Physical book
About Donald trump and the white house
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The Woman Left behind - Physical-Book by Linda Howard $3.97 @Amazon Plus Delivery (Free with Prime) Expired
Physical book
About Donald trump and the white house
Free shipping with prime
The Woman Left behind - Physical-Book by Linda Howard $3.97 @Amazon Plus Delivery (Free with Prime) Expired
It's actually a good price if interested in title (paperback is $3.81 down from $29.18)
paperback is $3.81 down from $29.18
I wonder why ?
Probably not selling that well
@try2bhelpful: news created and owned by those pushing their agendas against him? no i'm not for trump, but the news is clearly biased and one sided.
@beebs23327: At least he's got Fox in his corner, Rupert Murdoch owns every single newspaper in my state.
@beebs23327: “Pushing their agenda against him”. The news doesn’t need to be pushing an agenda against him all they have to do is fact check him. Do you think the facts are “left biased”. He gets a free ride from great sections of the American media. Pointing out his tweets, what he says about foreign leaders, what business deal he has made, his comments he has made, etc is not showing bias. The media doesn’t need to show bias they just need to show Trump saying, and doing, what Trump does.
@try2bhelpful: you dont have to like the guy, it's not a popularity have to consider what the government has done and will do. and in saying that, its the usa who is voting, not us. i admit, he's a character and can come across as an idiot but he's an astute business man who took the american economy to new heights. as for the blm, that is a political tool used by the left and happened the same time for the last election. He is the only one wanting to step in and stop the riots (not the protests). and before you whinge he is only abusing his power by stepping in, look at what is going on with Victoria and the lefist state gov.
@beebs23327: and yeah… "their agenda" even sasha baren cohen in borat is pushing his agenda and even voiced it that he is trying to influence the election. funny how people jump on some ads in fb and say the russians influenced it, but say nothing when someone blatantly comes out and says they are trying to influence the election.
@beebs23327: I wouldn't say suggesting things like he's a useless and racist president is biased, just true.
Fox News etc got him elected last time so its not like he hasn't benefitted from such things.
‘Going out of business’ sale?
It's probably printed in CHEYE-NA
Not currently due to the Chinavirus.
His 'make America great again' merchandise is/was.
Physical book by popular author Linda Howard
Cheaper than other places
Combine your posts…
Another never trumper book
Too expensive for BS
Got this from a uni book sale for $1. Like everything Trump no one cares after the previous episode. These kinds of books are just short term cash in's for the authors. Be an "insider" and write your ticket to best seller retirement…
But leftist don't buy books, only burn them.
You, really, might need to have a look at the history of people who ban, and burn, books. It doesn’t tend to be the leftists.
You mean socialists vs communists, which are on the left. Anyway, I'm not going to political then this.
@zCrimson: “But leftist don't buy books, only burn them” and you say you aren’t going to politicise this? Seriously?
My suggestion is you do a bit of investigation into the history of book burning. I think you will find the “leftists” are very late to the table. You also might want to look at which section in Western society is doing the banning, and burning, of books. I’m not “politicising” I’m just pointing out the truth. You might, also, have a good look at who is buying, and reading, the majority of books.
@try2bhelpful: I doubt the book is worth reading, its comforting to know that they basically have to give it away because it didn't sell
Perhaps zCrimson should have said leftists arrest authors/journalists/people who don't tow the party line and send them (and sometimes their families) to labour camps where they live very harsh and short lives.
You're right of course, the nazis were book burners, the communists make sure the books are never published in the first place. Both are evil.
Given what happened in the USSR, Cambodia, China, North Korea, etc and the millions of deaths and suffering in each of those countries, I hardly think the left can take the moral high ground here. Funnily enough, those deaths are never mentioned.
