• expired
  • targeted

$10/$30 Bonus (Min Spend $10/$30, Excluding Woolworths Gift Cards) @ Cashrewards


Just received this offer via email. Ends 31 October.

Terms and conditions
This promotion is open only to members that receive an invitation email directly from Cashrewards.
To be eligible for the AUD $10 bonus, you must first activate the promotion on this page, then shop as normal via any online or in-store merchant on Cashrewards, excluding Woolworths Gift Cards.
Transaction must be made between 12:30PM AEDT 27/10/20 and 11:59PM AEDT 31/10/20.
$10 bonus is eligible when making a qualifying purchase of AUD $10 or more in a single transaction (inclusive of GST, after discounts, and before shipping).
$10 bonus is ineligible when purchasing from any store or tier showing 0% cashback.
$10 bonus will not be added to your Cashrewards account at time of purchase. It will be credited separately as approved by 02/01/21.
$10 bonus is over and above the advertised store cashback rates which still apply to the transaction.
Transaction is valid if made online via desktop browser, Cashrewards mobile app, Cashrewards Notifier, or mobile browser.
Transaction is also valid if made in-store at participating stores via a linked Visa/Mastercard. Stores, locations, and terms here.
Sales may report to Cashrewards ex GST so the amount shown in your account may be less than $10. You will still be eligible for the bonus.
Selected stores report orders with multiple items as individual transactions into your Cashrewards account. These are still eligible.
$10 bonus is limited to one per qualifying Cashrewards account. Separate transactions from different stores do not qualify for additional bonuses.
$10 bonus is ineligible if an order is cancelled, changed, returned, rejected, if you purchase an ineligible product, or if you purchase from a 0% cashback store/tier (all standard store cashback terms and exclusions apply).
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other activation bonuses that may be current at this time.
Fraudulent activity will result in rewards being forfeited and accounts closed.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3743)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +1

    Targeted ?

    • +4

      "Sorry, you're not eligible for this offer."

      I would say yes :-(

  • Targeted?

  • Beat me to posting it, was about to click submit when you posted!

    Thanks DB!

    • +3

      Apologies mate.

      • Don't worry about it :)
        It's all good

        • +5

          Can't beat a bot

  • This promotion is open only to members that receive an invitation email directly from Cashrewards.

    Yes targeted.

    That being said, I got this email too so nice bonus from CR.

  • I'm guessing by ending up at a generic shop page after clicking the link, that I'm not targeted

    • +2

      I got the promo page even though I'm not targeted (i.e. activating gave me the not targeted notification)

      • Thanks, I'm getting the same now too :(

  • Was about to post… :p

  • +1

    I got $20 :p

    • Me too

  • Just FYI everyone, remember to check your junk inbox!

    I missed out on the $20 promo the last time because the email went into my junk inbox.

  • +8

    Sorry, you're not eligible for this offer. : (

    • +7

      always :(

    • same here. tried all of them. sucks.

  • Targeted

  • +1

    This is the 3rd time i got targeted in last 3 months. Two $20 and now this. The key to getting offers are just stay inactive in between and boom, you’re targeted

    • multiple accounts, hum?

      • Nope, i have 1 account only, no multiple accounts

        • Will try to stay put in between offers like you. Thanks :)

  • My colleague got offered $20 bonus on a $20 spend, so that's floating around too

    Edit: https://www.cashrewards.com.au/promo/cr1603800001

  • +10

    3 X Sorry, you're not eligible for this offer.

    • +2

      Triple bagel crew thread

  • +3


    • +11


      • I did not get $3, $10 and $20 from last 3 promotions yet from last 6 months.

        And again I am eligible for this $20 offer.

    • +1

      Yep, I didn't get my bonus $20 (the end of August)

  • Can this cashback be used on menulog?

    • yes but in a single transaction of $20 or more
      or $30 or more or $10 or more.

      • Yes, I've got a bonus of 10 so yeah, 10 or more, right?

