Not a bad price for Southern comfort.
Lightning deal, 1 per account, prime required.
Not a bad price for Southern comfort.
Lightning deal, 1 per account, prime required.
Only reason I don't buy Southern Comfort tbh but it's a decent price for those who drink it.
But soco is delicious…
I think he's implying if your buying bottom shelf, odds are your buying to get pissed not enjoy the flavour. And this won't get you as drunk as other options at the same price.
Yeah I don't understand the obsession with alcohol content. I buy drinks because I enjoy the taste/flavour not because of how drunk I can get. Each to his own
@LoungeLizard: It's the only legal high you can buy over the counter in this country, so it's no surprise it gets abused as such.
@Kill Joy: Not exactly, N20 cream charger bulbs can be bought over the counter.
@Jenbrook: From what I remember not as sociable though.
@LoungeLizard: Why not both? (I love sutho - super easy to drink good volumes straight, can get giggly in no time).
@LoungeLizard: If you're buying alcohol to enjoy taste/flavour and not to get drunk, you're doing it wrong.
@LoungeLizard: The lower the alcohol content the less tax the seller pays so the price of the booze should come down commensurately.
@shaybisc: commensurately - that's my word of the day, thanks!
And it's 30% alcohol which is less than 40% we generally see in other ones.
Oh I personally just prefer something a bit stronger. More woody + tabacco flavour. KillJoy is also right. If I'm looking to get pissed this ain't it either
Wild Turkey is the best value at the moment, $37 at Dans and $38 on Amazon. Nice drop for the price, prefer it over Makers Mark. Pairs nicely with a cigar.
@nubzy: 43% alcohol is nice
Southern comfort and lemonade! Try it
My go to almost everywhere. Absolutely delicious haha.
thanks op got one.
Great drink for girls of both genders.
Wouldn't be an alcohol deal without someone trashing someone else's choice of drink.
What's that's supposed to mean?
Even better deal if you can take advantage of the cashback
You have already claimed this deal.
I've never drunk it. Used to be Janis Joplin's drink of choice but other than her the only people I know who drink it was my brother and his mates when they were 17 year olds.
expired? I can't get at that price.. yes prime member..
showing as $35 for me, Prime member
Same here
Same, bummer
Did you know SC is a peach liqueur.
I thought it was medicine liquer