@usernameinvalid: I stand by my “doesn’t tend to be”. Book burning didn’t start with the Nazis, you can go all the way back through history. The sacking of the library at Alexandria was horrific. At times through history in a lot of the “religious” countries, including England, you could be executed for owning the wrong texts. As I’ve indicated in Western countries the banning, and burning, tends to be the right rather than the left. Have a look at the religious “right” in America. I’m not seeing many “leftists” in western countries calling for the banning, or burning, of books. The problem with most Governments is the people in charge, generally, are more interested in enriching themselves rather than their people. Frankly, based on this I would have a great deal of trouble identifying the “communist governments” as truly leftist. They used their interpretation of the ideology to ensure they enriched themselves. That is hardly the concept of “leftist” equality.
@zCrimson: "You mean socialists vs communists, which are on the left. Anyway, I'm not going to political then this."
Translation: "I want to get political, but I don't have the knowledge or intellect to back this up so please stop."
@Woolyjumbuck: Burning a little kid's bum for fun is a serious offence but you may get away with it, as usual, because it is internet.
you need to look into into. the whole "book burning" you are referring to was one night of burning all communist and bolshevik books. It's not what has been said by the communist and bolshevik revolutionists who wrote the history books. you haven't heard the saying "the victor writes the history books" quoted by churchill? they could write whatever they wanted because they won.
@beebs23327: Book burning i.e. an analogy to controlling ideas/thoughts and information and which the digital media is hell bent on these days. And to others there is no point in arguing a political point online as this will change the world not one bit, and I hardly think this site is the right forum for arguing about subjects like this.
@zCrimson: facebook, instagram, twitter and mostly every other media doing by banning any talk on the subjects they choose? in effect they are burning any subjects ("books") they choose to…just as you're referring to.
@beebs23327: Happened several different times and the books burned covered a wide variety of topics. You're a liar.
@ademiix: officially it was 1 night. btw it wasnt a book burning of culture and education like we are taught. why would the national socialists burn books on education and culture, when that is in fact what they were looking to promote? read up on it, if you're not too scared that reading it will change your mind.
@beebs23327: Ah yes, notable communist Winston Churchill along with his friends The Bolshevik United States of America were the victors of WW2 weren't they.
Im surprised the bogans that admire trump can read lol
Seems like they can't punctuate either.
I don’t think that book was intended for bogans that admire trump. That book was intended for ignorant people that call trump supporters bogans. Mere gossip to perpetuate their uneducated beliefs about a man who just happened to be nominated for a Nobel peace prize.
you know literally adolf hitler and putin were also nominated for nobel peace prizes right? classic trump supporter
It's incredibly easy to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize with no real formal process or actual requirements for nomination.
Being nominated for something (even a Nobel Peace Prize) isn't an achievement.
The Nobel committee doesn't release the names of those nominated and won't for another 50 years. (Although he probably was, still you have no proof…)
If for some reason you admire trump then good for you, but using being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize as some kind of ace card doesn't really make much sense.
Okay, a nomination is not achievement but was what he was nominated for an achievement?
@Autonomic: Actually, the nominations appear to have been for:
But you're right, far better to have a go at the man for a handful of silly statements!
@usernameinvalid: I don't understand why people have to neg you for that. I don't even like Trump, but your point is entirely valid.
@CocaKoala: Thanks mate - I always strive to be valid! (-; I think the reason they neg me is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Basically they'll attack anyone and anything that isn't hard-left, they're not interested in facts
@usernameinvalid: It was a joke. I don't understand why people downplay these things as "silly statements". It just shows how profoundly out of touch the president is and how incredibly poorly he understands the virus.
Not only that but it's pretty much SOP for him to say something incredibly dumb.
a man who just happened to be nominated for a Nobel peace prize.
That's not an achievement of any sort. Joseph Stalin was 'nominated' for the same exact award as well.
Trump is orsom
This is for people with TDS.
But no need to buy this because he already lives rent free in your brains.
Name calling and personal attacks - the refuge of people who can't win a debate using logic, reason and facts.
Good bargain, thanks OP.
Make American Graves Again.
so you are inciting violence and death? typical leftist antifa attitude.
Trump's incompetence and lies resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths.
Same with the right wing conservative UK government.