        • yes

  • +11

    I guess this is a good reason to abandon Cashrewards for a while, maybe I'll get one of these targeted deals then.. .

  • I got 30, it's that also works on apple store?

    • check cashreward website, if they are giving any soft of cashback percentage then you will be eligible for apple store if they have that store listed on their website.

      • IMPORTANT - These products & services are ineligible for cashback until further notice: iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, HomePod Mini, MagSafe chargers, Apple Watch Series 6, Apple Watch SE, 8th generation iPad, all-new iPad Air, 27-inch iMac, Mac Pro (console), Pro Display XDR, Bose products, Gift Cards, Gift Wrap, iTunes, Shipping, Apple Developer Programs, AppleCare products purchased individually or after the applicable product has been shipped. (Exclusions updated 14/10/20).
        Is that mean I can't order an iPhone 12 case online?

  • +4

    Never been targeted. I guess I used Cashrewards too much

    • +1

      Yeah same

      • +1

        Likewise. 😂

  • $30 bonus!! Yes

  • I have two accounts with cashrewards, I received $10 on one and $30 on the other.

    Can I use both offers with the two different accounts??

    • +3

      Umm I guess but if they find out one person has two accounts they might block both…

  • It needs to have the invitation letter before you claim it.

  • +4

    i need to stop using cash rewards to get this type of deals…. !

    • need to stop using cash rewards to get this type of deals

      Do we trust the alternative with our data?

      • data breach happened with Microsoft as well and we never stopped using them. it even happened with the banks but did we stop using them ? this type of deals are encouraging people to have more dummy accounts or stop using them for sometime !

  • +9

    Looks like I need to give Cashrewards less of my business.

  • +4

    Obviously need to use ShopBack more to get these offers

    • +1

      I really should go sign up with them.

      • +1

        It's good to have both, as they have different rates & specials. But after ShopBack's recent data breach, I would suggest: Don't give them your DOB (it's not required), your gender (not required), your bank account details (use PayPal instead for cash outs), use a gmail address (or anything else with first rate spam filtering), and potentially use a psydonym or nickname rather than your real name. Ideally, you wouldn't give your real mobile number, but it's very hard to do that when I think they sometimes send a mobile OTP to confirm cash out requests. If you do all the above, it's going to be really hard for someone to scam you, if you're already suspicious of unsolicited emails and phone calls (as we all have to be now).

  • +2

    Got the email for $30. Bought slab of Furphy ale from BWS and claimed $10 cashback for the current promo they have "Get $10 Cash Back On Footy Favourites".

    Comes down to $9 a slab after cashback.

    • +1

      Plus you would have got 2% cashback, around 50c, another around 50 WW points, 25c and if you were lucky enough to have top up 2000 points offer around $3 to $4.

      So, possibly $4 for the slab.

      • Real Ozbargainer!

  • Bummer, didn't get anything. And I want to buy something too.

  • Thanks, wife got the offer. Stacked $10 here with 50% cash back @ Book Depository. Product + profit :)

  • +2

    I buy and use Cashrewards too much apparently, bummer

  • Just to clarify - does this stack with the current % offer.

    E.g. Footlocker has 20% off - will you get 20% with $30 in addition?

  • Can I use this offer with pizza huts bogo? Or will it be termed as a coupon

  • Almost never use cashrewards, got the $30 offer… Time to use it!

  • I got the $30!!!
    If anyone wants a guideline, I had $0.00 account balance and didn't make a single purchase through Cashrewards for a bit more than 3 months.

    • +3

      Thanks. Time to set up multiple CR accounts.

      • +1

        Or buy less? This coronapanic season made me realise how much junk I have, so now I don't buy stuff just because it's cheap, I don't buy it because I really don't need it!

  • not eligible for any of these, buying too much recently?

  • Got the $30 doing a whole screen record so I don't get screwed over like last time.

  • +1

    Clearly this is for those who hardly use CashRewards. Time to move to ShopBack.

