This was posted 4 years 4 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Escape from Tarkov - 25% off All Editions E.g. Standard Edition $39.28 USD (~ $55.10 AUD) - Battlestate Games


To celebrate Battlestate's birthday they are giving all editions of this great game at 25% off for one day only. This is a great deal as this game doesn't go on sale too often. Standard Edition is all you need to fully experience this game and if you've been thinking of getting it now is a great time. I think this is the cheapest it's been. I may have got somethings wrong with this deal so if I have just comment and I'll update it.

Also the price is slightly different depending on the type of payment you use.

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Escape From Tarkov
Escape From Tarkov

closed Comments

  • +4

    I think some old comments about payment from this expired deal ( may apply here

  • Suka!

    • zhopa!

  • +4

    Game is easy once you learn how to play but that takes a long time. My first 8 hours were brutal, probably the least enjoyable game I've ever played.

    • Things open up at level 12.

  • Just brought this monday for $77…blyat

    • nezachot

    • Where'd you bring it from?

  • Good price but that netcode…

  • Hard game to play but fun when you shoot people and loot them. Very tactical game and you die easy

    Theres no refund once you buy it because the devs dont want to deal with it

    • "Theres no refund once you buy it because the devs dont want to deal with it"
      Makes no sense.

      • yea its dumb but you have to really be keen on it to buy it. is early stages but its fun once you get into it. either fun or shit depending on your run

    • woman? that's so backwards! I am waiting for every game out there go non-binary and allow any gender imaginable

      • Or you could just play Cyberpunk?

        I don't think it's much to ask to represent a very common series of body types, and their 4 year stance on not doing it reflects a view backwards world view, no matter how they slice it up.

        Women are in the armed forces in combat roles, they've had enough time and success to reflect that appropriately.

        You're likely alienating 40% of all potential customers.

    • How dare you assume a SCAV's gender!

      Davay-davay-davay!!!! Sukaaa!!!

    • +4

      who cares? just play the game lol. why bring politics into video games

      • -3

        Women are politics? Do you even understand what the word means?

        If you mean it's a political issue in a sense of a struggle between the classes and their ideological clashes then technically, yes, but then technically your argument is delusional and has no basis in reality.

        Imagine your sister, cousin or niece logging into the game and finding there's no personal fantasy or connection for them aside from sitting on the sidelines… kinda dumb when you think about it… no?

        That's all I'm saying, and their excuses are flimsy.

        • +2

          but its been a male dominant hobby since the beginning. i dont really think you should be basing what games you play because of something so silly as not having women in the game. games are meant to be enjoyed. play them or find another hobby.

          • -5

            @HKS: Mate, I just play other games. The fact that you think that women don't play games just affirms how delusional you are.

            Women don't play these types of games (at least openly/visibly) because of how dumb opinions like this that have impacted the culture and community of them, and the kinds of violent creeps they'll let roam around unchecked.

            I've been playing games far longer than you probably have, and I can guarantee your opinion is entirely dumb and unwarranted in a wider societal and industry context.

            If you want to stay on your tiny little island of ignorance, good luck with your ever evaporating patch of earth. I'll leave it at that.

            • +2

              @jasswolf: Calm down white knight, that fedora of yours seems to be restricting the blood flow to your brain and I don't think any e-maidens are noticing the valiant defense of femininity you've just mounted.

              Women by and large don't play hardcore military simulators because women by and large are not interested in hardcore military simulators and statistically play videogames far less than men of all ages; the same way men by and large are not interested in 50 Shades of Grey or The Handmaid's Tale.

              It's not rocket science to understand; every content creator in entertainment media designates a target audience for their content and caters to their perceived interests and tastes in order to secure their patronage. It in the grown-up world it's called marketing.

              A small Russian developer doesn't have the time nor resources to worry about capturing the all-inclusive, intersectional, genderfluid, non-binary, LGBTQI+1XYZwhateveritisnow demographic because they need to turn a profit, without which their entire venture and the lives of everyone involved, goes down the toilet. If adding female playable characters actually improved the game significantly or greatly expanded the game play, then perhaps your argument would be remotely valid, however it would literally serve only to silence the hordes of gender-obsessed lunatics out there.

              People aren't making videogames to virtue-signal and quell the screeching of the hysterically-outraged SJWs and foaming-at-the-mouth leftists of the Western world; it's a profit-driven industry like anything else and there is only so much attention that can be devoted to absolutely inconsequential and trivial aspects of their product that only the most vocal minority of anal-retentive, professionally-outraged critics will actually notice.