@arcticmonkey: What do you call what happened in Victoria? Is that a conservative government. Or is that all at the foot of ScoMo
@Dontdoit: What happened in Victoria could have happened anywhere. The difference is how government has responded and the results could not have been more different between UK, USA and Victoria.
Left-wing believes healthy nation leads to successful economy (human life is priceless). Right-wing believes successful economy leads to healthy nation (the cure cannot be worse than disease).
The economy of Victoria is ruined but the state is healthy. The US/UK economy is in good shape but the population is sick. Let's see how this all pans out in a few months. If the economy of Victoria recovers, then we will have to concede left-wing approach was correct. And if it doesn't recover, then we will have to concede right-wing approach was correct.
I think having strong opinions now when so much about the future is still unknown is very close-minded. I think it's great we have countries trying different things across entire political spectrum. This will make humanity more resilient to future pandemics.
@lubos: america is bankrupt , so is england which is why children are starving.
the facts that the banks don't foreclose on america is because they dare not, England will be a different story because it has nothing but drugs to boost its gdp….
@lubos: I disagree - Dan Andrews hired under trained security guards to control hotel quarantine. He would have done better by using trained police or army personnel as was done in NSW. Andrews completely lost control of the situation due to incompetence and it cost a lot of people their lives. His economy will eventually recover, but many of those lives were lost needlessly.
NSW has, so far, done a much better job than VIC, in spite of taking in far more people from overseas than VIC, QLD or WA. Vic accounts for 817 deaths out of an Australia wide total of 905 - NSW has had 55 deaths. Source:
@usernameinvalid: Dan Andrews didn't personally hire them. The government hired a security company, the security company hired untrained muppets.
Additionally, it's a bureaucracy. Health minister is the one who bears the most responsibility.
The real problem here is the tendency for governments to outsource everything. eg. outsourcing the handling of refugees to SERCO or the confinement of infectious people to security people.
The alternative would be stationing police or the army there. Or hiring more government workers and people don't like "big government".
Businesses lie about how good they are, what they can do, and how they do it. If they take the money from the government and do a horrible job of it, they blame the government.
@usernameinvalid: You'll find that most jurisdictions are using private security for most of the manpower in hotel quarantine, although with differing levels of police and ADF oversight. Clearly Victoria could have done with more oversight. However, why were the states even tasked with quarantine? That's firmly a Federal Government constitutional responsibility.
Most of those Victorian deaths are in private aged care, another Federal responsibility. Why after Newmarch House the Federal Government didn't have a specific Covid response plan for outbreaks in aged care is beyond me.
@twjr: Agreed.
The states were tasked with leading hotel quarantine as the lazy political Muppet Scumo wouldn't know what leadership is.
Look at what he did in Hawaii during the bushfires and the rubbish he is posting on Facebook naming chickens after female politicians.
Look at how the liberals handled aged care which is where most deaths came from.
Scumo is not a leader, he's just a Liberal.
@usernameinvalid: sure, and now andrews got it under control while the US just celebrated their 2 highest new daily case count
@usernameinvalid: the cruise ship that disappeared from nsw history….thought a lot of those that disembarked spread it to other states…. and people died elsewhere…
@Dontdoit: It is a Pandemic and we don’t have a National Covid response, and still don’t. Victoria screwed up but not having a National response certainly facilitated that. Now we have a bunch of States fighting with each other. This does sound a tad familiar.
@try2bhelpful: Stirred up by scummo, champion of effluence.
Even the pigs are getting restless because the trough has no places left
@try2bhelpful: Victoria really screwed up. The states have control over health and most other things as well.
Remember we were a group of independent states that were federated in 1901, most of the power still remains with the individual states. Dan Andrews has to request help in fighting the virus (and fires). The PM can't just walk in and take charge, anymore than fly to mars Could he have done more, perhaps, but the blame lies squarely with Dan Andrews.
The states have been fighting for well over a century, this will continue for as long as the states have most of the political power, regardless of who is PM.
