        I had the same experience as you. Couldn't play skyrim for more than like 30min on the psvr. On the quest I can play for hours and hours no problem.

        • Plus the Quest is extremely easy to install APK's

      • -1

        They burnt me with the go, im never buying an Oculus again. Waiting for a different companies wireless.

        • +1

          What was wrong with the Go? The performance of the Q2 with the XR2 is a massive leap over even the Q1, 2x+.
          Plus you can just get it cheap and pirate everything, it's Android.

    • This is the reason why I'm adding mine to the trading pile :(

    • I had a psvr and it made me so sick.

      The quest doesn't do that. Its cos of the full 360 locomotion and the higher resolution I rekon.

    • I'm one of those people who can't play FPS because after a minute I want to hurl. (Third person like The Division / Assassins Creed is fine.)

      Strangely, I have no such issues on PSVR. Even spinning around in space / flight sims - zero problems.

      I wonder what's wrong with my eyes / brain..

      • Is it motion blur related?

        • Dunno. It's been a thing since the original Doom back at uni. Quake was…OK? Everything else, nope

    • had a group of mates playing RE5, and found it was too slow without joystick control. so we changed to joystick turning and took turns before getting nauseas and passing onto the next player
      Assume this is because your moving using the joystick which contradicts what your eyes are seeing and the movement you expect, so messes with your equilibrium and making you nauseas
      otherwise that was the only time getting nauseas using VR

    • +1

      I had that problem initially until I figured out how to set my IPD (interpupillary distance) properly - the Sony instructions didn't work for me.

  • +8

    Thanks OP, done!
    Now I only need a PS5…

  • Thanks OP

  • +2

    How do I get the adaptor to connect my camera to the PS5 when I don't have the PSVR headset? I use the camera for the move controllers.

    • In Sony's messaging they said that only the PSVR will be compatible with the PS5. So I don't think they care about camera only users, especially because they have a new model that they want to sell.

      Maybe just hound them on social media and they will send you an adapter.

      • I sent Media Molecule and PlayStation a tweet but I doubt I'll get a response…

        • Am keen to see if they respond. I am in the same boat, have the camera but not PS VR. Wouldn't mind an adapter so I can potentially use it.

    • You don't need a headset, just a serial number ;)

    • Left behind

  • Thanks OP was wondering when this would happen

  • Brilliant thanks

  • Bah I didn't know this was a thing and I sold my PS VR and accessories. :(

    I hope this doesn't mean a further delay to PS VR 2.

    • +1

      You can't have a delay for something that hasn't ever been announced. I wouldn't expect a PSVR 2 until 2022 at the earliest.

  • Done, even though I probably won't be getting a PS5 for a few years.

  • +3

    I must be getting old, that serial is very small!

    • +2

      I take a photo with my phone, then zoom in on it. #gettingoldsux

  • thanks mate!

  • +1

    Just to add:

    When will you start shipping the PlayStation Camera adaptor?

    Timing will vary based on region.

    Japan: End of October.
    Americas: Mid-November.
    Europe, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand: Mid-November.
    Asia: Early December.

  • Note: They won't post to PO Box (so probably also parcel lockers)

    I screwed up and used my PO Box. Hopefully I can get it changed. However the site also states you cannot change your address after submitting the form. Welp.

  • +2

    getting ops something went wrong …

    • +1

      Hmm maybe try using the number 0 instead of the letter O. The serial number should start with either C, M, or P and then there's a string of numbers after that letter.

    • +1

      Same here and I am using 0 - asking me to call a +44 number

    • Yeah same here.

    • Same here :/

    • Same here, "oops something went wrong"

  • +2

    Now, i wonder if someone will write a diver so we can use this on PC, from my understanding, this converts the plug to a normal USB3 connector.

    • Yeeee

    • +1


      "Trinus PSVR lets you connect your Playstation VR headset to your Windows PC to access a large library of games"

      Never tried - but worth a go.

      • +2

        Doesn't work with the ps4 camera though which is one of the limiting factors.

      • also, there is iVRy in the steam store.

  • Done. Thanks OP

  • +1

    Kudos for Sony doing this, unlike Xbox where they made you pay $50 for the Kinect adaptor crooks!!

    • +3

      They provided free Kinect adapters to people that got a One S for quite a while following the One S release. I got mine for free. Think that offer ran for over a year based on what I’ve been able to see, around Aug 2016 to Nov 2017 by some reports.