              Here's a Simpsons reference that might be a more relatable way of explaining this to you.

              It's like you've just noticed this phenomenon of a lack of female playable characters in the FPS genre, when historically and up to the present day, most FPS games have lacked them and no one really has ever really given that much of a sh*t (except for trash gaming journalists) since women are not the ones playing these games.

              If that's so much of a problem in your deeply jaded eyes, then there should be entire unions of garbage men, sewage workers, construction labourers, firefighters, lumberjacks, roofing workers, law enforcement officers, steel workers and all of the difficult, dangerous and dirty professions that women don't care to demand equal representation in, because "muh soy genie" (read: I want equality of outcome, not opportunity); pushing for 50% female quotas in these roles. But of course, that would demand that the feminist movement drop the insane hypocrisy they embody by wanting all of the benefits of equality without true equal treatment in the eyes of society and the law.

              Also your assertion that women are significantly represented in front-line combat roles in any armed forces in the world and haven't had issues performing to the same standards as their male counterparts or integrating well into mixed units is laughable. Those countries with any more than a token amount of mixed gender combat divisions/battalions are countries that don't go to war very often and that have had to drop their physical fitness standards for female recruits considerably just to get more than a trickle of them to qualify for those roles.

              The IDF had one of the most comprehensive experiments involving the formation of mixed-gender infantry battalions that were actually deployed to high-risk combat situations and found it to be such a logistical, psychological and operational nightmare, as well as political minefield, that they then decided not to deliberately deploy mixed gender battalions to active-duty, frontline situations with a high risk of injury or death and instead use them largely as border guards.

              I can guarantee your opinion is entirely dumb and unwarranted in a wider societal and industry context.

              If you want to stay on your tiny little island of ignorance, good luck with your ever evaporating patch of earth. I'll leave it at that.


              Bloody hell, did you forget your SSRIs and soy latte today? You give the impression that you were trembling with sweat-fuelled rage as you typed that.

              The user you're replying to didn't even imply nor hint at any of the far-flung conclusions or assumptions you made, yet you took it upon yourself to concoct this entire fantasy of chauvinistic outrage against "muh ladies" so you can have that dopamine fix from spouting off contrived diatribes lifted straight from the pages of Germaine Greer at other people you condescendingly brow-beat with your "holier-than-thou" attitude of being some kind of arbiter of righteous adherence to political correctness.

              Try taking a break from Reddit and other internet cesspools of pseudo-intellectual wankery and come back to the real world, where most women have never heard of Escape from Tarkov, let alone are upset by the fact that they can't select a female character to play as because they're really excited about the upcoming addition of the AN-94 to the weapons inventory and want to be able to accessorise and style their female character to match the furniture on the AN-94.

              • -3

                @Miami Mall Alien:

                Calm down white knight

                You literally wrote a thesis… I'm not even going to read it.

                  • @Miami Mall Alien: So, I wound up skimming it, and here's some notes:

                    • Women by and large don't play game or genre X through a combination of psychosocial factors, of which them being a woman is a foot note, and how they are treated (and made to feel) as a woman is far more relevant

                    • Rocket science pales in complexity when compared to neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, of which both gender identity and sexuality falls almost exclusively fall under, which makes your display picture laughably ironic (along with the man himself)

                    • Market dynamics are dictated by the socioeconomic impact of these psychosocial factors, but in what was a nascent video games industry until the mid 2000s, suffering from the same issue the scientific community once was (and sadly all too often, still is), the wrong sentiment was upheld… that is slowly being unwound

                    • the revenue they have made from Tarkov, despite being nothing like what they could make if they took the public seriously, is substantial enough for them not to be a small, poor developer any more; there have been concurrent player counts at 200k in the past

                    • I didn't ask for gender fluidity - which you wouldn't really be able to represent in a character model anyway - I asked for 50% of the world's population to be reasonably represented, and I doubt that would hurt their revenue modelling at all, merely their own ideologies and masculinity, it seems

                    • ok there's a bunch of insults, pejoratives and rants for a stretch here, scrolling through

                    • I'm not new to presenting or hearing these arguments, I just haven't seen many Tarkov deals on this website

                    • You've gone on some tear here about how women still don't bother much with physical labour and aren't as inherently competent at it, and you might actually have some reasonable data and points there, but at no point was I seeking automatic equal representation, merely social equity and equal right to the most basic level of opportunity, which is being denied in this instance, and has been historically denied and culturally frowned upon for so long that it has actually impacted people from access and upskilling at the same pace. If you can't recognise that, and how insanely aggressive rants like this further compound that, I don't know what to tell you.