@usernameinvalid: This is a Pandemic situation. Business as usual should not have been the way forward. He didn’t need to “take over” to create a committee to provide overall management and oversight; someone to review plans. All we ever hear from Morrison is he “needs more time” to do anything. Yes, the states have been at loggerheads, for a while, but a real leader brings people together in an emergency situation. This is, especially, true of quarantine when infected people are being brought across the Australian border. Common sense is you work with the States to add an extra pair of eyes and a review of what they are doing; the Stakes are too high to do anything else. We aren’t out of this yet, any of the other States might have lapses, especially as infected people continue to be moved across the Australian border.
@arcticmonkey: Britain has a government called conservative but conservative and right-wing it ain't!
No I’m pointing out what MAGA actually stands for. Typical “triggered” right response. (Thought I would get in before someone says the “typical triggered left” response.
Shouldn't he be running on a different platform at this point? He's had 4 years to make America great again and by all measures he's made it far far worse.
Strongest economy in history, lowest unemployment, first President in decades not to start a new war. Not sure how you measure 'worse' but they all seem like improvements to me,
The pandemic threw spanner in the works, but that happened everywhere. If you stop watching/reading the media lies, Trump is doing a decent job.
Wait until he is no longer in office, and people don't have to fear retribution for speaking out about what he's done.
@cashews: What has he done, said something to offend you? Plenty of people cry on twitter without any fear.
Did all those wins 1st amendment posted just swoosh through your ears?
@1st-amendment No point mentioning that to snowflakes, it doesn't register in their brains. All they can think about is his potty mouth and apparent racist remarks (without being able to cite any). They don't care about the fact he hasn't bombed and destroyed another country. I'm sure if Biden was elected they'd choose to remain quiet when he decides to drop bombs, all good, he's well spoken!
He's been the best president they've had since probably JFK.
But if you want to determine presidential quality on the basis of elegance (not actual governing) then he's the worst.
I'm glad to see more positivity towards Trump these days.
225k+ people dead from COVID, 500+ migrant kids effectively orphaned, tells white supremacists to "stand by", paid $750 in taxes over 2 years, fights tooth and nail to hide his tax returns, uses his platform as president to sell beans.
And that's just from the last few months.
@Autonomic: You think a Democrat like Biden would've convinced or forced crazy freedom loving Americans to stay in doors and wear masks?
Do you think all billionaires pay their full tax bill? Warren buffet openly admits to paying as little as possible. I'm sure you do the same. Everyone wants to nail him, if the IRS haven't it's probably because he's done it within the law.
I don't think any other president could've handled covid better. It's an issue their due to their culture of not wanting to obey.
As for all the other things, means little to me compared to bombed civilians and destroyed countries. Also, as an Aussie I'd rather someone who won't draw us into another war.
@BankstownMoeyDW: Trump downplayed the virus at every turn. He literally admitted to downplaying it intentionally. He asked for less testing, turned mask wearing into a political choice, dismantled his own covid council when the virus was just taking hold, denied aid to states that were testing too much, attacks his own medical expert (Fauci) and repeatedly said that the virus will just "disappear". They hit a new peak case load yesterday. Virtually every pandemic expert lays the blame directly at the trump administrations feet.
You say you're more worried about war, but more people have died from their lack of a pandemic response then their last 5 wars combined.
Trump is currently defending a court case of tax fraud. It's obvious he's hiding something by not releasing his tax returns.
@Autonomic: But do you think another president could've convinced or forced Americans to isolate, wear masks and social distance?
Have you forgotten about lives outside the west? The total deaths from the last 5 American wars is well over a million.
Also the mess of Isis and Europe. That can be blamed on Obama.
Oh well, the last few presidents spoke eloquently and didn't offend us snowflakes. Presidents can send troops to death, doesn't bother me like his potty mouth or tax bill.
He can hide has tax record for all I care. That's not gonna get us all dragged into war.
@BankstownMoeyDW: There's no question a competent president would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Trump couldn't even protect himself.
I'm purely comparing US deaths to US deaths.
You can keep framing this as sensitive snowflakes vs a potty mouth president but you're just burying your head in the sand. Ironically Trump is by far the most sensitive president there is.
