Just spotted that the New York Times has halved its regular deal and is offering a $1/week subscription for 24 hours. I personally think their journalism is world class and this is a great deal.
New York Times Basic Digital Subscription $1/Week (Up to a Year) @ New York Times

Last edited 16/10/2020 - 17:05 by 2 other users
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This is slightly more expensive, but it has a lower upfront commitment.
New York Post, anyone?
Why? Who wouldn't want to pay $1 a week for this to be lied to? LOL.
You're not paying for fox news sooo I don't know what you're implying.
I'd buy that for a dollar.
Agree it’s worth paying but I’ve been on this deal for over a year now…
Keep visiting the NYT website, and you'll see this deal popup every 2nd or 3rd day; sometimes even better.
personally think their journalism is world class
It's a trash publication used to manufacture consent for the agendas of billionaires. How anyone could read this garbage after their role in the Iraq debacle is beyond me.
^^^ There always has to be one
You think only one person know its trash?
their role in the Iraq debacle
most likely referring to this article: https://theintercept.com/2018/01/03/my-life-as-a-new-york-ti…
You're entitled to your slightly odd opinion, but it has no relevance to whether or not this is a deal.
Chomsky reads it religiously.
Lol. So which papers are good then?
Larouche exponent** with world overview perspectives and how Australia fits into that puzzle.
Also, you can cross reference with other independent sources to get a coherent picture.
** large scale projects, that lift physical production for human needs, funded by a National Bank, etc.
Heil Larouche.
We live in strange times when I can't always tell whether a comment is from a foaming leftie or a foaming rightie.
Digital or do they actually send you one each week?
Digital only.
Great post, Cheers!
What do you do with a digital subscription for the NYT, given the paper version is only of use for lining animal cages?
Thanks OP. Have to support credible balanced fact based information sources.
Let me know when you find one.
Not worth it, still too high
Okay, Donald
If i started reading NYT news after following their podast Caliphate. about the ISIS which was really good investigative journalism.
Most of these news involves people going around looking and asking, gathering information. Not arm chair opinion disguised as news, with clickbaity headlines. not re-headlining other news.
yes, they do have a bias. They also call bullshit on anyone. not just people they favour.
The daily is a podcast very worth listening to. The only problem is no sunday episodes, so technically the name "The Daily" is fake
P.S. I am too poor to afford this even if it is only $52. tempting though. If they did more aust journalism, i would
I'd say a huge bias. The problem with a 'news' source with a huge bias is, you never know when they are, or are not, lying to readers to propagate their agenda. It's tiring trying to figure out when they're lying so eyeballs and wallets leave. The sooner hacks like these go bust the better.
You need to explain how they’re biased and what agenda they have. The media industry has its problems but the NYT starts with the premise of curiosity and getting the real story. You can’t just say “oh they are biased and being biased is bad”. What bias? When? In what way? What are their incentives to be biased? Simply publishing anti-Trump or anti-Hilary stories isn’t bias. Doing it all the time isn’t even.
What agenda? Why, what are the business incentives to drive an agenda?
There’s so many other problematic media organisations but the NYT is one of the absolute best. There’s so much (profanity) trash media out there and to point at the NYT as some special problem child is ridiculous.
Anybody know if this is only $1 aus per week or do we pay exchange rates fees/ bank fees etc?
AUD4/month…no fees.
“will be automatically charged USAUD 4.00 every 28 days”, tho it appears as AUD on the banking app. Thanks OP. I’ve been reading the paper for a few months via a “spare browser” to get around the paywall but for a buck a week, I’ll happily pay
Not sure how this is considered a deal. They've had this promotion going for well over a year now.
I've got unlimited free access to NYT but a dollar a week is 100% more than I'd pay for some of the Australian BS "news" websites.
I don't read newspapers (what a waste of money). But when I saw that somewhere else a few days ago my first thought was, "I bet News Corp doesn't kiss labor's backside." So I looked it up and sure enough….
But kissing ScoMo's arse is okay with you?
It's not that they don't kiss the ALP's arse, it's that they're incredibly, blatantly biased toward the Coalition.
Versus all other media that kisses ALP/Greens arse?!
I've always found the Daily Telegraph to be good, even though I don't agree with everything they publish (ie. they don't always have a conservative bias IMHO)
Funnily enough the Telegraph is often hard to get, whereas there is always plenty of the SMH (leftist rag) on the shelf
Its such a shame that reporters are more activists than reporters now. No ethics, commitment to their profession or the truth.
@usernameinvalid: I find the SMH to be the most balanced. ABC is pretty good as well.
You know they are both good because all the right wingers call them leftist, and all the leftists call them right wing. They piss everyone off, so they must be doing something right.
@N11: You think Q&A is unbiased?! There is a reason why virtually no conservative will go on that panel - because they will never get a fair go.
Leftists really call ABC & SMH right wing?! I'm amazed - they must be real hard core marxists!
I still think you will find that both ABC and SMH are quite heavily left biased, but each to their own…
Wouldn't it be nice if we just got the news reported in the way it actually occurred rather than everything having a political slant put on it? Anything else is their opinion, which belongs in an opinion piece (not the news)!