  • +1

    I didn’t get the $20 bonus from the last promotion. I’m not risking it again!

    • When was the last time?

      • 31st August. Was tracked and approved but no bonus.

        EDIT - got a reply from cash rewards saying it will be paid in 3 days as per the terms of conditions.

  • +2

    I got none, and rarely use cashrewards anymore, used it 3 times in September but prior to that was June

    To be honest I really dislike when companies do this and basically reward people that don't use their services over the people that actually do use their services

    • +1

      Same here. Generally default to Shopback….no offers here :(

  • Got the $30. Getting my new Note 20 Ultra tomorrow. Help me find a case?

  • Amazon have 4% on electronics.

  • Thanks Op.

  • cashrewards login page is 'not found'?? anyone having this error?

  • EDIT: NVM email link worked for $10

  • Can i confirm this applies to any participating store as long as its not a 0% cashback site yeah? ie. valid at Ebay? Got one for the first time so keen to take advantage of it.

    • +1

      Yeah should be fine.

  • Can this be combined be $20 Rebel offer - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/570906? I have received $20 in my Rebel and I am able to apply it in checkout. Do you think this should be fine?

  • +1

    This will show up quite nicely in the first quarterly report on the ASX - look we got more sales!!, don't worry about those acquisition costs!!!

  • I want to buy this 256GB microSD card from Amazon.
    Would it fall under "Personal Computing" category (0.00% cashback) or "Electronics" (4.00%) category?
    I just don't want to miss the $30 bonus!

  • Anyone purchase on Ebay and have it track?

    Bought some toys from Big W store on Ebay but nothing has tracked yet

  • Got email for $10. What to buy?

  • Hmm looks like nothing for me.

  • Does anybody know if this bonus cashback will go through if the item is in my baby wish list and eligible for the 15% completion discount?

  • Can this stack with Catch.com.au 20% Cashback Sitewide?





    NEITHER I GOT $10 NOT 10%

    Hi Avi

    Thanks for getting back and for letting me know this information. I hope you are having a nice morning.

    I understand that you can now see that the Beauty and Electronics category is currently at 4% and 6% cashback, however, the backend data shows that it was at 0% cashback from 01/10/2020 to 17/10/2020 and 01/08/2020 to 17/10/2020.

    Please be advised that store terms do change from time to time so I kindly suggest that you check on this to ensure eligibility of your cashback prior to purchase.

    I regret that I am unable to assist you further on this occasion. Please don't hesitate to contact us back should you have additional questions about this transaction, we are always more than happy to help when we can.

    Thanks so much for your understanding.


    Member Services Team


    Cashrewards Pty Limited

    • +4

      No need to shout at us. You do know that writing in capital letters on the internet is considered shouting?

    • +1

      The information you were given is spot on - Beauty category was 0%. See my comment here re Prime Day rates, with evidence through OzB posts. Thanks.

      • Hi TA, for these targeted offer, $10, $20 or $30, does purchase at Chemist Wsrehouse eligible? Chemist Warehouse has upsized cashback today. Do they stackable? Or can we understand that as long as cashback is 0% then it is eligible purchase?

        • Please read the terms that came with your offer. 0% stores and rates are ineligible. Chemist Warehouse is fine provided you don’t use coupons or buy ineligible products.

          • @tightarse: Sure, Thank you! Will read the terms and conditions. Won't use any coupons. But not sure what are ineligible products at Chemist Warehouse.

          • @tightarse: Can't seem to find Bunnings Warehouse. So no cashback. Am I missing anything?

          • @tightarse: Can you give me some examples of ineligible products st Chemist Warehouse? Really appreciate it.

            • @apple0604:

              Cashback is ineligible on any prescription purchases.

              Cashback is ineligible when using codes not listed on Cashrewards.

              Cashback is ineligible on purchase or redemption of gift cards.

              Cashback is ineligible on purchases via the Chemist Warehouse app.

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