What Will Happen to JobSeeker if I Get a Part-Time Job?

Hi all,

It is my very first post here, as I do really need some help with the JobSeeker calculations.

I have been receiving JobSeeker since April due to unemployment. Recently my previous employer has reached out to me and offered me a part-time position, which I am more than happy to accept it (my health condition is not 100%, not from covid though).

Now that I am worrying about the JobSeeker I am receiving, because I will be working about 20 hours per week, and the fortnight income will be around $1200(just a guess, we haven’t generate contract just yet).

I did a lot of researches just then, the ‘Payment reduces to zero once your income reaches $1,257.50 per fortnight’; The income free area for JobSeeker Payment is $300 per fortnight. ‘If you earn above $300 per fortnight, your payment reduces by 60 cents for each dollar over this amount’; ‘Your maximum payment rate each fortnight includes JobSeeker Payment and the Coronavirus Supplement. You’ll get the supplement at a rate of $250 a fortnight until 31 December 2020. As long as you get $1 of Jobseeker Payment, we’ll pay this with your normal payment’. All sourced from ServicesAustralia page.

My understanding is, after working on the part-time role, I could still get the $250 Coronavirus Supplement since my income will be lower than $1257.50. Is anyone here working part-time and getting the JobSeeker could explain if I understand it correctly?

In addition, does anyone know about JobMaker? My employer mentioned they will need it to rehire me, I asked my employment consultant, but she doesn’t know about it ☹.

Much appreciated, Cheers.


  • My understanding is previous employees were excluded from JobMaker.

    • Oh I did not know that!

      However, he is going to hire me with another firm that he has which I think will be okay…

      • +3

        Sounds legit

    • Job maker is only
      $200 per week for each eligible employee aged 16 to 29.
      $100 per week for each eligible employee aged 30 to 35.

      • Yes, I'm at the first range

  • +3

    Regarding JobSeeker, if you keep your income under the $1,257.50 threshold, you will still be eligible for a small JobSeeker payment. As you are eligible for this payment, you will receive the Coronavirus Supplement at full whack until the end of the year as you have outlined.

    • +1

      That's great! I am less worried now :D

  • Coronavirus supplement has already been reduced from 550 to 250

    • I aware of that, but it still helps

  • +3

    Congrats you got a job! Hope you get full time!

    • +1

      Thanks, very kind of you :D

      I hope so, I actually resigned end of last year because I was really sick at the time, took me a year to recover

      • +2

        One step at a time! In a way the lockdown has been good to slow down, look at your bearings and do what you need to do without being left behind or lost.

        Hope you're in a better space and onwards to better things…slowly!

        • <3 Cheers to your kindness!

          • +1

            @babylu66: Congrats.

            My 19yo got a part time job last week and started getting casual shifts at her old job as well. She's been out of work since March. The same place hired 2 of her friends as well.

            My BIL got a new job today. He's been out of work since July.

            Hopefully the economy is on the improve.

            • @brad1-8tsi: Great news! I think the economy is catching up. Though my employer told me they've never been slowed down during the pandemic.

  • +1

    I get paid $1200 net per fortnight. (Jobkeeper)
    I declare $1200
    I get paid $427 jobseeker which includes the $250 supplement.

    • That's sweet!

      Though I don't think I'm eligible for JobKeeper

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