This is at a particular store and I can't be sure about other IGA stores:
614 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Victoria 3056
The cartons I got are best before 31/10/2020, but I'm certain they'll stay as best after the date. Previously that store ended their Bonsoy Almond sale sooner than claimed, keep that in mind.
Apart from that they have:
* Vitasoy Original, Calci-plus, Protein-plus soy milks are $3 ("save $0.51"), 24/11,
* Vitasoy Rice Milk is $1.99 ("save $1.02"), ends: 3/11,
* Vitasoy Oat Milk is $1.99 ("save $0.92" - those regular prices must be strange), ends: 3/11,
* Manildra Group Bakers Flour "Gem of the West" flour 5 kg is $6.99 - might be a regular price at that store, but still this is a great and surprisingly cheap flour.
It’s disgusting compared to their soy. No wonder it’s on clearance. Definitely needs to go back to the drawing board with that taste