  • Cool! Applied

    • Same here!

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Just need to wait for my PS5 to arrive at the end of 2021.

  • Shipping address must be in a country where PS VR is licensed for sale.

    Does that mean if I bought my PSVR in Aus, the shipping address must be Aussie?

    Or does it mean a country where PSVR is officially available for sale?

    • I’d say you have to redeem it in a market where PS VR is sold.

  • -1

    Can i borrow a PS5 and hook up my one to it for the freebie?

  • +2

    Make sure you keep an old ps4 controller too. You will need it for the old PSVR

  • +1

    Doesn't work.
    Oops! Something went wrong. Contact PlayStation Support by calling +44 844 736 0595
    Seriously I have to call UK?
    I bought everything from AUS

  • Oops! Something went wrong. Contact PlayStation Support by calling +44 844 736 0595

  • +6

    AU Link: https://camera-adaptor.support.playstation.com/en-au#to-the-…

    However getting Oops! Something went wrong. Contact PlayStation Support by calling 1300 13 7669

    • +1

      Thanks, the Aus link worked for me.
      "Thank you
      Your submission has been received. We will be in touch soon!"

  • Got this message with an Australian number;

    Oops! Something went wrong. Contact PlayStation Support by calling 1300 13 7669

    Called the number gave up after 30mins of being on hold.

  • Getting the something gone wrong too. Maybe they are out of stock already haha

  • I'm also getting the somethign went wrong link as well

  • Arg I am very close to buying a PlayStation Camera (V2) to enhance my streaming but might hold off now as it seems this only covers PSVR users :(

    • That's because they want you to buy one of their new cameras.

  • how much does one of these cost?

  • +2

    Got 'Oops! Something went wrong. Contact PlayStation Support by calling 1300 13 7669', spent 50 minutes on hold, spoke with to someone with a British accent who didn't know what I was talking about, wrote down my details and the serial code and put me on hold again, then said that they have no information on when the adapter is getting delivered (which i didn't even ask about) and too look on the blog? well that was useless.

    • Thank you for saving me the hassle!

  • at 31 mins waiting at the moment!

  • +3

    Contacted support, their response was:
    "Hi there, it is not fully working for AU or NZ currently as it has not release quite yet I would recommend trying again in a few hours"

  • They got my details and will escalate to someone to call me back or email

  • -1

    If I didnt know any better I’d say it was a phishing scam

    • How was it a phishing scam?

  • Mine one keep saying "Oops! Something went wrong. Contact PlayStation Support by calling 1300 13 7669" even I have changed the country to Australia.

    Bought it from sony.com.au

    Anyone know why, please??

    • Think everyone has same problem. Maybe just have to wait a bit and keep checking throughout the day

  • -4

    Just go on eBay and ask the seller for the serial code for “research purposes”

  • Still cactus for me, wonder if they just got cleaned out

  • +1

    As is everyone else - getting the error message and prompt to call 1300 number.

  • been trying all evening, no good

  • I've got two… from a V1 connected to my OG PS4 and a V2 on my PS4 Pro, the codes are correct, but being told to contact Sony. WTF?

    The V1 unit was exchanged by Sony themselves and the V2 was bought from The Gamesmen here in Australia so I don't know what the problem is.

    What's with this at the base of the page… * Model CUH-ZEY1 or CUH-ZEY2

    My V1 box shows CUH-ZVR1 as the model number, and likewise, V2 box shows CUH-ZVR2 as the model number. But, i'm using the Australian site and both headsets were purchased in Australia.

    edit: It didn't work in Firefox, or on my iPhone, by went through to the address stage and submitted using Edge and other one worked in Chrome using the Alternative Link provided here.

    • Model CUH-ZEY1 and CUH-ZEY2 are for the v1 and v2 cameras.

  • +1

    It seems to be working now—at least for me.

    • Maybe they fixed it now?

      Still waiting for email confirmations though. I'd feel a lot better having it writing that one is being posted out, rather than AstroBot saying Your submission has been received. We will be in touch soon!

      Has anyone received an email confirmation?

      Okay, just got the email confirmation- shipping mid Nov if approved.

      • Yeah, my confirmation came through.

    • And me too :D

      • me three : )

      • How long did it take for the confirmation email to arrive?

  • Works now. Thanks OP.

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