As per title. These so-called bargains, generally for various pieces of MIC junk, are turning OzB from a really great site, into something entirely different. It's just rubbish post after rubbish post. I don't doubt that the posts are useful to some people, but I am suspicious of just where the positive up votes are originating from, general members, or all from one country in particular?
I'm not even sure how to fix the problem… Perhaps only one post from any rep per week?
Mertitline stuff is no different to the thousands of low unit price junk vendors on eBay. OzBargain used to be so much better than this.
Sorry about the rant. Your thoughts?
Some things are cheaper than DX/FP other bulk chinese sites. A lot of the times its useless stuff but there are bound to be a few gems somewhere/sometime. IIRC the cree flashlight/laser deal was pretty good and cree is supposedly one of the best manufacturers in the Industry