@Autonomic: And how would they have done it, the Dan Andrews's approach? Do you think what worked in other countries would easily copy paste to American culture?
US deaths vs US deaths, what an easy cop out. Covid wasn't a choice for Trump, like the previous wars were for other presidents.
Hundreds of thousands would've died in the US regardless since a vast amount of people there don't give a crap about masks and lock downs.
Feel free to support brain dead Biden and the wars that'll follow.
@BankstownMoeyDW: I've just detailed (some of) the ways the Trump failed in his COVID response. They were all choices.
@Autonomic: Trump closed the borders from China within weeks and was called xenophobic. Tired of everything single issue being Trumps fault or the countless accusations made against him that have been proved false. You need to stop riding the leftist media’s dick and look at it from both sides of the coin. People don’t even need to like Trumps policies, however you can’t deny he hasn’t done a decent job.
@Diimsim: Obviously your idea of a decent job differs somewhat from reality. You might, also, look up what “closing the Chinese border” actually meant it was as leaky as a colander. Frankly, one of the worst mistakes of the administration did, was pulling Americans back from around the world, letting them mingle at American hubs, and then dispersing them around the country. It was around, this time, that the infection rate took off like a scolded cat.
@Diimsim: It's quite clear it was done purely to score some political points against China. The proof is in the pudding - he's done sweet FA otherwise to combat the virus.
@BankstownMoeyDW: mate - trump is reinvigorating isis, so are we, its part of the economic war on china.
225k+ people dead from COVID,
Compared to what?
500+ migrant kids effectively orphaned
Another media lie. Look it up. Most of those kids were abandoned by their parents. And that was a result of Obama policies which Trump has since changed. But Obama is Jesus, and Trump can never do good right? Let's ignore that Obama also ordered drone strikes on American citizens. But he speaks well so we'll let all that slide…
tells white supremacists to "stand by"
Proud Boys, run by a half-black/half-Hispanic man are white supremacists. You are so gullible.
paid $750 in taxes over 2 years
How much should he have paid? Bear in mind that he has no income since he is donating his entire presidential salary and divested his business interests once taking office. How much income tax should a man who has no income pay? How much tax did he pay previously that offsets these amounts Do you understand tax law?
fights tooth and nail to hide his tax returns,
IRS has them and has the power to enforce them. Or do you prefer trial by media?
uses his platform as president to sell beans.
You mean a private business run by an immigrant American endorsed Trump, and Lefty's brains exploded because derp Orange Man racist?
If that's as bad as you could come up with, then he's clearly not that bad after all…
Compared to what?
Compared to whatever you want. It's a massive failure no matter which way you slice it.
Another media lie. Look it up. Most of those kids were abandoned by their parents. And that was a result of Obama policies which Trump has since changed. But Obama is Jesus, and Trump can never do good right? Let's ignore that Obama also ordered drone strikes on American citizens. But he speaks well so we'll let all that slide…
They couldn't find their parents. They weren't abandoned. How could you even know that if you couldn't find them in the first place? Also, if it was Obamas policies, where are the hundreds of orphaned kids from his terms? Oh right, there aren't any.
How much should he have paid? Bear in mind that he has no income since he is donating his entire presidential salary and divested his business interests once taking office.
How much of the taxpayers money did he spend on golfing? $140m, last I checked. How much flows back into his bank account from everyone staying at his hotels to curry favor? $10m? Also he has in no way divested his business interests. Now that's some fake news. Lol.
Compared to whatever you want.
Compared to the medical experts who said 2 million dead it's a success.
They couldn't find their parents.
So let me get your logic. Somewhere there are parents who don't know where their children are? And somehow these children tried to illegally enter the US either by themselves or with strangers that the parents don't know? And the parents of the missing children haven't thought 'hey there's some abandoned children at the US border I should check if they're my missing children'?
Please explain how you think this situation happened other than wilfully by the parents?
How much of the taxpayers money did he spend on golfing?
Oh see you avoided the question. Standard stuff…
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