There seems to be alot of confusion around the term "data scientist" and it's impossible to find the best course which might lead me into this profession.
Currently I'm a Year 12 student completing the last bit of the year and attempting to get into either Radiology or Data Science, but I have a preference for Data Science at the moment since I love spreadsheets and statistics. There seems to be a lot of courses around, all promising the same thing.
I'm looking into getting into either finance or medical research labs, whichever has more demand.
What would be the best option for me to get my head into Data Science as a career?
Many thanks
Universities will have a student handbook e.g. search for usyd 2021 student handbook which will show the finer details about every subject in the degree.
Cross reference that list with the job ads for data scienctist graduate programs and what they list as a requirement now to help you decide.
Usually quite a few degrees that are quite close can all be accepted e.g. For a mechanical engineering job they may accept those who have done mech eng, aero or naval since they overlap quite a fair bit, just depends on what the employer wants.
There are also faculty offices and dedicated 1st year offices that offer exactly this type of advice.