                    • and then you rounded this all out with the assertion that women are superficial and unfocussed on the elements of the game that make it fresh and unique (at least in your eyes); that's a huge series of assumptions, and your opinion of what makes the game fun is also subjective, so it'd serve you well to take that into account when opining in the future.

                    The reason why most people about face to the kind of responses you've given here is because they recognise your radical viewpoint as being so detached from reality that they don't have the time and/or the clinical experience to assist you with it.

                    I implore you to step away from your social and professional circles that are making you feel as though your assertions are iron-clad and valuable, and seek out robust alternative viewpoints to see what they have to offer of merit. You won't align with every ideological school of though you meet perfectly (no one does), but you might find some pieces you can take along the way, instead of letting fits of rage colour your capacity to expand your analysis and rhetoric.

                    Good luck on your journey in life, I hope you find kindness in this world and spread that kindness to others!

  • +3

    You also get a free gift in game for a limited time. Around 2 mil worth of coins, p90, ammo galore, armour and a dog tags case. It's a pretty darn good boost especially if you're brand new.

    Also join the oce tarkov discord group. It's a pretty active and sizable community with sherpas willing to help new players and a great way to organise group sessions if you've had enough of solo play.

    • From reading bits and pieces online, there seem to be server wipes which occasionally occur. Does that affect the freebies?

      • Yes and no. The xmas gift gets wiped when they give a new one. The mid year random ones disappear at the developers whims, sometimes at the beginning of a new wipe and sometimes not.

        • +1

          This is true. Also, you will more than likely lose any items of value if you die as they will either be too damaged to continue using, or another player will take them and sell/use them. The gifts are nice but I'd try not getting too attached to any of your in game possessions.

      • Yes if a wipe occurs you lose everything.

  • +5

    Escape from Inventory Management Simulator

  • IMO the only thing this game has going for it is the attention to detail when it comes to weapons. I bought this years ago it and it feels like it hasn't come very far since then. Super janky.

    • +2

      I disagree. They could remove half the weapon mods and people would still play it. There is no other shooter on the market that induces the tension and hones the risk-reward gameplay like Tarkov does. It has an old school feel to it that games in the early 2000s had but I can see why people dismiss it. It has its issues but the fundamental gameplay is an absolute winner. The only game that comes close was peak 2018 PUBG. Today's games are all about instant gratification and wide appeal where your dad can play and rack up a 3.1kd. And I'm glad Tarkov exists to remind us masochist out there that pain and pleasure can be an inch apart.

      • +1

        I hated PUBG so I think we just have far different tastes. I'm not really one of those instant gratification gamers when it comes to FPS. Like, I think the Battlefield series has gone way downhill after BF2, I enjoyed Red Orchestra and Squad, and Call of Duty hasn't done it for me in years.

        Tarkov, to me, just feels stagnant. I get that game development is a slow process but it doesn't feel like a lot has happened since 2017. I can't think of any feature they've added in the past 2 years that wowed me and the game still runs like rubbish (albeit less so). Movement still feels super weird and netcode feels consistently awful patch-to-patch. Scav AI is still bad. Maybe if they ever implement the STALKER-like interconnected zones I will change my mind. To be frank, I don't think they have the dev talent to pull off what the game was promised to be.

        Let me be clear, it's not that I dislike the concept of the game. I really don't. The pitch is good but the execution isn't. I agree with you that no other shooter on the market offers what Tarkov does. Games like Arma, Squad, and Hell Let Loose are fundamentally different experiences. But coming back to the game on occasion to check out new patches over the 2 years since I bought it and coming away each time with the same feeling of "this is cool but it feels janky as hell" is disheartening considering the price they're asking.

        For me it's a firm "can't recommend".

        • +1

          That's a fair assessment and to be honest I agree. Tarkov absolutely has its issues and I think the player base rides a very fine edge. The game is either for you or it's not. The jank is unbelievable. The sound issues are in another league. The net code is rage inducing. I've been killed in cover more times than what I'd accept in any other game. The lows are deep but God damn the highs are amazing. I'm in the camp of "enter at your own risk".

          • @nomoneynoproblems:

            "enter at your own risk".

            Yeah that makes sense. To be honest I could see myself enjoying the game a lot more if I had a group of friends who played the game but due to the issues I mentioned I'm not comfortable telling any of them to buy it and play with me, lol.

  • Highly recommend standard edition unless you're rich and don't give a F about paying more for the ultimate edition. You're able to upgrade ingame storage as you upgrade things in your game with Rubles, the games currency. It's a much needed money sink as time goes on and you get good at making money.

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