@usernameinvalid: You just want unslanted news, you like the Daily Telegraph, and you think the SMH (Chaired by Peter Costello) is a 'leftist rag'? This wreckage, like Trump's America, is what Rupert Murdoch has done to our nations… turning the simple folk into his mindless army of nongs
@BigBirdy: Absolutely I want unslanted news! The problem, as I see it, is that hard-left are excellent at propaganda, who will say and do virtually anything to gain more power and push their hard-left ideology on the rest of us. What I'm saying is that I hate radical ideology. Conservatives are constrained by values, morals and a belief that Australia (and Australians) are essentially good. By their very definition conservatives tend to be more truthful.
Most so-called 'elites' are hard-left, even those in the liberal party - Costello is not a conservative!
Trumps America isn't doing too badly, admittedly he dropped the ball on the virus. On the up side he has brokered a peace deal in the middle east (something Obama never managed), and pre-virus created a lot of jobs including for minorities. Of course they had riots, but that's a hard-left thing isn't it?! The few hard-right involved in rioting deserve jail just like the hard-left btw.
So, anyone who disagrees with you is a simple, mindless nong? Isn't it interesting how the hard-left always descend into name calling, yelling, and violence to shut people down who disagree with them.
@usernameinvalid: Or maybe you know conservatives can't face tough questions and give a good answer?
@Cozzie: Or the ABC stack their audience and panel with hard-left people, bring in a token conservative and destroy the poor person anyway they can. Thereby making sure the 'correct' ABC view is presented to Australia
Conservatives have plenty of answers, the hard-left just aren't interested in them and would rather deride us and our ideas. They'd rather radically remake Australia and other Western countries in their own warped ideology.
Isn't it interesting how society started going down the toilet, just as the hard-left started gaining power.
Very biased news outlet, whilst they often do do their own investigative journalism, more so than others, it is very skewed to one side and often does not report on all the events the public should know about…
I hope no one reads just one media source. Pick 3 or 4 global sources and get a mix. If a story is reported by the NYT and an international competing outlet can’t disprove it, it’s most likely accurate.
Why would I pay to get brainwash by a leftist media?
Especially when there’s plenty of places you can get free right wing conspiracies
I get all my information from Facebook. It’s free and confirms my delusions.
For those not familiar, MediaBiasFactCheck.com is a resource available to educate the public on media bias and deceptive news practices.
Personally, I always do a quick search on the website when I come across a new media source, gives me an quick overview of the factuality and bias of the organisation. If it’s an organisation that simply has low factual reporting (#fakenews), I wouldn’t waste my time on it. If the organisation is mostly factually correct, I will check the bias level and keep that in mind when reading/listening to the media.
Eg: the New York Times: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-times/
A common quote when referring to news is:
If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
But I feel like we can avoid that by being vigilant and more aware. Of course, MediaBiasFactCheck is just one organisation, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to cross check with other sources.
From MediaBiasFactCheck
Factual Reporting:
New York Times - High (2nd highest rating)
The Australian & The Daily Telegraph - Mixed (4th highest rating of 6)
Failing NY Times
Be careful as the subscription bumps up to the standard price at the end of the promo period (I think $4per week billed monthly). Cancellation policy is a joke - you have to call a toll free number (between 10pm and 1pm) and then sit on hold for 5-10 minutes before talking to operator number 1 who tries to resell you on the promo period. If you still want to cancel it’s another transfer to operator number 2 (a 5 min wait this time) before ending it after a few questions. Good journalism but the cancellation run around left a sour taste in my mouth.
I’ve subscribed for a few years. I set a calendar entry for 12 months, and when it comes around I login and use the online chat. I say I’d like to cancel and they offer to continue the $1/week. In the most recent case, they asked why I wanted to cancel and I said too expensive. They offered me $0.50/week, which I’m now on. The price is AUD.
Just a word of warming the only way to cancel the subscription is a phone call (1800 number)
Online chat works
Or subscribe via Paypal and just remove the auto renewal. The NYT unsubscribe process is ridiculous.
yep, that's what I did after a few attempts on chat
I don’t agree with everything they print but most of their coverage is very good, particularly if you follow US politics.
I’m always surprised when I see people say how bias insert news media here is. Every news source is biased to some extent, it’s just that some are worse than others. And for $4 a month, NYT is pretty damn good.
Also, if anyone's interested, they do offer a student discount that I have been using which is only $2 a month, I can't remember if it goes up after a year or so though.
Wouldn't read this garbage even if you paid me. What was once a respectable news outlet many years ago is now bottom tier fake news.
Is that you Donald? Despite your clearly uniformed opinion, NYT is still one of the most accurate news reporting sites around.
Got it just for the crosswords
Isn’t the crosswords (and their other games) an extra subscription ?
Yep. Unfortunately crosswords is extra.
In a highly divided America, the media are all seen as either pro or anti Trump. There is no middle ground. The NYT holds Trump to account, so Trump and his supporters attack it. The NYT also hold Biden to account, but you don’t hear much about that.
Fake News
I personally think their journalism is world class
Mike King of "The Anti-New York Times" has a different opinion.Paying money for the New Woke Times 😂
Thanks but no deal.
No deal - they make it too (profanity) hard to unsubscribe!
There's a link in your online account settings that says 'cancel subscription'. How hard is that ?
right. I guess you've never tried going down that path, have you?
Its $0.50 aud per month ($2 aud/ 4-weekly) for students.
50c per month? Is that a special deal for maths students?
Oops. About to say $0.50 per week. :)
bwtter than the Bezos deal at the washington post?